Tree of Savior Forum

KTest Wiz revamp discussion = The patch notes await…

So a lot of skills are being reworked; ignored skills being massively buffed, some skills outright removed(RIP Rain and Gust), OP support classes nerfed(well mostly quality of life nerf)so they’re no longer mandatory for certain meta builds, etc.

This is indeed a big game-changer. The patch is in KTest now and just recently - and not included in the patch notes is a big buff for all FF skills( changes listed here [Class] Featherfoot Thread <3). Maybe there is more to come? I pray for a Necro rework!

Let’s discuss what we can learn of the untranslated/unconfirmed stuff. I’m interested in learning how Magic Shield will work and so far in my findings, no one has explored the Wiz 1, 2, and 3 changes yet.

Edit: It’s nice seeing Linker get an attack skill, and it certainly doesn’t look like it will disappoint since it works with JP and has killer attributes

Magic Shield gives you 20% damage reduction for [Skill Level x 1] Hits. Every time it reduces damage, you lose 1% of your Max SP. If you get the attribute (at either C2 or C3, don’t remember), then the SP drain is reduced by your SPR.

I have no clue what i’m gonna re-spec my wizards to after these changes. There’s so many interesting build options. Even builds that would never even be considered previously. Pyro actually looks solid now, thuma has an attribute that boosts summon damage by 10%, and Sorc has a new attribute at c3 that boosts fire skill damage by 50% if you’re using a fire element summon. So maybe something completely crazy like wiz2>pyro3>thuma1>sorc3 could even work? I’m going to try and avoid Linker builds after this rework, though. Linker>Shadow and Linker>FF were already pretty broken, but now it’s just ridiculous. I want to try out wiz1>pyro1>psychokino3>thuma3>sorc1. Psychokino has a better rotation with the inclusion of heavy gravity, and fire balls stay in the field for their max duration even if they’ve consumed their hit count - so you should be able to properly use psychic pressure combo on them now. sorc 1 would attack while you’re using your channeling spells (pp and gp), while thuma translates the SPR required for sorc into a nice chunk of magic attack. Sorry for rambling - these changes are really interesting.

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They should definitely make all thaumas skill_cast_time for each skill much-much faster, or disable that time delay at all. Thaumaturge was my main character from beta, and i like him so much, but now it feels like playing in slow-motion. Max Payne did well with it but my Thaum just cant do the same because he did’nt get any attention(in my opinion) while the game itself became much faster and dynamic. It’s not about attackspeed, just try to delete time delay after skill cast(maybe even a lil’ before skill cast), same for AA, it must be faster to match the overall TOS gameplay and to keep my “good feelings = time spent” equal.
That “man in black” class deserve some pure love from creator thx

So, since it is a C1 skill, does this mean the lvl 15 shield absorbs 300% dmg with SP? I reaaaaally doubt that. I recall what you recited from the patch notes but I’d like to see how this shield really scales.

No, level 15 Shield gives you 20% reduction that lasts for 15 hits. The damage reduction doesn’t scale up with skill level.

Mm, that’s disappointing for this game’s “Mana Shield”, but I’m expecting too much from a Rank 1 C1 skill.

It’s not very bad. Stacks nicely with armaos card (1000 HP shield per card) to mitigate damage a lot.

You must spam jump + movement key after each thauma skill to get rid of the delay. Works for all thauma skills including buffs and swell/shrink.

Linker3 best damage buffer

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Btw, is spiritual chain matk can be self buffing?

I think linker/rc mdef reduction definitely will be reworked, it is too broken.

You cannot use it without party members.

Yes, the boss combo is RC + link3 + shadowman. Can also take featherfoot for curse debuff. Dark skills get x1.5 damage on curse debuffed enemies.

Alright, but is the 30% of MATK of yourself share to party members only and include yourself?
Let say you as linker3 have 6000 Matk, when using spiritual chain everyone get 1800 Matk include yourself?

Is it stackable on top of Miko’s buff / Chapparition’s Card / Thauma’s buff as well? or just your base matk.

I read ‘3% magic damage increase per spiritual chain skill level’ , so perhaps magic skills just deal more damage? I did not try it yet. Just spirit shock. I am thinking how to fit level 10 spirit chain into current build. Current: Joint penalty 15, hangman 10, spirit shock chain 10, 5 spiritual chain, 5 lifeline. Dropping hangman to 5?

Miko buff currently is bugged and does not work.

Has anyone did any testing with alchemist combustion with fireballs yet. something like Pyro2, Linker 3 and alchy 3. You can drop a couple fireballs link them to mobs then combust fireballs then go into normal pyro/linker combos until combust is ready again.

Also, pyro2, link 3, alchy(for combust), and thaum 2 may work for farmer explosion fun

mainly seeing if changes can make different alchy build do some decent damage.

After hangman knot nerf, need AoE attack ratio to test combustion, I cannot do it on ktest. Do not have gear for it.

since spirit shock is doing cap damage right now, maybe would be best to remove a few points from him, since losing 30-50% damage from skill tooltip should not be too much problem, and remove points from JP as well, (i do not believe i’m saying this, haha) but going less than 10 on hangman is not possible, at least for me is not, too short at level 5.
ops i forgot that if you remove points from spirit shock it also loses the amount of hit; so forget about it. it can only be done by removing Hangman or Jp :(.
yeah i would go with something like : jp 12 hang 7 shock 10 chain 10 lifeline 5.
if i can follow the google translation, the attribute would increase 30% of matk, so is too higher to lose :(.
the difference between jp 12 and 15 is only one mob, or two if you have gem /divine might, and since linker works better with single target nuke right now, the amount of hits is not important for most builds, since they will use single targets nuke.

diference between hk5 and hk 10 is 1 second. why spiritual chain 10? at lv 5 the cd and duration is already the same.
edit: oh i see, for 30% magic dmg

5-6 hours of jumping makes me nervous and tired, I would like to do the same without pressing same button every 2 seconds . 5 hours = 300m =18000sec = 9000 press jump button 8)

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except that the flames coming from fireballs don’t stack on top of each other. You can have 50 fireballs, and still it would only tick damage once.

At 1:40 there are 3 fireballs, and still it only hits once per tick