Worded it badly.
Kind of what I meant. You’re saying theres too much talt, right? So they should add stuff thats a little bit more valuable then talt?
Worded it badly.
Kind of what I meant. You’re saying theres too much talt, right? So they should add stuff thats a little bit more valuable then talt?
but there is already. Zircon/ruby/opal etc is all in the cubes already the chances are just astonishingly low. On all my rolls (over 300 so far) I got 1 opal.
Oh, well then increase chances.
Should probably edit that into OP to give a purpose to this thread, rather then just come across as the usual complaining thread.
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who decided that? You are gambling. And casino always wins.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” © A. Einstein
Gambling is akin to stupidity.
Your post shows that you have no idea about gambling. Get into the habit to not talk about things you have no clue about.
To give you a glimpse: You just called every entrepreneur - including your boss stupid.
I don’t my threads to be convoluted by empty phrases.
So I ask you kindly to remove yourself from my threads and find other topics to fill with your emptiness of words.
really? you’re the one crying because you’re voluntarily throwing good money after bad.
3m/day times how many days?
or… i dunno… just move on without it. in the next level bracket random trash drops will be stronger than that gear anyway.
when you are gambling, the House ALWAYS wins in the end.
you’re acting like it’s just literally impossible to go on without this item, whatever it is… and yet… people have ALREADY moved on past the dungeon.
are you trying to claim that you’re the only one whose luck is this bad?
My luck is not bad or good, which is the point. It is simply statistically unlikely to get whatever drop you seek for yourself in a reasonable timeframe.
Getting arde on average (if 5% is true) would be 20 runs or 7 days. So you keep moving on and moving on etc etc and then you find yourself 100+ levels later with largely the same gear.
And there is no more moving on for me. Venom/Karacha is the highest tier piece you can get in that slot. Karacha I could get since dullahan is farmable, but I want Venom for my team. I am also looking for an additional Aias and stuff. I don’t know how it is for Klaipeda guys, but on femidian you see an aias going for sale every coule of DAYS and then of course people jump on it - maybe you aren’t around or the price is just unreasonable.
Ultimately when almost everything you wear comes from the market you should notice something is not working properly. Now you shouldn’t be self-sufficent easily either - this goes without saying, but allowing a system that will leave people for days without any drop is not something the western system likes a lot.
See rolling is not as much gambling as it is killing the boss again on the press of a button. You are saving time so of course I am willing to pay silver for it, but currently you are talking about roughly half a year of doing a dungeon everyday (without rolling) to get the item you want. That is not acceptable. Not for something that is gated behind lockouts.
This implementation is lazy, they can shift the dungeon drops to less desirable, but still good items that come in bigger quantity and leave the kickass things to worldbosses instead of giving them the same lootable.
Updated with a couple of stats so people understand the problem more clearly.
in a grinding game “reasonable timeframe” for a good drop is usually a month or more. We are only 2 weeks in.
Games are designed to keep players playing as long as possible. If you get items too fast you’ll run out of things to do very soon.
The system is designed to flush items out of the system via upgrading. Also what is the reason to block a random lvl 120 sword that will be replaced 2-3 days later behind a couple of months grind?
Its equipment special stats that matter and sometimes its better to upgrade older gear than to blindly hit next gear tier.
Yes nizidr thank you for pointing out the obvious.
What is the difference betwee Maga 2h sword recipe drop and Maga Mace recipe?
In terms of rarity: None
In terms of dropchance: None
In terms of desireability: Massive
Which adds to the problem. You cannot take a drop and trade it. It has to be a good one and those are yet even rarer making the average of farming a single desireable item for yourself to about a month.
This ■■■■ is not gonna fly well, since we aren’t talking complete endgame stuff, but normal stuff while leveling. This leads to funny stuff like petamion recipe being worth 4 times what the max petamion is worth. Rarity on both is the same, but nobody wants to do the 130…
The dominant strategy for your gear progression should not be to not roll period.
yawn, people are 260++ with leveling whites and never farmed any dungeons, you want to min max when you are not even ready for it.
There is 3 paths in this game, PVP, World Boss, Earth Tower. 90% of players gonna have a real bad time when they find out their build sucks for ET. Earth Tower isnt meant to be beaten this week the koreans havent even beta it yet.
As for pardoners making a million a day i call BS on that anyways. We have a pardoner in our group and he sells some of the cheapest buffs on klap at 1k per. He doesnt even make 200k a day.
This game is made to be min maxed over mths not weeks. Everyone rushing to get BiS gear is going to absolutely screw it up when they have spent all their money on it and messed it up to find out they have to reroll for ET and now have a toon full of busted potential items.
TLDR you dont need to min max now or anywhere close to now yet. How is your progression halted in any way shape or form.
I hardly care about leveling - I care about my gear being ready for my ET char. So I hold one char at 190 dungeon, one at 175 and the third at 130 for the dungeons.
I don’t really care what your pardoner makes on klaipeda with 300 other pardoners. The 4-5 pardoners on femidian are making good coin especially since other pardoners are pressured with price wars should they deviate from the accepted price.
Look right your entire argument doesnt make sense and reeks of i bought silver and gambled it on cubes and didnt get what i want.
If you have “MILLIONS” tied up in the market on items then just bloody save it till what you want pops up.
Just giving IMC a chance to fix their system before players will inevitably start to tear them a new one or quit
system is fine, this isnt wow there isnt welfare epics and you are not guarenteed to get your item, EVER. You might just have to trade for it and thems the breaks.
This is korean Grinders and this is how things have been done forever.
unless option B:
more players = more drops in general = more things go on market.
Yeah of course as stated with a huge server this problem would be solved. So I kinda get that klaipeda people draw a different picture, when I look here and see 1x aias going for sale within 48 hours, no venom so far, a single mana-mana then I start worrying.
So if this system stays as it is F2P player join they will still lack the sense of gear progression and get bored and quit.
You might not care and be happy with 2000 concurrent users in a couple of weeks, but I can only suggest to grab your dictionaries. When the merges come english won’t suffice anymore - huehue