Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

Ok, I’ve only just realised that both Kurdaitcha and Blood Sucking now has “innate” surecast?? I mean, I’ve read previous posts about Kurdaitcha being bugged with 0cd at the moment but the surecast ‘feature’ as well? :scream:

Anyone knows if this surecast thing will be permanent? As in, another mess up by IMC patching the mechanic but forgotten about the skill’s tolltip. IMHO these changes really gives a huge QOL boost for FFs.

…On the downside, I don’t know what to feel right now, having suffered all the way through Wiz2 just for surecast :sob:
Then again given the choice, it doesn’t seem like neither Pyro1 nor Cyro1 would’ve made a difference with endgame mobs. :unamused:

Pretty sure Blood Sucking can be interrupted, Kurdaitcha is just bugged right now.
It doesn’t matter if you’re interrupted, it has 0 cost and cd, just cast it again.
Wiz3 is still ok for FF2, but if you stopped at Wiz2 then you’re spending a whole circle just to aid Blood Sucking.
Cryo1 has a great shield mdef attribute, but I guess it doesnt matter much if you’re just doing PvE.

I’ve just tried it last night. Normal hits doesn’t interrupt Blood Sucking even without surecast. Unless the attack pushes or knocks you back. Which is the same for if you use surecast IIRC.

That’s exactly what I did… :expressionless:

Subzero Shield is a C2 Skill :sweat_smile:

Ok yeah I just went and tested, Blood Sucking is currently uninterruptible.
That’s definitely a new bug, it wasn’t there a few weeks ago.
Probably safe to say it’ll be patched out someday.

Nah I’m talking about the attribute that gives you bonus mdef (and ice res) equal to 125% of your shield’s pdef.
Very nice for PvP, but optional for PvE.

Ah! Ok, Found It. Seems like Cyro1 would be the better choice assuming this ‘bug’ is intended.

Guess gotta wait till R9, hopefully things would’ve firmed up by then. And hope they give another class reset :disappointed_relieved:

This build can do ET? Or can you be useful or are you just deadweight?

No it can’t.
FF has a big problem with sustained damage, something ET needs.
It needs something like Pyro to help it be ‘ok’ in PvE.
FF doesn’t offer much for endgame PvE, you’d best go for other classes for that.

psychic pressure isn’t interrupted by damage either. it is by knockbacks, knockdowns, and status effects.
I’ve been killed by surespell meteor even after I froze the person midcast with ice bolt… so… surespell may yet be “useful” for blood sucking

You may be right. I was playing with my Bokor last night and realise my Bwa Kayiman zombie train channeling isn’t interrupted as well. EVEN with knockback attacks. Kindly like how Kurdaitcha is right now.

Seems this may be a system wide bug for all channeling skills.

So better play FF for pvp? So my build Pyro2Link2Thau1FF2 cannot help much or cannot join in ET?

Did ET5 with guild members using my FF and it was stressful for me, especially given that I have the same build as you do.

But I’d argue for general PVE it’s an ok class, but for ET is a BIG no no.

The only thing that will be contributing in your build in ET is the PyroLinker part.
You can still join ET (it’s R7 content after all), but don’t expect to be competitive with FF.

Yeah FF just doesn’t deal with waves of mobs well at all.

Is there any great way (skills/equipment) to get a larger pool or SP? Obviously aside from invensting in SPR… which I don’t want to do. Mostly curious due to blood sucking being a big drain on SP.

Not really aside from SP hats.
Just suck it up (heh) and use lv15 pots while channeling the skill.

Hey it was worth a shot…

cloth mastery helps I think.

End game weps give good amount of spr too

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sorc1 cat and passive can help sp regen alot… but the summon doesn’t X_X

After the last patch, what do you guys recommend for a FF full PVP and Full PVE?

Thanks everyone:)

Hi. I’m INT Featherfoot.
(3 INT : 1 CON - Cryomancer 3, Linker 2, Featherfoot 2)
My main attack skill is Kundela Slash, Blood Sucking and Ice Wall.

I want to know what monster card suitable for my build.
Do you have some recommend for me ?

Full PvP has to include Cryo1 (for the mdef attribute) and either Cryo3 (meh) or Kino3 (standard), RC might be a good choice once they unlock the rest of the skills with RoG.
For reference, my build is CryoLinkerKino3FF2, I think I’m one of the better PvPers out there.

For PvE I can’t recommend FF at all, the best you can do is some sort of PyroLinker build, and the FF part is mostly useless.

I used to have that build until I reset out of it since Frost Pillar was inconsistent (though at the moment it’s lag in weaponized form, so it’s actually better now).
You don’t need any monster gems since they haven’t released ones for the newer skills, a Blood Sucking gem would’ve been good for you.