Tree of Savior Forum

Corsair C3 PvP videos [Fedimian]

Just something to keep you hooked up while I’m working and can’t participate due to timezone. Here goes all the PvP rating…

There was also some manticen damage test video I did for lulz, I’ll upload it if I find it. Manticen being the universal training dummy xD


You keep making me want to go c3 and shoot people in the face :sweat:


do you use mouse for aiming? how come i can’t see your mouse cursor at all?

Yes, I only play mousemode. Cursor is never saved with video, it’s always like that.

Did I mention I played 2 years of Ragnarok Online solely as a Gunslinger? That should make my class choice more obvious. I like classes with guns. If they ever release a mainhand pistol archer class, I’m rerolling.

Also in process of levelling either a Arch2-Rang1-Scout1-Rogue2-Musketeer1 or Rogue1-Falc1-Cannon1. I guess first one would be superior in PvP and can backstab in PvE, second one also still playable in PvP, but with a vastly superior PvE and ET-compatibility. I’m really stalled right now because I don’t know what to choose. I like the whole concept of the first char, but second one will just outgear it in time… And with the first one, I will, AGAIN (I mean Corsair) be cut off from PvE content, because a char with little to none AoE…

If I were you, I rolled a non-swordie too, u know why.

Dude you frikken rock keep the videos coming!!

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I played RO only in the beginning, when lvl cap was 99. I played a Blacksmith because I liked stunning people, having high HP and throwing money on their faces (Mammonite, IIRC). Pistol reminds me back then, when someone would get close to me but couldn’t kill me due CC and high HP. Hooking someone and shooting them feels the same. It’s not really about the pistol (although I love the sound of Musketeers skills).

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i see.


So I woke up at 5 am today and that allowed for PvP (still working). Four new videos today. Same faces at 5 am, all the time xD

PS. MoonProject, you’re officially worst archer EU. Not only you are useless (in all games I played with you you did nothing), but you also go AFK if setup doesn’t seem favorable. Shame.

I may be taking a PvP-break at work today tho. Idk yet, will see how it goes. Have a nice one!


Some good stuff in the first video. Made me sweat a little.


Does iron hook still have tendency to cancel on mouse mode? It’s been months since my last gameplay on corsair. O man that first video was preety good. Does maga spear retain its anti medium properties on BTL?

It never cancelled on mousemode for me unless my game was still thinking I was clicking the ground and it moved me. This bug happens quite often but only once in PvP so far thx god.

Anti-medium doesn’t work in any kind of PvP sadly. It’s purely a PvE modifier.

Ah damn it lmao. I must be bad or it was before on 20+ vs 20+ open world gvg lag.

I think someone mentioned the same bug to me, it’s just that I havent experienced it. There are more ways to counter hook than I thought tho. Not sure if I’ll continue with this build or not, still too lazy to grind through the second char.

Such as? So far, only AoE spells force me to move away. Anything else I can just hold C and dodge/block.

Yeah for sure for sure. It shines though if you got cover and got people know how to finish. Might buy some sissels and try out corsair 3 actually lol.

Well that’s the point. You get into a Magnetic Force or a Frost Pillar and your character starts “walking”, which breaks hook. Also the warlock’s dark theurge - sometimes hook only affects souls, not the warlock himself. It’s practically a chance to resist hook, and quite a large one.

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Idk, I’ll probably take more dex and they will stop proccing that much. I’m losing a lot of damage in misses atm. Current stats were intended as PvE, and there sissels do really shine for me tho. I’m getting it procd on every 2-3 pack.

Hey, btw, next time I’m going to try Zega Spear in TBL. They say it still gives skill points. If that’s true, than Zega Spear is officially number 1 spear for PvP (or at least I don’t remember other ones at this point).

Too bad I would only be able to PvP next time on 10th, probably -_-

Here are some new vids btw:

UPD: Late night update: I’ve reset my stats. Next videos will be with new stats. Wonder if it would be for the best, but it should be. 31900 HP in PvE, atk went down around ~140, crit rate with maga spear 404 in PvE.


Anxious to see your new build in action man!! What were your stats prior if you don’t mind me asking?

I simply invested 22 more into dex and 31 more into con. Previously STR with Brandish and Max Peta was 527, with Maga Spear 503. I was losing much damage to misses nevermind the sissels buff (too unreliable for PvP) and felt that I wasn’t HEAVY NEEDS SANDWICH enough xD

My dmg will definitely go down a bit tho. Atm I’m queing (5:33 am) but there is simply no 5x5 on Fedimian lol.

UPD. Added a few vids. 2x2 is ROFL.