Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

how many points vashita Siddhi I put ? i’m cleric3 > sadhu3

indeed, thats smell fishy :open_mouth:

Thx all for your reply, mr. Asphidel is right, sadhu was mistake. Now only support, or money dealer as pardoner or, maybe oracl.:disappointed:

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I dont believe in back-tracking classes. Sadhu c1 at R5? Some will do it but no thanks.
Little point in deleting anything sicne you keep the Team EXP only if the character still exists. However, games structured so power is in later ranks so you get a lot of “lee-way” as far as still being able to contribute regardless of whatever the hell you pick.

Guys its me again!

First time with a no question reply xD

The thing is! After the nerf (no zalciai bonus on oob) i was pretty upset with building a sadhu.
But… i ignored all the bad replies and gonne for it! And guess what? IM IN LOVE with my sadhu!
Its true i have changed 70% of the gameplay style of it, since oob isnt your BIGGER move anymore.
But i can assure it, Sadhu is one of the most funny and cool class with a nice gameplay style.
Whatever i do, i can be good. I can do decent DPS on PVE and dungeons stuff, and i can be good at support and in PvP its really a baddass class, i can almost burst to the death anyone (no one can survive 2x zaibas + possession).

Lvl 220
Cleric > Krivis > Krivis > Sadhu > Sadhu > Cleric
8 Int 1 Con 1 SPR

For the last rank i still thinking about. Probably going for Kabbalist, since im aiming for PvP.

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Just in case no one has made it clear yet: If you cast OoB first and then cast Prana on someone, your OoB damage will not be reduced by the missing INT. OoB snapshots your stats when you cast it.


yeah hes rigth ur oob dmg will increase, i personnaly still find it pretty usless bcuz if u unsummon ur spirit or get hit the buff goes away, and transmits cd is pretty long. ur usually only in oob for a few seconds so the only time ur really benefiting from this is in long fights. which is only about 3% of ur time in game Q_Q, thats y i took druid c1 over c3 sadhu

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I am in OoB for a long time doing missions. Sometimes for as long as a complete boss fight :smiley:

Transmit Prana will be a incredible dmg increase!

yeah it will be a dps increase for longer fights, it wont be that good in solo Q_Q, once i get to rank 7, il probably not be using oob that much anymore bcuz ill have carniovry, possesion and incineration (which deals so much dmg, i saw i video on it)

That feel when you use Possession against a boss

But in seriousness I’m Sadhu 2 now. Feels good. Saved up points so I could immediately max Possession. I may alter my build to go Druid 1 or Kabbalist, so I may go Sadhu C3 for some extensive testing~

Haven’t quite decided but holy crap Possession is not to be messed with. Just need to be sure you add it with careful application and you wreck face.

Id feel that vashita would be the least used skill out of the sadhu skills. But if you were to get it. minimum of 3 to get that confuse attribute or 10+. I’d probably take a bit out of OOB and astral body.

If you’re a sadhu c3 can you test on the increase of damage that transmit prana to confirm that video? thaanks

ever since I got possession… I almost never need to cycle to oob… but the utility of it is really nice in case your possession gets cancelled

The problem is that instead of using that, I could simply become druid2 for lolz carnivory lvl11 with divine might, about 2000+matkx42 damage plus, use cure for 42 hits which scales with int and maybe pop by safety zone before hand and finish it with possession.

I’d yet to see any class that can dish out this much burst or aoe in this short amount of time… not to even mention that an INT cleric can basically do this with his pants pulled down naked and still deal decent damage.

Can’t say the same for other classes:triumph:

Orange Truffles a threat? Yeah right… 1 cure kills them and I’m only lvl 210.

Another interesting thing…

He proves that the INT buff of Thaum3 does not get the % bonus of rank on IToS… So have anyone tested Transmit Prana here to see if it does or does not get the bonus?

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Is the Bloodletting canseling OoB?

I’ve played with countless Plague Doctors, and I haven’t noticed any interruption to spells while bloodletting.

Out of Body as well?

As mentioned before, OoB is coded differently than channelings, maybe causing to be canceled when receiving dmg

And second question, is this posible using OoB while Transformed by druid skill?

Bloodleting does not count as “receveing damage”. You do not suffer damage, and do not stagger.

By this concept, BL will not cancel OoB

@guildtor no

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I think I 'll stop before reaching the rank 7 , the current options seem to be bad and without synergy for a sadhu rank 3 ,
I like the idea of kabbalist , but at the same time his skills look weak, and the plague doctor appears to be excellent but without synergy for me.
Maybe I should create another character, while waiting appear other options, as Shepherd for example.