Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

I run an Ele3 - FF 3. I use Levitation mainly for casting ele skils with ease. Really useful

Hi there,
Interesting build you got there, one thing I want to ask how would you group the mobs before using those skills to burst them down?
Cheers o/

Yes, green gorkas card is best card for farming builds.

not supposed to happen. Is your ping low or high? Type in normal chat //ping and press enter. //ping below 0.1 is ok (less laggy).

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as long you can link enemies and tthe linker rework doesnt hit live server we will always nuke every enemy.
We are speaking about several MILLIONS damage each enemy. So It doesnt matter if yuoy swell a 600K enemy, he will die for sure.

Ahhh finally a bunch that appreciates FF. It is one of the only classes that can sustain 340hg without bringing even One HP potion . I am planning on a full SPR version with minor transcendence to make poitionless version so I can dive inside hunting grounds for even longer periods without having to dismantle etc. However I will lose the animus-snapshot bonus.

However the main area of concern should the aoe rework and it doesnā€™t look good :confused:

Hereā€™s a video/visual aid for those who wanna see it in action.

Using sleep is a great way to cc mobs if you are new to FF. Something which I will use here prominently.

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Nice video but are you normally 1 shot them with just JP>HK>Swell>Kundela Slash. We have around the same matk and I can say 90% of the time i can 1 shot them with just that combo at same HG area.

Just to add Sleep is awesome if you gathering mob. Sleepā€™d monster wonā€™t run away whule you looking for other mob to complete your 8 mob count.

Simply put, I donā€™t. I try hitting scattered mobs with huge AoE (like meteor or enervation+magic missile). If Iā€™m levitating, meele mobs wonā€™t hit, so all I need to do is fly around and wait for them to pursue me.
Also, this character isnā€™t meant for farm. I usually play her for challenge mode, in which mobs will run to you, so no need for grouping them

Blood curse is an extremely useful skill to sustain your group with life steal. Of course a cleric is more reliable but it actually isnā€™t bad to use FF as a pseudo-healer-buffer In CM

So happy to see more ff fans

Well I guess that explains why I canā€™t animation cancel HK, my ping is well above 0.1 (around 0.4-0.8 unstable). Itā€™s no surprise since Iā€™m from the oceanic region and all the servers are pretty far from here ;c. Sad Lyfe, canā€™t play this game as good as others with good ping.

i am using full SPR Sage thauma, and it is working pretty well, he blocks missile damage, you just have to play smart to avoid damage.
The only downside i found is the High CD from skills, but they are acceptable, HP pot is not much of an issue for him

Most difficult gaming region.

More efficient cancel of hangman (movement cancel). You must release movement button and re-press it to cancel.

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Looks so beautiful on low ping :frowning:

I can pull the combo off just barely in time with 300~500 average ping, but it looks so much easier like that lol. Iā€™ll have to see if I can get the step-cancel to work on HK.


Thanks for the vid, so the steps to cancel HK is: JP-HK(while holding movement keys)-release key den re press to cancel?


During ground-mode

  1. JP (no cancel needed)
  2. HK (lift your finger and quickly re-press another movement key to cancel animation) it is important to release the button before you select another direction, if you just swap movement directions without releasing the movement keys, it will not cancel.
  3. press swell body + spam jump&direction key to cancel swell body after-animation.
  4. Use kundela slash in the correct direction.

During levitation:

  1. JP (no cancel needed)
  2. HK + spam jump&direction key to cancel after-animation.
  3. press swell body + spam jump&direction key to cancel swell body after-animation.
  4. Use kundela slash in the correct direction.
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hey guys! :haha: so im a fairly new player and i really like the playstyle of this class.
currently im a wiz1>pyro2>sorc2>ff3, its working out pretty well in my opinion but i think that im missing out a lot by skipping on link2 so im planning to reroll into wiz2>link2>sorc2>ff3. Or can anyone suggest me good builds? i want to use this char for anything and not just farming thanks!

Link2>Sorc2>FF3 sounds like a very good option. Sorc will give you a good filler for when your FF skills are cooling down, and add good supplemental damage while you are using them. Your summon might get greedy and break your links though.

The main difficulty Iā€™d see with it is Sorc is a very SPR dependent class, while FF likes INT. In the end, I think going SPR will be more beneficial in the long run (SPR gives you more summon damage than INT gives you FF damage, is my estimation), but you might feel a bit underpowered until you invest in a solid high level weapon doing that.

Your summon might get greedy and break your links though.
could you explain this ? im not really familiar with the mechanics of links haha

The main difficulty Iā€™d see with it is Sorc is a very SPR dependent class, while FF likes INT. In the end, I think going SPR will be more beneficial in the long run (SPR gives you more summon damage than INT gives you FF damage, is my estimation), but you might feel a bit underpowered until you invest in a solid high level weapon doing that.
i agree, even with like only 60 points on spr, my summon is still really helpful.

  1. you use Joint Penalty
  2. while the line is being drawn linking the enemies, your summon wont wait for you to finish, it immediately attacking the enemies resulting your combo end prematurely
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oh i see thanks for clarifying! ill just use the hold skill

is wiz2 link kino3 ff3 viable build?