Tree of Savior Forum

[COMPLETE] SA Server Transfer Notice: May 3-4, 2016

Mine I play at 2560X1080 everything on MAX with 60fps…FPS just drop on full channel Cities and when I try to dash with swordman and try to open the map “M”.

I have just a GTX 750TI that is not too expensive and a I7 4700 and my computer can barely play The Witcher 3 on 1080p with everything low.

If You NEED so much higher fps I suggest You to low Your configs to the very low settings but try to keep high resolution.

Game may have problems with fps but it is nothing bad for PVE…since PVP áreas are propably instanced and very small compared to other maps i don’t think its gonna hurt anyone.

The thing is: A lot of people from Brazil applied for [SA] Server, but let something selling on the Market so there’s a delay of 48 hours to get it after sold. The reason people are complaining is that they didn’t know they would wait for 2 days to get the Silver on the Market and once we needed retrieve everything to transfer it may not be possible to transfer to [SA]. lol

sorry to shatter your dreams, but filling the game and forum with portuguese is indeed bad because only an avarage of 20% of the players understand it leaving the rest with an unknown languague, btw i’m a chilean and the serv is for south america it isn’t a “br” serv as you may wish, if we go by numbers everyone should be speaking spanish or chinease, the only 2 countries in the world that speak portuguese is brazil and portugal, and it isn’t so easy to learn as english.
if we apply that to this serv then the mandatory languague to use in this forum should be english so that everyone can understand what we or you are saying.


Brazilians have been trying to solve Brazilian’s problems and not yours or americans in general.

English is the mandatory global language most spoken across the world…its officially the international acknowledged language.

I need to remember You that You are answering to the answer that was wrongly posted here in portuguese and have nothing to do with the english and OFICIAL TOPIC created by @STAFF_Ines.

Your BR brain is so limited to give me this ¨%$¨%$ answer…“there are people from all the world”. You are brainless dude…i’m brazilian BTW.

I’m ashamed with this behavior of Yours.

There are people from other countries that want to read and get informed but if they only know English and tai they will not understand this $¨%$#%# of Yours…not that they need to read Your comments…but may be other comments more useful. That is what we call a community. People must have COMMON sense. And the COMMON SENSE HERE TELLS US TO USE A SINGLE AND MOST COMMON LANGUAGE WHICH IS THE ENGLISH ONE.

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Where have you read we must write in English in this forum dude? You care about something useless. Who are you to talk to me like this? :slight_smile: There’s a lot of people writing in Portuguese above your messages. Fica de boa BR metido.

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I would just ignore .

That’s the problem . if i speak in portuguese you guys feel the need to understand what i am saying. and get mad for not understand it.

Just ignore.

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I came here to read the forum…them i start to see BRs making what BRs do…and got so pissed off…full of Portuguese comments…that is so sad. Them they want to attack Chile Bolivia claiming that Brazilians are best or whatever something like that…they think they are on Facebook…even on Facebook so many groups have INSTABANHAMMER for non English posts.

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That is an international and official forum. If You are not happy with english You can create and BR forum or try to open a ticket and ask for a BR section for “special” people like You.

yeap…who am I? Trying to teach class and respect to a donkey.

@sergio_nightwolfx3 same to You.

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Paga tanto pau pra gringo e escreve a maioria das coisas errado em inglês… Vai entender um “ser” desses.


Se achando o translator digitando “área”. Vá caçar o que fazer cara. Aqui os brasileiros vão falar em inglês e português, se você está se incomodando, você que faça o que VOCÊ QUISER, não queira dar lição de moral e muito menos dar as regras, uma vez que você não é NADA nesse fórum. :slight_smile:


Isso ai, quem é esse loco na fila do pão mesmo em?!


What? When did I even name SEA servers?

I only said the potential amount of players trasfering to the SA server (new server) could be the same or more than the amount transfered in the last migration (To already stablished servers), because of the reasons metioned before.

I know that 24h is a lot, I never said that I was ok with it, just stated that there was no reason to had belived that the servers would be down less time than the one before (not to mention that they are releasing a new server too).

Did you even read what was wrote? or just noticed that someone replied, so you went into a mumble jumble trying to sound smart and impress? Because you wrote nothing really related to what I said…

Google disagrees.

Wrong, you are reading about native speakers, english is the most common language if you count all languages those people can understand.

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Essa parada é muito louca
Eu nem tava sabendo, mas comecei a acompanhar mais as comunidades e fiquei sabendo desse negocio de FPS e otimização.

Mas o engraçado é que eu jogo em um laptop que não é nada top, e to sempre por volta dos 50fps, as vzs 60, já cheguei a 65fps

Isso me da curiosidade de saber qual a configuração da galera que ta rodando em 15~30fps

8 GB DDR3 (1600 MHZ)

30~40 fps here

Cara, nao foi negligência…
Não tem mais liberado no site a opção de transferência de server, esse é o problema. No dia que eu entrei para fazer os procedimentos básicos de transferência, coincidentemente o meu ultimo item que estava a venda no market foi vendido bem na hora e eu tive que esperar mais dois dias para regastá-lo - o que acabou me ferrando, pois uma vez que você tem algum item no market, não é possível concluir o pedido de transferência. Eu simplesmente não tive culpa, estava fazendo muito merchant no market e não tive tempo de retirar tudo

Core 2 quad 2.66Ghz, 4Gb DDr2, Gtx 650. 50-60 fps, só na cidade que cai um pouco, também não entendo os cara com pc top travando tanto. :confused:

Não tem mais liberado no site a opção de transferência de server, esse é o problema. No dia que eu entrei para fazer os procedimentos básicos de transferência, coincidentemente o meu ultimo item que estava a venda no market foi vendido bem na hora e eu tive que esperar mais dois dias para regastá-lo - o que acabou me ferrando, pois uma vez que você tem algum item no market, não é possível concluir o pedido de transferência. Por favor, peço encarecidamente que leve meu caso em especial, eu comprei três pack’s de acesso de antecipado, trouxe quase dez amigos para o jogo (que também gastaram com pack’s e vão continuar gastando) e já estamos quase prontos para fazer nossa build, eu simplesmente não posso ficar isolado em outro servidor. Vocês precisam me ajudar, não quero ser obrigado a abandonar o jogo por causa de uma questão de 5 horas (que foi o tempo que o meu silver no market demorou “a mais” do que o prazo que vocês estipularam como limite máximo para a transferência, para ser liberado). Eu simplesmente não tive culpa, estava fazendo muito merchant no market e não tive tempo de retirar tudo