Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Does that mean they prefer INT DEX for Sadhu?

omg! life get more hard for sadhu with this nerf (if this really ninja-nerf)
the skill rely on sz again! or trofl :cry:

If that’s a nerf, they should have an announcement . that’s realyy bad problem. Dun wanna play anymore :frowning: Oh my Sadhu :frowning:

I m sadhu 2 since yesterday and i was wondering why on earth that skill benefit a “surespell buff” like before today.
I think it was some kind of a bug they fix now with no annoncement
My build is Cleric2 Krivis1 and now Sadhu2 and i used to rely on SZ and Fade everytime: I guess this build will become more popular now and people will choose Cleric 2 over Krivis 2

Nope, it’s a fix.

Any spell is supposed to be interrupted when you take damage. I noticed the same behavior on resurrection, it wasn’t getting interrupted anymore. Now it is getting interrupted again.

I’m so sad now, can’t spam possession anymore BabyRage

RIP Sadhu best solo leveling skill :dizzy_face:

The gameplay is a little bit harder, which is fine :smiley:

Since the targets affected by possession can still attack, I guess there goes the viability of Sadhu2 in PvP?

Haven’t touched my sadhu at all since the patch, ground tile buffs still apply right?
only thing that’s been changed is posession?

Yes, ground buff (Zalciai, Cure) still works on OOB.

This. All of this. I can’t imagine what the crying will be like when Fade is working properly. (Mobs not resetting when you solo with Fade).

I don’t think people are so much crying as saying don’t bother with c2 now. With the current state now the only thing you want from sadhu is Oob

Oh I was not complaining about any moaning that’s occurring right now, but when Fade is fixed, I imagine there will be some. Followed immediately by every Sadhu purchasing a pet (if they haven’t already).

Either way, the only other thing I’d like to have from C2 is the extra range, but you definitely can live without it.

Yea thats the thing without possession sadhu becomes a 1 circle class. its a shame but o well. Since the beta has extended i think ill take a serious look at paladin after these changes.

Cleric classes are my thing and i was liking the idea of mage sadhu but i hate druid so now my intrest in sadhu strictly depends on what kabbalist shows us.

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We’re on the same page here. I’m on my third Rank 6 Sadhu build this beta and my favorite one has C1 Monk built into it -_-. Currently trying to see what a Cleric(c2) > Bokor (c2) > Sadhu (c2) build with a focus on Spirit (+Kaloo hammer) will look like. I’m dying to see what Kabbalist turns into.

I don’t like the way plague doctor looks but it might be good with sadhu with the gas clouds on the ground via fumigate it might trigger the Oob damage boost.

hopefully the kabbalist will be good, after trying sadhu , i enjoyed playing but felt no need for c2 and wasn’t a big fan of the melting rate of sadhu (too fast to remember the fight) hopped onto cryo’s instead.

would definitely build another sadhu as an alt on release, but at the moment i really lack in an approach to the cleric tree that i enjoy

so after the update, possession still bind enemy to move but able to attack us right? and cancel the skill…
the skill should give a range so the mobs who trap on possession cannot hit us…but another free mobs can cancel it…:pensive:
i also think about going cleric c2 - bokor c2 - sadhu c2, with this, we can alternately hit mobs with oob-sz and bwa kayiman-zombies. but i dunno if this build will do good on party or PvP :confused:

I wouldn’t be so sure about that.

I think thats the problem. They tried to “fix” something rarely occuring again by setting the skills simply as cancelable, not wasting a single thought on what that may cause. I was stuck in that bug myself once - it happened after getting a knockback while being in a critical moment of the cast.

Rendering a skill or circle completely useless cant be IMC’s intention for whatever sake ;p