Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

but safety wall can’t cancel knock back =p

Guys , 1 short question. Im laying Sadhu c2 now . OoB cannot deal damage . That is a bug or a nerf @@
I want to believe it’s a bug :(( But I did hear SO say that 's a nerf :((

Auto atk can cancel possession, but i might be wrong, as i am fresh c2 sadhu (lvl 131)

@hizonhan IMO, it’s a bug.

@Caprice attacks don’t cancel possession, but as jojo said, knock back can. (damn you trees from 2nd Demon Prison!)

im not seeing the damage increase from stigma, but i am seeing it from cure. are my eyes playign a trick on me?

Soo, apparently Sadhus can climb unreachable places (• ε •)

Take that, stoopid treasure chest! Not even gravity can stop us!

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Divine stigma gives additional int (and str), so you wont see any big difference with oob, compared to cure or zalciai buff.

On the other side, the bonus int from stigma gives you additional damages for zaibas (if you took the krivis c2 path) and possession.

anyone tried sadhu with toy hammer?
I dont have enough silver to buy

Re-rolled my char, so i won’t know sorry :frowning:

All 3 OOB hits only count as 1 Toy Hammer stack.

but the explode thing still active when 10th hit right?

Yes, but unfortunately it DOES take 10 hits to activate. If you are a priest using normal auto attacks, the extra attack from Sacrament counts, so you can stack toy hammer in 5 hits instead of 10. That may be a better path for clerics seeking to use this weapon.

10 hit with oob aa’s attack speed seems not that long to explode :smiley:
but the explode coming from the spirit right? not at the real body like other skill

I wonder… Would Sadhu synergize well with Pardoner? I only know what I read about the class, but…

You can make safety wall scrolls, right?

As a Cleric > Krivis > Sadhu, Pardoner would mean you can spam more spells while you’re in your oob state inside the safety wall, and of course, use another safety just as one runs out.

I’ve seen that Pardoners can make Zaibas, Cure, and Heal scrolls, too… So that’s even more spell spamming all while dishing out damage in oob.

Only Cure, Deprotected Zone, Aukuras, Zalciai, Daino, Monstrance, Restoration, Turn Undead, Barrier, Arcane Energy, Clairvoyance, Forecast can make scroll with simony…
see on this thread about pardoner simony

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The first post in the thread says you could make Safety Wall and Zaibas scrolls though… So it was changed in recent betas?

I can see Safety Wall might have been OP… if only Zaibas was still craftable.

I was trying to find a reason to go Pardoner because the outfit is so cute :<

Threads run out of the ability to edit first post after a month of posting it( or something along the lines of that) apparently, which means any hot topics that were created a while back will most likely have old information at the top and new stuff reeling in at the bottom. kind of annoying in this case when we’re making collated information, now it’s really messy and new threads need to be made :frowning:

That won’t stop most of us !!

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yeap, the starting page of that thread are deceive me at first, but on the end of the page the recent beta has change it…no more 2nd sz from scroll :cry:
but, sadhu still can survivable just with lv 5 sz and trofl

i just dont know which path ill go when open, is it C1 - K2 or C2 - K1 …:astonished:

Guys , I’ve just logged in the game . My sadhu is 15x now . But It was strange that after updated , My possession is easily got canceled from any attack . Just like the OoB . Is it normal or bug or a nerf @@ . That’s really bad for a sadhu !
Updatedd : My friends told me that problem didnt happen yesterday. And yesterday i could have solo grind at demon prison 1 without skill canceled
Check this clip. I did hold the possession skill . But it is still canceled .


This was yesterday

As u can see. I did get hit but possession still working.
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I was about to post this as well. My Possession always got canceled from melee attack (Magic didnt interrupt it strangely). Did IMC just ninja-nerfed Sadhu? :anguished: