Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

It also works on your Out of Body soul thingy, letting you use 150% of your int for OoB attacks.

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5 OoB Sadhus. Have one buff the other, who then buffs the other…and then buffs another, and another then finally that final buffed person buffs their Spirit.
Then the Sadhu gets hit by a stray arrow and loses it all…


Oh, so it can be used on your clone, I see. I should really go and make sadhu build now.

Sadly Swell Brain does not function that way in ITOS. I recall it being stated in icbt2 that it functioned that way, from several sources, since we had the exploit that allowed players to become every class (I myself picked Necro that time around and white knighted against using the exploit, stupidly I guess lol). Whether this was a ninja nerf between versions or blatant misinformation idk, but either way, I was under the impression that is also how it had functioned (I have long since deleted one of my posts that also touted that old information).

Do you have swell brain already? I’m just levelling Thaum, but if swell brain won’t grant extra stats it’s a useless skill for me, and I will just go chrono3 instead on my 3 later ranks.

But I need to be sure it’s really useless, because It was a main focus of my build.

Because most of the other buffs do grant bonus skill points, and they definitely should. Otherwise all of those buffs would be useless later on. And if Swell Brain grants just 150 matk, then it’s a piece of trash, because Krivis Divine Stigma is more useful this way.

100% positive =(

Sec I’ll SS.



Kind of in-line with why I asked about the Thaum buff KTOS received. 20ish MATK isn’t much at all as a bonus balance for a C3 class. Especially when their final tier skill doesn’t bring as much to the table as expected. Was kind of hoping the buff was an attribute because as it is Swell Left is vastly superior as a team buff offering not only greater ATK values but benefiting both PATK and MATK characters whereas INT is very niche atm for a party.

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Oh, you have exactly the same build as me :slight_smile:.

Man, you really saved me from making a super dumb mistake.

But I’m so sad that it works this way. This way it’s so bad in comparsion to swell arm skills and costs 5 and 10 more times to max attribute. I feel like it must be a bug, because otherwise it makes no sense to me.

You may try to submit a ticket, I really want to hear what IMC thinks about this. In current state it makes no sense to get thaum3. Thank you very much for telling me this, I will probably just switch to chrono now for money making.

But man, it like broke my good mood for the next week, I think. Now I can throw half of my planned builds to the trash, since it seems that IMC changed how buffs work for iToS.

Because I’m pretty sure on kToS buffs work differently, at least I’ve read about it countless times.

Yeah sorry to be a downer lol If you like you can submit a ticket in regards to it; I feel like I pester them too much as it is here in the forums by calling on them to take decisive actions =P They probably hate me lol If you need you can even link your ticket back to this thread for proof if needed =P

Maybe someone who has a C3 Thaum in KTOS, or knows someone who does, can confirm for us here if Swell Brain over there does give the additional bonus points.

I won’t derail the thread further XD I’ll check back from time to time ITT hoping to hear word on more hidden classes. Really eager to learn if we are restricted to just one hidden election per build or if we can pick them all up in time o.o

Yeah, hidden classes would be nice to have.

Btw, I was planning feather+thaum3 build, even though it can’t use most of its skills in PvP, but I was hoping that at least that extremely high INT would compensate, so I can transpose and use melee skills +reversi instead.

But right now my build is completely screwed, it lost like 30% of its power at the moment when I knew about this nerf. And previously it was just as good as linker or chrono in my eyes. But right now they completely overshadow it.

In current state thaum3 has literally no use. Actually it was inferior to chrono even before the changes, why would they even change it…

I just immediately assumed the swell brain change was a % skill damage increase. Why is there even a debate on this? The numbers on it are so arbitrary and pointless if that isn’t the case.

This week’s update is quite intriguing!

  1. The registration fee and commission fee on selling Token in the market will be cancelled
  2. 13 maps of gap level (sorry I don’t know how to translate it. It is those levels where it gets hard to level up and one starts to fall behind the later maps’ levels) give 30% more EXP
  3. Companion’s EXP acquisition rate will be increased by 30%
  4. Job Change Quests of two thirds of classes will be easier
  5. The respawn time of small and medium monsters will be decreased (edited)
  6. More sub-quests will be added
  7. Skill balancing!
  8. Bug fixes
  9. One TP companion will be added
    -Every class is able to mount on it
    -With the companion, one’s Physical and Magical Defense is increased by 30 points
  10. Some premium packages will be on sell.
  11. Spring Costume and Hair for each type of class (Swordsman, Archer, Wizard, Cleric) will be added.

What type of companion is it? How does it look? When will it appear ingame? I want to see it!

There’s no picture of the new TP companion for now. We won’t know how it looks until the patch is implemented this Tuesday. But I am guessing it might be Panda or Coon, which have already showed their appearances on trailer before.

please be a peco peco mount



YES! I rly hoped they won’t miss that oppurtunity.
I hope it will be the alpaca. At least someone said once there was an Alpaca pet in the files too.

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I’m confused on the “Premium Companion” mount since it states “Ride is disabled during battle”.

Does this mean when a mob hits us, we are forced to walk? This gonna be annoying for a lot of maps ;A;

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Good to know. I wanted it to be something like that but…we will have to see if it is executed well.

Maybe it would be better if they would rather disable attacking while mounted.

This is nice I guess.

So you get more exp if you’re 13 levels below a map’s level. Neat, I guess?


Why? It’s not like any of them are hard…

THEY’RE LOW ENOUGH ALREADY. Do they WANT their maps to be devoid of monsters even when there’s 20 people needing them for quests? Jesus christ IMC.

This is fine. Better not be mob kill quests though, because, well, there’s no mobs to kill, see above.

Hooray, more changes it doesn’t seem like we’ll ever get /o/

Watch the swashbuckling fix we just got be in here. That’s not on KR yet.

TP mount, with stats? Useless stats, mind you, but stats nonetheless. This is gonna stir up some p2w drama.

google translate:
“Small / regeneration time is shorter in the medium-sized monsters are”. I think they are shortening respawn times for small monsters (probably, it is the same as medium on live)

Nope, the note says when you use skills during battle, you will dismount automatically. This is how the present mechanics works when, during mounting a companion, you use skills which can’t be used whilst mounting.

Plus I omitted the 11th patch note: Spring Costume and Hair for each type of class (Swordsman, Archer, Wizard, Cleric) will be added. (seems like the ones just added on iToS today)

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