Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

im going sadhuc2>druidc2bfor transform

Are you sure is this possible using OoB while Transformed by druid skill?

It’s NOT possible.

It was possible with controller mode on iCBT2 but it was a bug.

While transformed you can only use monster skills, not your own.

its not, but im not planning to be using oob that much later game as its not as good as the druid skills ill be getting. and i can do better if i transform into specific monsters

I think the big difference between Druid 2 vs Sadhu 3 PD/Kabbal/Druid is that Druid 2 is burstier, but it doesn’t affect flying targets?

Also, just did the math: Druid c2 gives you a lot more damage than Sadhu 3 > Druid c1 as it stands. Currently, Druid c2’s carnivory just has a ton of base damage. Also, transmit Prana has the downside of not scaling with your weapon or your base matk from levels.

The only progression that might give you more damage is Sadhu 3 > PD, but PD’s incinerate is severely hampered by Prana’s reduction of INT on your body.

Soooo. Yeah, idk. I’m kind of on the fence about what to go with that char. I think I might get up to Sadhu c2 and then just focus on my Paladin for a while :confused:


Biggest difference is the second invuln…

Man I miss being a Sadhu but since the fire nation attacked and nerfed everything it just feels bad. The thought of doing something like Cleric->Priest2->Bokor2->Druid2 just seems more appealing at this point. You get magical damage and tons of utility without much sacrifice other than the no PD dilemna which can be fixed next circle release.

I still watch this thread to keep up to date waiting for buffs or something though.

see post:1582 , staff julie pm reply about this skill

and the skill totally different , sadhu one have a debuff (caster lost int) only effect 1 person/astral body and channel , while the other one - cast to a party and no channeling/debuff

yeah im trying to get my sadhu to c2 then im gonna work on my dievmonk (owl dmg op).

im gonna make a cleric2>krivis2>bokor2>PD, not in that order, i will modify it to make leving easier. c2>k2>b2>PD feels like it would taks years to level
cleric>krivis>bokor>bokor>krivis>cleric>PD seems like it would take half the time to lvl.

Telepath work on pvp like in this video?


I couldn’t find a good Sadhu Guide so I went and wrote one today during the server downtime

Its a really simple build that takes advantage of the great damage scaling on Sadhus to allow for a really awesome 2 in 1 character. I looked at a couple of other Sadhu builds (the one with Mackangdal, and Kriv2) but this is the one I like the most.

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Why oracle?


I picked Oracle because it seems to fit the PvE element of the build as well as providing some solid buffs. You could probably replace it with Kriv, Diev, Druid, Kabb or PD.

Comes down to what you want really, I’m fine with having the Sadhu part of the build be all the DPS and the rest essentially full support.

that video is an example of y im going druid c2 instead of sadhu c3

and y the cleric c3?

Its for more heal tiles and 100% uptime on Fade. You can swap it out for Krivis (I did) but thats the version I feel most comfortable recommending others.

Yes, is the Telepath still work on pvp is great question, like is Bloodletting canseling OoB

Yeah it does, it’s pretty much a free win if you put down cure and just walk into it with the enemy player (funny, players take damage when you walk them over but it doesn’t work if you control monsters o.O)

Well, this seems to be a bug…
That’s the only reason I consider making a druid now, but it seems broken, probably will not last long

Well, if they don’t have more than 15-20k they’ll die before they could run out from cure anyway. If it is a bug you can just cancel the mind control after you’ve moved them to the desired aoe place.

I do that to mobs too and it works, because it stun lock them so…