Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Official Sadhu Thread

I will check the database for the items that provide the highest INT. I will report back soon.

I am so glad I invested all my points into INT (level 15X right now).

Just got another reply from Julie. The effect seems to last for only 60 seconds :confused:
The cool down is 176 seconds (at least thatā€™s what the description on says) so, yeahā€¦ Pretty situational j guess.

haha niice, im 145 sadhu right now. I was actually thinking of picking up oracle before c3 sadhu just to play with monster drops. But if it does work the same as in that video. Iā€™d probably go c3 first.

Now Iā€™m going to try and not get tooo excited about it. I was excited to see the double damage with cure and zalciai but that got changed.

But if this does work, makes it pretty rewarding to go c3.

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Wat o.Ć“

Suddenly sadhu 3 is a valiable option instead of meme Plaque.

Now Iā€™m realizing why IMC had to nerv the Sadhu.

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First I get to Sadhu and realize Astral Body Explosion completely breaks the game, and now Iā€™ve already made it to Druid and canā€™t plan a build around Transmit Pranaā€¦ A skill that apparently plays a significant, yet very poorly explained role in OOB usage.

For 50 INT supposedly to ā€œanotherā€ player, who would ever consider taking this risk that far into your circles? But 50% applied to your Out of Body skills is an insane increaseā€¦

So do I just start a new cleric now and get to work on those 240 hours it took to get this far?

So, I checked the item database and it seems we are pretty limited in our equipment choices if we want to focus on damage. Here is a list of items and sets that should be worth it



Well, you could still return to sadhuā€¦ But I think getting sadhu ASAP would probably be the best idea :confused:

And, yes, the skill description is completely broken. Luckily @Staff_Julie helped out a lot. I hope this can be fixed cause it makes sadhu 3 completely unappealing with the current description. It misses a lot and provides wrong information.

trying to do the math but it doesnā€™t seem to work out right for me xD

What im thinking is happening in the video isā€¦

The OOB still recieves double damage from tiles and then 50% of int (being roughly 200) adds onto it. yeah?

300 damage to (300 x 2) + 200 with prana.

I donā€™t see how his damage rises by almost x3 with a skill thatā€™s only meant to give 50% of int.

but this vid is from jan this yearā€¦ oo too many things we donā€™t know xD

What would a good Sadhu c3 build look like?

Cleric 2 + Kriv 2 + Saddude 3 ?

Maybe thereā€™s a hidden bonus on Transmit Prana when u use it on your spirit. Gonna test it once I hit sadhu 3.

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So, does anybody have any idea what class to choose after sadhu3? The only attractive class seems to be diev or Druid. But Druid needs at least 2 ranks to make it worth itā€¦ Which would probably take some time.

Right now I want cleric3/sadhu2. Sadhu3 will be next for sureā€¦ That leaves just one rank right nowā€¦and nothing seems really appealing. Best combination seems to be diev imho. But going back that far to pick a very early classā€¦ I am not sure bout that. Maybe diev as a filler class and then wait for rank 8ā€¦

Sadhu has been the single most interesting class since Iā€™ve had my eye on this game. I was stoked to go all the way with 3 circles until the launch neared. I then started contemplating builds and doing extensive research to make sure I didnā€™t go wrong with my favorite class. Of course anyone would have told you the smart way was to stop at Sadhu C2 because the appeal of Transmit Prana is not nearly as alluring as something like Sterea Trofh in Druid C2. So much time spent to be shut down by a typo on IMCā€™s end. I love you guys and this game, but this is really depressing.

I would suspect the better builds to start similarly, but use the incoming 8th and 9th circles to bloom out from Sadhu after C3. Which I hope will provide me an opportunity to include Sadhu C3, without denying me another really useful circle from 8 or 9.

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that looks good to me, you canā€™t really go priest because none of the buffs work with OOB.

Itā€™s really what you wrote or
Cleric c3 > sadhu c3 > whatever
Cleric > krivis c3 > sadhu c3.

ahh i forgot to mention the dievs :stuck_out_tongue:

Cleric c2 > Diev 2 > sadhu 3

Sadhu is classed as Attack/support. So iā€™d say look at how youā€™d want to support and attack comes easy if you plan on sadhu c3

@BlaXun Iā€™m going to go oracle if anything after c3. I just like the idea of seeing the item and changing the item, so purely because i want too rather than what works xD

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Personally I went cleric3/sadhu2

Cleric 3 gives u max. Safety zone + max fade. Itā€™s pretty awesome. Maybe one of the skills isnā€™t even needed anymore when you have high range OoB or some additional class that protects the body.

My plan I guess is to go Sadhu C3 with Druid Sterea Trofh when 8th circles come around. You could plan on something similar? And then the Druid C3 skills come along =(

I think I will hold back until rank 8 is released. One filled class would be okay for me (diev) but I am doubting Druid right now. Druid 1 wouldnā€™t help sadhu enough I think. Kabbalist is pretty awesomeā€¦but there isnā€™t a good synergy with sadhuā€¦

@BlaXun Iā€™m the same Cleric C3 Sadhu C2 > (Druid C2) but I only took 1 point in fade to get mobs to switch targets.

I get why people only get 1 point in fade.
but maaaan i love fade at 10. definitely when you are mostly not in party. nothing beats freely hitting things for 30 - 32 seconds

Has anyone tested Guardian saint with oob? I have it at level 1 but I havnā€™t really thought to use it ever.
I was really hoping that the OOB could take the buff and with that youā€™d get a 50% chance for oob take the hit instead of you but sadly noā€¦T_T

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Canā€™t we cancel fade by double right-clicking? It should work since itā€™s a self-buff. What other skills did u pick instead? Cure?

I am still talking to Julie by PM right now. She suggests we could make some suggestions for transmit Prana.

Yeah, Iā€™ve read some doubts on its usefulness. Perhaps you and other Sadhu users could make suggestions on the skill. I can pass on the message as long as Iā€™m here. :slight_smile:

I will open another topic for us to make suggestions.