Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Always max heal, it also gets a double int bonus for it’s dmg so it’s quite good offensively.

Cure is also quite good though, but not quite as important. And if you max it you’ll have less points for safety zone/fade/divine might.

Soooo. I kinda regret going Krivis instead of just going cleric 3, but not enough to reroll my entire character. Wish there was something I could do about that :confused:

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thanks, i will follow this:

why do you regret kirvis?
it has one of the best nukes

Zaibas is honestly kind of overrated. It’s certainly not bad, but I think I’d rather have heal 15 and fade 10.

Edit: Thinking about it more, I guess I’m actually pretty okay with Krivis in non-party play because of Aukuras (that skill I keep saying is bad). I’m eventually gonna re allocate my skill points so I have SZ 9 and Fade 5. Because I don’t have a pet (and don’t plan on wasting a character slot on one), Aukuras is necessary to use Fade properly.

@BlaXun How do you use Fade? Don’t enemies regen health and walk away from you since they don’t have anything to aggro?

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u use fade and then u use oob, u will hurt the monsters but they wont do anything bcuz they dont see you so they just stand their while you kill them. if you lose fade by time running out or using another dmg skill that isnt oob, they will run to you.

I think I’ll probably hold off making a Sadhu. I don’t see any real synergy from any classes with Sadhu. If the Out of Body kept your buffs, then I’d go for those buffs. Without it, Cleric 2 seems to be the best start, though Cleric 3 seems unnecessary. I don’t know how well the Zombies from Bokor would work as a distraction, but with the current mob densities, it doesn’t seem like an issue, though they do have a Magic Defense debuff in hex which would help slightly on each hit.

I’m kinda at a loss of what to pick as all the choices seem kinda poor. Cleric 3 is not necessary, Nothing from Krivis really works unless you want to throw out the Level 5 Zaibas while you punch things which is probably the only nice thing there. Diev seems mostly useless at Rank 1 in general, but especially for Sadhu.

Same goes for Rank 7 at the end, none of the higher end jobs seem to support the Auto Attack play style of Out of Body. I suppose you can say its not needed, it attacks quickly with 3x MATK as auto attacks and has a large explosion that scales well off your Magic Attack, but nothing seems to support these things very well. Just like throwing out Zaibas, taking Druid just to throw out Carnivory seems to be the only real thing.

The only unreleased Cleric class at the moment seems to be Shepard, though every other class seems to have 3 unreleased classes at the moment, so I’m sure Cleric is hiding two that haven’t been mentioned yet.

There just needs to be better synergy with other classes here.

shepherd is melee so its not int.
and there are nmore uocoming cleric classes have ou seen the future cass thread?
we have:
macumbeiro - dance voodoo class
zealot- probably a melee death or holy class
fortune teller - probabl either support or dmg
lama - buddhist priest??
shepherd - melee dog class

either way im sure shepherd will not help sadhu at all but maybe fortune teller might. macumbeiro is death based ( i think ) and sadhu is ectoplamsm and ghost, blue.

I see. Maybe I’ll try it anyway and just go Cleric 3 and Sadhu 3 like everyone else, if only for more heal squares and ticks of Cure.

If I get high enough, I’ll probably hold off on Rank 7 until more information about these classes you mention are released, just in any a useful one for Sadhu shows up as Rank 7.

hmm…ci dotn see y sadhu c3 is so popular. transmit dissapears when you unsummon spirirt or get hit… best use is really only for bosses bcuz when going against a single monster you will kill it fast, but be forced to unsummon spirit bcuz u cant find any more monsters… but it looks good for bosses. i personnaly am goind druid afetr c2 sadhu for carnivory and the telapathy for pvp.

Probably because for 60 seconds, you hit 50% harder (or more). That would kinda have uses in PVP too, if your team can protect your body, I would imagine anyone who gets within your range would melt.

You could also give it to your Elementalist or other high damage Wizard class, especially since it’ll stack with Quickcast’s 50% damage bonus letting them hit harder too, so depends on how you use it.

I play cleric 1 krivis 2 sadhu 1 now turning sadhu 2. Oob can’t kill fast. Zaibas are more mob killer… I preferred abe and possession rather than oob. Fade is good for oob, if you have great damage of oob., krivis 2 is boss killer btw… :wink:

I haven’t seen or heard of this. Where can I find it? I’d love to learn more about Shepard. not much info yet

on that link stevenson gave it says it attacks melee and has a dog :stuck_out_tongue:

200+ posts have floated by featuring a few basic questions so it’s time to re-post The Sadhu Compendium.

A huge thank you to @BlaXun for the clarification on Transmit Prana. I updated the relevant skill section to reflect the new information. Keep crushin’ it, folks.


It’s a SPR based Melee class??? YESSS.

Okay, so my SPR Paladin is my main now >.>

Edit: Where’s this list of other upcoming classes?

spell power? its strenth i hink, may have some sclaing ith spr but idk but the list is right here

also theres 2 unlisted classes for cleric
macumbeiro and zealot

The wiki says that Shepard’s main stat is SPR. I’m not sure if that’s accurate/where that info comes from though? And thanks a ton for this, I didn’t know about most of these upcomming classes! :smiley:

nobody knows when theyre coming though, its never been announced, we just know they are gonna come some time in the future