Edit: With a little more time on hand I can structure it a bit better:
Two Problems:
- If you keep rolling on every cube right now the AH will hold too much of your money.
On hunting days I roll for 2-3 mil per day, in the rare case I get something the AH gobbles up millions that come two full days after selling.
I can only do this because of the pardoner class. Talking to non-crafters they struggle hard to even roll at all.
Bottom line is that it is actually a silver loss to roll on any cube over waiting and buying it from the market.
You can do the math for it, but the bottom line will stand.
- Trying to loot a specific item doesn’t work in dungeons. Closing in on 20 runs on the 190 dungeon with full rolling. Still didn’t get the item I wanted and it halted my progression. I want an item for my team to pass it around and I already abandoned the item I wanted out of the 175 dungeon for progressions sake.
I don’t have anything against a grinder, but on smaller markets like femidian it becomes problematic. It is typical for people to go 5+ days without any form of loot while rolling and that makes dungeons simply boring as ■■■■.
Equipment is an important pillar for your sense of progression. When you breached level 200 days ago and still run around in the same gear for roughly 100 levels… you get the point.
For non-token players or newer players without silver it will be even worse.
I am closing in on 20 runs with complete rolling so I am making 3 runs out of 1. That means playing without rolling after 60 days I would still have dipshit.
Edit: Since this will pop up anyway:
How to roll 2-3 mil per day
190 dungeon = 12x 60k (2 boss cubes at 60k per reroll) = 720k
Later worldbosses = 100k per reroll. Kill a couple of those and reroll and silver going for rolling hits the fan quickly.
Updated Statistics so I can provide you guys an outlet:
I have run the 190 dungeon for 41 or 44 times now. I rolled everytime so I simulated doing the dungeon straight for 41*3 days or in other words: 120ish days everyday 3 times.
The item I seek was still not there - if that alone doesn’t convince you that this is a poor game design even for a grinder, then I don’t know what to say. Remember that things 240 and upwards CANNOT be traded. So saying buy XYZ might be okay for lower stuff, but for higher stuff you will run into exactly this problem on every char.