Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Kabbalist Overview

Really nice to have a Kabbalist thread :3. This class has been overshadowed by the popular plague doctor class.

Am working on the Cleric2->Dievdirby2->Paladin1->Dievdirby3->Kabbalist build. Hopefully it works as what I think it to be :3.

I’m thinking about combinating bokor 2 with kabbalist. I feel like there is a hilariously efficient combo using mackangdal and revenged sevenfold.

Indeed. Everyone is like “omg Plague Doctor” but I think Kabbalist looks more fun.

I like that build. It’s like an “Aura” support build with actual damage.

Tell me how that goes! Because I’ve always thought Mackangdal was an underwhelming skill, but if it works with Revenged Sevenfold then just be amazing.

Well, I just noticed that the skill revenged sevenfold prevents you from ONE hit and mirrors that dmg to the attacker.

Mackangdal works like, you cast it and after 15 sec (on lvl5) you get all the dmg you received at once via ONE hit.

Thats the deal. I feel like this could become OP and nobody thought about it, always thinking about plaque doctor here and plaque doctor there bla bla

…maybe I should better had kept that idea for myself, I wanna have a unique build >.<


Just as everyone know, we already have 2 discussion regarding this class

Now, im just waiting whether this one will end up like the other two and be forgotten by the entire clerics and overwhelmed by Pdocs fanboys.

I think the real strength of the Kab is going to be taking it to rank 9.

Ein Sof is a decent skill at level 5 where it can either double your HP, or increase it by 50% and give you the rest in SP, but a level 15 Ein Sof either quadruples your HP or x2.5s it and well…maxes your SP bar.

I mean quadrupling someone’s HP is probably the strongest healing buff in the game. It basically turns a level 10 Mass Heal from 28% of your max HP into 112% of your original max HP.

Heal gets changed from 5% of your mac HP per cell into 20% of your original HP per cell.

Another perk is that with a 4x HP buff you might not even have to put points into Con in the first place unlike other builds and will be able to dump those extra points into more relevant stats (though you still might still want to).

Not to mention the synergy it can bring with Last Rites at higher ranks. With a level 15 Ein Sof quadrupling your HP you can drop a level 8 Mass Cure healing for 24% and change and still likely be under the 50% threshold for Last Rights to be active.

Kab may not be as popular as PD right now, but a level 3 Kab has a more than decent chance of being stronger than 3 PD.

Of course they’re not popular. Every cleric turned “go go ga ga” at PDocs

I want to see this cl.ass full potential and hopefully c2 kabal will prove that matter.

And yes, im str cleric going for kabal because I want the level down ability

That first one is mine. I just had a derp moment and forgot that I was signed into a different account. I’ll probably erase it in a moment here and link it to this one.[quote=“Huerin, post:17, topic:212234, full:true”]
Of course they’re not popular. Every cleric turned “go go ga ga” at PDocs

I want to see this cl.ass full potential and hopefully c2 kabal will prove that matter.

And yes, im str cleric going for kabal because I want the level down ability

Nice! let me know how the skills play out once get more than a single level in the calculation skills.

Grinding is gonna be hard.

Still thinking if I should focus on ein sof for the SP recovery or get straight the number skills.

Still, riding the flaming wheel is awesome

This is just a little theorycrafting/daydreaming by me about Kabbalist… That I rly wanted to share in a topic.I hope no one minds… X)

So I dunno why but a little bit I’m expecting a physical skill for Kabbalist. Because we already have classes that has both and not on the same rank.

…and not too long ago when somebody posted this pic in the Oracle c3 topic I started to wondering about the first icon.
It was quite long ago when the pic first appeared but as I remember we still don’t know what skill is that and I think it is not in the game but I think we assumed back then it is for Kabbalist because it has those capital letters like Reduce Level.

Reduce Level also starts with a letter G here(GRL)…maybe that indicates Gematria… so it could be a physical attack that relies on that? Maybe I’m totally wrong and someone who remembers more can prove me worng. Also it could be a skill that IMC totally dropped…or maybe it is for another class…but I still hope and excited that we will get it haha.

BTW there were other 2 skills for Kabbalist for sure that we didn’t see/get yet. Nachash and Double Chance. I dunno anything about double chance…

On the other hand Nachash is definitely an attack because the attributes indicated it back then. If you google the name it turns out it means serpent in hebrew…what seems more magical so I don’t think that’s GCMH…but who knows.

Not too much info but I looked for and found the Nachash attributes if someone else like to daydream about what we can expect too btw: link

My 2nd character is roughly halfway to kabbalist, so I had a few questions about it:

  1. How many hits does 7 fold revenge last? The buff appears to last for 60-65s with a CD of 40. I have to assume then that it only lasts 1 hit within that time, otherwise it’d be stupidly OP if it could reflect x7 all attacks. If that’s the case though, why even bother with the attribute that adds duration?

  2. Ein Sof only affects one target, right? With a duration of 40s and CD of 60s, it has a 2/3 uptime, which is a bit disappointing. That said, I’ve read the ein sof buff WAS sharable by linker 2’s spiritual chain - can anyone confirm that? Also, if it is shared and the attribute was up do all party members instantly gain 50% max hp and restore the rest as SP? that’d be pretty amazing paired with high SP nukers (fletchers come to mind)

I had some other questions about crit and crit rate - but that’s mostly because I’m running a con/spr paladin with zalciai, so I’ll save those for another thread. :slight_smile:

Cleric>Cleric>Diev>Diev>Diev>Druid is my current plan. Plague Doctors are everywhere and Incineration doesn’t really function well with multiple PDs…

Druid 2 is my other choice
Kabbalist I’m not convinced yet but it is an option.

Would Kabbalist fit well into my build instead of Plague Doctor or should I go for Druid 2?

Hard choice~ I’m still far from Rank 7 though so I got time to think about it.

Safety Zone blocks all the damage you’ll get at the end of Mackangdal, so there’s no need for Revenge Sevenfold to do that.

What he means is, if you use revenge sevenfold, would it reflect all the accumulated damage? This makes me want to try it… but if it doesnt work ill be upset.

Are either of them scrollable from a pardoner?

Could test it that way if either of them are.

We could test it easily enough. All we need is a bokor to cast mackangdal on a kabbalist. Mackangdal is targetable?

I thought of this before but I think the damage of Mackangdal is considered as your own in a way or something but maybe I’m wrong.

I think that also would be a complicated mechanic like… where/how would it reflect back the damage…because that accumulated damage can come from different enemies I guess.

But also there could be an interesting secret synergy between the skills…so who knows…

Mackangdal will be casted on the whole party.

Ah yeah, actually yes, we only need a random Kabbalist!

Any Kabbalists on Klaipeda here? I’d love to try that out xD

I am in klai but have no interest investing a point in that reflect spell.

You can ask Butters though.