Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

If you purpose is specifically farm, I don’t think so, this build is all around and not good at anything

meta is still wiz2 link2 thau2 ff3 right?

Right, and it is a good route

After Wizard Balance Patch
Cryo3-Link2-FF3 can be something, FrostPillar+BloodCurse for instant recover or Levitation+FrostPillar+Enervation for huge AoE DPS.

ok i will stick with meta but when wizard rebalance hit it will give us rank reset right? how about wiz2 link2 kino2 ff3

what attribute ff3 i should get first ? can u guys give me a list

  1. Kundela Slash - Curse of Curses
  2. Levitate - Cursed Blood
  3. Blood Curse - Limit
  4. Everything else.

After the rebalance patch hits, is it better to go for Thau1 Link3 instead of Thau2 Link2

Also…It seems we should be looking for a good staff to wear? since swell left is losing its +dmg.

As above poster said Thau1 seems enough just for farming purposes (Swell Body) since Swell Right is also losing its dmg bonus.

Also made me giggle looking changes for every wizard class except FF :stuck_out_tongue:

You still need thauma 2 in order to swell 8 mobs

For thau2 link2, you are supposed to match amount of linked targets to amount of swollen targets, so match Joint Penalty target count to Swell Body target count. If you do not mind less swollen targets, you can change the build. You might regret it if a no-swell mob drops primus.

just got my featherfoot3, how do you guys distribute the skill point? beside lv 10 kundela slash…

If you enjoy levitation , you can max it . Else you can use it at just lvl 1 for the short buff for all your FF3 skills.

Don’t max blood suck , SP consumption is extremely high.

The allocation for FF3 skills are mainly 5 eneveratiom 10 slash 1 point 1 foot . The rest are entirely up to your own preference and playstyle

Mines go like:

Other than farming , I use mine as a pseudo healer/support in CM . You can give allies lifesteal

bloodsucking 3? wow! is that enough for elixiring yourself? iirc you use pyro instead wiz2. i still doesnt understand how to use enervation

Technically anything that ticks works well with enervation. My choice of pyro is plainly to add more skills into my rotation , say for CM. Even w/o joint-knot I can still use enervation+ flame ground to deal damage

Blood curse removes 80% of your HP, and I rely on fireball to heal it up since it’s AOE it’s rather huge

Unless you are wiz 2 I don’t recommending getting very high lvl for blood suck. Damage is around 11k per tick , more than succificient to heal yourself up in 2-3 ticks.

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I agree. I’m a wiz2 and in party I feel guilty when I got no skill to cast lol. My experience from farming 340 and other map, I hardly use bloodsucking even with normal gear and hp can easily restore with just hp pot.

So I would reset to pyro1 if I can and properly sleep’d the target of I really need to bloodsucking.

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how to do that ? blood curse affect to party member?

Enemies hit by blood curse get a debuff. Whenever you or ally hits it, it will heal the attacker’s hp.
Also, blood bath can heal allies too.

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It’s a debuff on the affected mobs. Anything that damages it heals you for a % for your dmg dealt.

Not really an actual life steal aura , but it is enough to sustain your team

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Latest KTest changes.

Huge damage buff to Blood Sucking and Kundela Slash, minor damage boosts elsewhere, and a nice QoL change for Enervation.

Did anyone really think Kundela slash needed even more damage? lol