Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

No problem! I definitely think the controller feels infinitely better than the keyboard in this game.

One word: xpadder.

Using a PS3 gamepad Iā€™ve got an unused key (the PS button) I dont need, so Iā€™ve placed an keyboard key on it to cast effigy without the need of the shoulderbuttons.

Does Transmit Prana gives 50% of your INT as in for example: you have 1000 INT and it gives 500 (lvl 5 transmit) and leaves you with 500 INT on your own?
Or it gives 50% of your int and your INT stays 1000?

take note that transmit has a cd, and that if u get hit or unsummon ur spirit the buff will be removed (unfortunately) that kept me from going c3 cuz i think druid woild be better

Your INT drops by 500 in that scenario.

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you loose what you give

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Just found this videoā€¦

Soooā€¦ Mackangdal is keeping OOB active even taking (or, in this case, not taking) the damage and knock backsā€¦ AND Fade is not reseting the boss, he explains that ā€œFade by itself does not trigger the reset. Attempting to reposition either via moving or pravriti does however cause the boss to reset.ā€ ā€¦ very interesting =D

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Throw a talisman to an ally that temporarily suppresses pain. The ally is invulnerable to any damage when the talisman is active, but receives the accumulated damage at once when the effect ends.

so mackangdal basically lets you ignore damage for 20 seconds
and then it hits you all at once right afterā€¦ scary thought.

well, this make me confuseā€¦
so, on that vid mack really can keep you safe from being cancel while on oobā€¦
how about posession or bwa? need more confirmation about thisā€¦

those fade doesnt reset the boss, maybe because fade has no effect on bossā€¦

Even without Mackangdal, knockbacks will not cancel OoB as long as it doesnā€™t do any damage I think.

An example would be Shardstatues at Spring Light Woods, their Gust skill causes knockback but it doesnā€™t cancel OoB. You can actually farm Wizard Bracelets pretty effectively because of this. At least this is how I farmed both of mine.


where do you farm wizard bracelets?

Shardstatues at Spring Light Wood.

on @texwill video, i think thats knock down not just knock backā€¦

Thank you for the replies, that just simply sukks thenā€¦ what a shameā€¦ Druid c2 it is then.

Im dissapoinded in sadhu a little bit. I have Cliric c2 Priest c2 and now sadhu C1 and lvl 175. And i donā€™t know what iā€™ll do in rank 6-7. The OOB damage is so small, and i dunno if C2 make sadhu more intresting. But basic question is be, or not to be sadhu c3, or better i shoose kabbalist or plag Doktor? Or maybe Sadhu c1 Druid c1c2?

Well, you shouldā€™ve went C2 Sadhu or bust.
I donā€™t think C2 Priest is that valuable besides revive and resu, their buffs doesnā€™t scale at all so late game they will matter little or nothing at all.

There really isnā€™t anything better besides Sadhu2 for cleric anyway if youā€™re going INT.

Possession simply blows Zaibas and whatever other skills the other classes offer before your sixth circle.

Trust me, flying mobs will drive you insane.

May I suggest a reroll in that case?

Unless you donā€™t have much time you can always resort to rerolling.

If not, then go 2 Druid for damage, or if you want to Possession (recommended) then go sadhu 2 druid 1.

That is if you want to be an offensive damage dealer support.

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What stat you have now?

4 int, 2 con, 1 spr i have now.

@narulight @Pearss @MixMix

So I just went and tested that, because that confuses me as well.

The result is even more confusing and actually reveals something interesting.

Mackangdal completely prevents OoB to be interrupted.

But at the same time, it doesnā€™t prevent charged skills to be interrupted. My Zombietrain gets canceled immediately after getting hit.


Yes. Whereā€™s the logic behind that? The answer is, OoB is mechanically working different and kinda ā€œfinishedā€ while channeling spells are not. The problem could be mackangdal as well. However, this is as inconsequent as the fact some magical attacks without knockback wont cancel your spells either. Itā€™s just ???

I think we need to consider all of these as unfinished until the devs get time to take care about it. Right now they are too busy.

Wanna read something funny?

Back then in cbt when charged skills couldnt be interrupted without a knockdown I experienced to occasionally getting stuck in the charged skill when I received a knockback with or without dmg. Stuck in the skill, causing you to relog - a gamebreaking bug.

Some weeks later, in one of the patchnotes then the note, bug that caused charged skills to get stuck was solved. And with that, every charged skill was now cancelable easily.

And yes, that caused the bug to be solved as well, since you get canceled, you canā€™t get stuck, right? And now about the funny part.

Try to use a channeling with these Gust birds. You will get stuck. Until something hits you.

I see what you did there IMC. >,>

And thats the state of today. I still need to check whether these birdos still cause the charged skills to break or not tho xD

Am I the only one who thinks that smells fishy? The whole charged skill cancelable thing, that is.

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Unfortunately, Sadhu and priest have 0 synergy. None of the priest buffs apply to sadhu. Priest buffs scale off of SPR while Sadhu scales entirely off of INT.

I dunno what your intent is with this character, but I would honestly recommend making this character a full support character of sorts since you already have cleric and priest 2. Basically, grab priest 3 followed by either plague doctor or chaplain (would have been better to get priest 3 instead of sadhu so you could get both), use sadhu as a ranged auto attack of sorts as filler when you canā€™t do other things?

If you were interested in being some kind of DPS you kinda missed the boat on that one and shouldnā€™t have grabbed priest 2 withought planning on going chaplain, and I recommend you re roll.