Tree of Savior Forum

Corsair C3 PvP videos [Fedimian]

I will be posting to my channel from time to time. Making a video drops my fps hard. But if you’re interested in how’s Corsair c3 in PvP - you’re welcome.

Plus more where it came from.

Check out the newer stuff, it’s better! I’ll be posting with each channel update.



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Yea, I really hope that block penetration from my 500 str will kick in at some point…

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Nice, thank you. I’ve subscribed

Do we have Pistol buffed right now? Many times I land a hook and just can’t reach the enemies or can’t finish them and I feel Pistol Shot could make some difference. I’m seriously considering C3 if Dragoon c2 isn’t that good.

We don’t have the buff yet. We’re still behind couple of weeks :stuck_out_tongue:

Well DR2 as I understood will also have some range + MUCH more dmg in PvE or if you pull a full rotation into a hook, so it’s up to you.

I mostly feel I WANNA BE SHINOBI FOR INVIS, surprisingly.

Hook+Stride is one of the scariest bread and butter CC to gap closer in any swordie build, Cata’s Trot+Impale works too, blitz in, grab a guy, throw him into the mercy of your group’s skills.

Too bad it throws target away from you when you land.

All but those pesky full-dex guys :smiling_imp:

Added two new vids:


Three more vids today, some good stuff.

Note this marks the change in Block Penetration. It is now boosted by 500 STR that I have.


@STAFF_Max @GM_Francis @GM_Sebastian

Sadhu sad layf, at least his char’s spirit got back to it’s body, his teammates on the other hand…

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How come you barely miss?

I still miss enough for sissels to proc.

As I said, 15 invested into dex, two sissels ))

woah thanks to your video, I can now dash with mouse. I kept wondering how you did it seeing that you must be using mouse for those hook hahaha.

I use middle mouse button for hook, and I generally sprint with double-tap wasd, like everyone else. I only recently learned you can even sprint with double click ))

wait what you sprint with wasd? i tried it and felt awkward so I thought you were double tapping mouse. seriously it looked natural when you sprint so I though you used mouse

I almost never use mouse for movement at all, certainly not in PvP. Only when I’m too lazy to play with both hands xD Guess after 1000+ hrs in-game it’s all kinda natural xD

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