Tree of Savior Forum

Pardoner Skill Explanation + Simony Scroll List

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This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

Fried on kr test till lv 30 ish but get nothing. Maybe just for donate lol.

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I have some questions.

Can another char (Same ID) buy buff from spell shop?

Can I set Oblation and Spell Shop at the same times?

Yes. Shop will still on after you log off and switch to other character.

Nope, Shouldn’t work at same time. Both require you stand at vendor and you can open one at time.

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Are you really telling me that you cant craft blessing And sacrament on simony scroll? Hopefully i goes for monk …

Yes. Only Cure, Deprotected Zone, Aukuras, Zalciai, Daino, Monstrance, Restoration, Turn Undead, Barrier, Arcane Energy, Clairvoyance, Forecast can make scroll with simony.

Thank you, very much.

By the way… Scroll, maybe, doesn’t my way if it can craft only that spell.

Not sure if it’s a bug or not but I just tried this in game:
Monstrance level 1 + Simony level 2 = Monstrance level 1
I can’t change it to the second level option. So it’s either a bug or its different in this current beta version.

Not a bug as explained clearly above from one (or two) of this thread.

Sadly i picked pardoner before reading this thread… I feel like all my skills are useless and no one will buy my scrolls anyway…
Did anyone manage to sell any scrolls? And if so, which ones?

i don’t know if anyone already asked, if so i’m sorry for asking again but
can pardoner sell the scrolls on the Market? i’m not interested in going c2 to get spell shop

Yes you can sell it.

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i’m sad with the pardoner nerf. hopefully they will buff this class later on.

Where are the scrolls in the market? I’m willing to buy Daino scrolls :grin:

It’s possible to add it to the market, but there is no way to find them as far as I know.

Searching for “Skill Scroll” or “Zalciai” doesn’t work:

EDIT: Skill scrolls just messes the item list up, even if you manage to find them in the consumable category without searching.

EDIT2: I have reported the problem over at the bug report forum, if anyone have any additional information on the issue, please add it over there.

I also wanted to buy some, but didn’t find a way to do so :<

Not sure people have time to level a Pardoner (or with another account due to limited key).
Gold seller may do that in the future, who knows.

Spell shop is able to sell only 3 skills ?

or there are skills from other class that avalable ?

Spell shop should be able to sell all skill scrolls that are craftable through Simony. So things like Daino, Zalciai, Deprotected zone, Aukuras should work as well.