Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

i think there’s a thing where you can’t edit posts after 1 month of posting it

I’ll try to do this, but first I have to find an Alchemist. lol

there is another bug on sadhu possesion skill lvl 5 should hit 5 monster at once only hit 4 … sometimes when u get knockback by monster your character keep loading the skill and u cant anything need relog… xD also on druid that skill called sterea trofh down everyone fps to hell make screen going so slow

I think any skill in general that gets canceled prematurely will bug out making the cast not end. Also about possession hitting 4 mobs I think it applies to medium and large mobs because with smaller ones it does fit the 5. Should be fixed though.

u sure i was testing it just few min ago on dungeon lvl 190 only can hit 4 mobs even with 5 targets to hit


I didn’t have much time to play recently, so i couldn’t test what i wanted.

I’d like to go Cleric>Krivis c2>Sadhu C2> Druid.

Is this still a viable build? I’m seeing an increase of popularity for bokors, paladins and priests…is krivis not as good as we thought?

started another cleric to make up for the mistake of me going priest>sadhu and am instead going krivis2>sadhu, but…

what the hell is wrong with divine stigma? am i retarded or is the skill retarded? i can look straight at an enemy or trap, dead in the eyes, cast divine stigma at it, and it doesn’t go on it. no resist message, just… fails to go on it. it will launch right at it, but doesn’t connect. on TRAPS too!! TRAPS!!

Are you sure you didn’t cast on a recently died enemy? My divine stigma does that so often I want to cry.

Another possession bug I think. Sometimes if I kill another player using possession in duel, they become unable to move or do anything until they relog.

are you playing with mouse+wasd?

Just use divine stigma on tree root crystal, works 100% :slight_smile:

I was happy when i noticed it, and now i play with divine stigma buff h24 :smiley: Pretty op, it scales on everything, oob, zaiba, possession :wink:

This is the build used by a majority of sadhu player, so i guess its still viable.

so guys, after divine might get ner, is it still worth to take it up for sadhu?

Well, is +43 int worth it ? If it is, then you should pick it :wink:

is +43 int at level 10? or whatever the level, we get only +43 int max??
and, is it scale to OoB damage?

I just hit sadhu c2 and possession is such amazing skill :heart_eyes:

question… evemies can cancel my possession only with knockback??

problem is I’m trying to keep it up during boss and using it on traps there, but like 30% of the time it will go on the trap and nothing happens. It doesn’t say it resisted (why the fuck can a trap resist a spell in the first place), just…nothing happens. :weary:

im full int (with 20 con) cleric1> krivis 2>sadhu build. what sort of equipment should i be aiming for?

As weapon : Arde Dagger and Arch Rod (+5minimum)

As gear, depends on your defensive masteries, leather/cloth or plate. I just found some Vubbe Fighter Gloves, and i am not sure that +1 aoe ratio is worth it with oob. When soloing, i almost never hit 3 mobs at the same time with oob, but when comes party or dunjon, then i guess it’s allright.

Yes they can :’(

Safety wall when possession on big pack or boss…

Yeah, you can’t use stigma against a lot of boss, just those who summon like crazy. Imo sadhu is strong enough when it comes to nuke a boss, you don’t need stigma at all :smiley:

Edit : Sorry for triple post … not used to this forum (and forums at all), i didn’t notice i could make it all in the same post :confused: