Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

Lvl 200 dungeon located at Fedimian.

So Iā€™m wondering how to spread my Cleric3 points amongst Safety Zone, Divine Might, and Fade.

(I have 10 skill points Iā€™m just sitting on for now)

I was thinking that Fade goes away pretty easily, or that I wouldnā€™t want to de-aggro a boss so I would be able to get away with simply Lv1. But after using it with OOB, I actually quite like this skill!
I see that Lv5 has the duration of 20 seconds, which would allow me to alternate between Fade and Safety Zone.
Do people find levels above Lv5 to be worth it? Or do some even find Lv5 overkill?

Then thereā€™s Divine Might. I already arbitrarily got it to Lv3 because I figured 1 charge wouldnā€™t be enough in most situations. It also lined up well with Heal + Heal + Cure early on.
At the end of Rank7, Iā€™ll have around 12 possible skills I can use with Divine Might. Not all skills are always going to be used in the same rotation (Looking at you Prakriti and Vashita Siddhi) and others I donā€™t think are 100% necessary to make use of Divine Might charges (Safety Zone, Fade, or Chortasmata).

I figure Iā€™d mainly use Carnivory, Possession, and Cure with the charges to increase my DPS.

I donā€™t want the skill too high, where the duration out lasts the usage count; nor where some classes burn through extra SP on filler skills because their main rotation has already been used up with the first couple of uses. (Such as Archers defaulting back to Oblique Shot)
But I wouldnā€™t mind a couple levels to make use of some utility skills and for party members to extend more of their rotation.

So thinking of my other character builds, I think Iā€™m fine with around 5 charges of Divine Might. It also aesthetically looks pleasing at Lv5.

How does Lv5 sound for this as well? Should I consider a higher level in preparation for Rank8+?

I was sticking with Safety Zone 1 for now, to see if the 22 hits (24 with Divine Might) is good enough since the duration doesnā€™t increase per level.
When dealing with 1 monster, it seems to be completely fine, but on multiple monsters it doesnā€™t hold all that long.
Iā€™m not sure if the extra levels would dramatically improve the many monster situation.

But if I go Fade 5 and Divine Might 5, it would allow me to get Lv5 Safety Zone as well.
Itā€™s no 50 hits like Lv15. But 30 hits is still respectable.

I just wonder if the 4 skill points giving me +8 hits from Lv1 could be better used on more Fade/Divine Might.

(I know many value high levels of Safety Zone, so I can already assume Iā€™ll get negativity for my opinion here)

I kind of feel like you already have a very solid idea about what youā€™re doing.

I have safety zone at lvl 10 right, and my 40 blocks almost always hold up. Usually when it breaks, Iā€™m in a party and we pulled a lot of mobs.

I think divine might is a great filler. It increases your whole partyā€™s DPS and is just generally nice. Instinctually I feel like 5 is a good amount, but I have no specific reason for thinking that.

Fade is really nice. At fade 5 you have 83% uptime on OoB. At fade 9 you have 100% uptime. Because youā€™re going druid instead of sadhu 3, I donā€™t think you really need the 100% uptime. (That math might be exactly right, but the thing about sadhu 3 vs druid still holds I think).

So, I think you should decide how many points in fade you want based on how much OoB uptime you want, and while divine might is nice, I think youā€™ll be fine with level 3, if you need to use those points to increase your sz block count.

Hey, im going to start working on my third character. A sadhu, and i was wondering what you guys think of either

cleric3 > sadhu3 > kabbalist


cleric2 > diev > sadhu3 > kabbalist

I was thinking the reduced cooldown would be nice for safety zone and fade. Also the slow would make it take longer for mobs to reach my body? party members would probably like the buffs too.

Another question, does fade keep mobs away from my body for the whole duration? Or just at first when you cast it? So if i cast it will i be able to attack things oob without them rushing me?

with regards to divine might. the cooldown is pretty low so you can expect it to be up. If you have a lot of skill to cycle with lvl 5 wonā€™t be enough but with lvl 5. you should be able to cycle through all skills even overheat ones.
If you are going sadhu you can just oob and wait for divine might to cycle back so you can recast improve versions of your skills again. 5 was enough for me.

Fadeā€™s greatest value is 1. greatest in a sense of value per skill point.
for me it is either max it or leave it at one. if you just go a little more than oneā€¦ a couple of seconds is not worth itā€¦ you need to have an accumulated worth. But know that fade is good in pve. I kinda noticed that safety zone is like a physical def and fade works like a magical aoe defence. try casting fade and you can run through boss spells. I dont know is its just lag but thatā€™s what I noticed.

safety zone is wondrous. it is AWESOME. at 1 and the attribute it blocks 22 hits. I guess you considered that it would be enough within 20 seconds butā€¦ mobs might make you think twice. still 1 is a viable choice. but what will you get as an alternative for it? are the other levels of other skills worth more than blocking 2 instances of damage?

is better then

I feel like diev is not the greatest pairing with sadhu. Also im not a fan of kabbalist when the best things it offers involve you getting hit which is what most sadhus spend all of their ranks trying to avoid, but other players have liked the pair.

Thanks for the reply!

Iā€™m picking kabbalist for more of a ā€œif you do get hitā€ kind of scenario. Imagine if your playing pvp and someone runs up and thinks ā€œhaha noob ill just go for your body!ā€ so they use thier strongest attack and it reflects back at them :slight_smile:

plus i think merkabah is interesting.

ok so your question is basically
cleric 3 vs diev.

the way to answer that isā€¦ do you want
lvl 15 safetyzone and heal?
do you want fade 10?

like some people have stated the value of fade 10 is that it helps you maintain a high up time of oob. if that is your goal by all means go cleric 3.

now as far as I remember diev is the carver class. it seems like an awesome combination and not having owl means you can just stay faded. so I figure you want to play like a support tower of sorts.
it seems like a good idea.

either way makes sense except
but kabbalist for me feelsā€¦ weirdā€¦ how does it synergyze with sadhu?
7x return damage for 0 armor? and buffing your HP?

could you elaborate on the idea there?

The first is better than the second, but itā€™s more because Diev doesnā€™t particularly do well with Sadhu. Sadhu isnā€™t MP dependent too much so the SP totem is somewhat wasted. The cooldowns for Sadhu are okayish but less would be good, and Carve is an STR-scaling skill. It doesnā€™t pair too well unless you were to get Diev2. It could work if you get rid of Kabbalist, but I donā€™t think Diev really mixes too well with Sadhu.

As for Fade, the moment you cast it, it has a fairly short cast time (it doesnā€™t immediately make you Fade), and when you are Faded, you become translucent and the enemy mobs loose all recognition for you. You can run behind then and emote and they wouldnā€™t know until the duration wears off and you become visible again. If you attack normally youā€™ll exit Fade, but OOB doesnā€™t trigger this effect. Certain skills like Aukuras can pull aggro at times, so when youā€™re faded and you drop Aukuras in the middle of mobs, theyā€™ll attack the flame and not you.

This is good when grinding but be VERY careful when doing this to a boss as losing aggro means they will regen their health and go back to neutral.

I see.

so its a pvp kind of playā€¦ if you are thinking of pvp. maybe you need to consider a few more tricks up your sleeveā€¦
It is a really cool haha fooled you kind thing butā€¦the thing is I kinda feel likeā€¦ 1 hit is a ā€œfool me onceā€ kind of scenario? and someone might survive itā€¦ perhapsā€¦
But it is a really cool idea. You win by getting hit.

i mean there are more direct ways to deal with peopleā€¦ thatā€™s all.

moreover there is the issue of leveling. you will be leveling/questing/grinding more than anything else in the game.

what Iā€™d like to add is that Diev has benefits in a sense where the statues take aggro from youā€¦ I am pretty sure the owl does.

but the cool thing with sadhu is you can carve while ur soul kicks assā€¦ and thatā€™s about it. the cooldown buff may help you alot in terms of transmit pranaā€™s long cd.

basically with diev 1ā€¦ it makes sense as a supportā€¦ semi support.

on the other hand heal lvl 15 is a bit team support on its own.

If thats the case, i will probably go for this first one. Thanks to all the other input on this too.

@stevenson.cunanan Well, with this character my main focus isnt pvp. I just figured if i decided to pvp every once in a while, this aspect of picking kabbalist would be fun.

As for pve, im not sure how much damage it will inflict in the end, but i was thinking if one mob makes it past me and i couldnt defend against it, then it would hit me and either take alot of damage and or die. Then i could just go right back in oob.

Merkabah seems too slow for pvp unless people arent paying attention, but i think being able to cast this from my body would add some additional damage in pve. Plus i saw a video of someone riding them in a video? that seems fun tooā€¦

Edit also, im not sure how the other kabbalist skills work, but it would also put a smile on my face if i could kill bots and z-botters with them somehow. Or was that oracle that can do that?

He would need c2 to get the owl.

I think I heard that Revenged Sevenfold negates the incoming damage in addition to reflecting it. If so, this might not break OoB? But also Guardian saint breaks OoB even though you donā€™t take damage, so who knows?

Cleric C3 - Sadhu C2 here, going Sadhu C3 - Kabbalist. Happy to report Sadhu is amazing dps for a cleric healer.

1.) I am an excellent healer/dps in dungeons (15 heal/15 safety) with explosion and possession for nice dps. Compared to Diev and other support classes, itā€™s much easier to use on the move.

2.) With alternating fade and safety zone, I have an excellent soloing toolkit, I can keep up OOB practically 100%.

3.) Transmit Prana looks to be a pretty good int buff for oob or dungeoning.

Sure we miss out on the support that priest/diev offers, but itā€™s much more fun! There are a few bugs with OOB though stillā€¦IMC PLEASE FIX THESE! Sadhu LYF!

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Possession is really goodā€¦ 20 secs CDā€¦ C1 K2 S2 hereā€¦

Does Sadhu benefit from ā€œ+X damage against Demonsā€ or other weapons boosts like that?

From the video at tosbase - there still 1 damage so mostly will break Oob

I just tried possessionā€¦ a while ago. The damage is awesome. But being disrupted is really unforgiving. I wish it refunds half the cooldown if you get disrupted



Possible pvp stragegy (when you are Bokor2)

Mackangdal, Revenged sevenfold, cast OoB to lure enemies in, they dmg you until the 15 sec of mackangdal are over, revenged sevenfold kicks in, EVERY enemy who attacked you drops dead.

Well. If that works, that is. I guess you need to cast RS immediately before the effect of mackangdal kicks in.

As you can see in that vid, the character doesnt stagger. Means, it will not break OoB.