Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

This is my current build:
I’m just class 11 on FF2 for now, but I’m going with that since I don’t feel the need to max out Levitation, my BC combo needs to wait out the Ice Wall cd anyway.

If you really want to pump Ice Blast, I guess go for something like this:
Subzero Shield isn’t that useful in PvE anyway.
We still don’t know if more walls = stronger Ice Blast, but then again Frost Pillar is getting a shorter CD.
It should deal big damage to linked targets if you have a good weapon.

Finally got my intasurta glove <33333333333333


at least i know what to work towards now.

btw i tried looking up the frost pillar/snow rolling CD buff but couldn’t find it.
this was from a ktos patch note, correct?

December 1 kToS notes:

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what kind of damage do the bone pointing? i think it is phisical but why ._.? and what do the atribute to multi hit

will be viable a kind of turrer build focused on summon the bone pointing ?

thx again =).

looking forward to it now.

It’s probably magic, since it scales with your matk.
That said it’s too weak, even with the added hit attribute.
The only way it’ll deal relevant damage is if you get a highly Transcended weapon, don’t build around the skill.
Just treat it as your easiest way to curse a target for Kundela, ignore it for its damage, the same way you get the Kurdaitcha curse attribute then forget it ever exists.

I just hit FF c1 on my fresh alt and I have to say it feels extremely underwhelming so far. I’m a Pyro 3 so my FF skills feel very weak and not even worth using.

Blood Bath is a really cool skill, but the fact that it only works on certain mob types makes it less appealing, however it’s the only skill i’ve found use for so far.

Bone pointing feels useless and so does Ngadhundi. Decay is slower than downright killing anything with linked fireballs. Blood Sucking’s feels like a waste of time to channel as even hellbreathe feels more useful and will probably do much more damage with Agny. Kurdaitcha idk why it’s even a skill besides the attribute that is only %3.

Hoping FF C2 is worth it though.

One more thing.

recommendations for weapon and gems?

currently just coasting through with a five hammer slotted with red gems + arde transferred from my main.

wondering if i should invest in audra but not if i end up with a different weapon once i move on to FF.

FF for me is just about two things:

  1. You can kill any mob in the game with Decay (unless they’re one of the rare ones immune to it). I know PyroLinker can kill a lot faster, but once you get to 300+ the mob mdef really starts ramping up, either you keep up by Transcending your weapon, or using Ngadhundi 6 and waiting it out.

  2. Blood Curse. Remember what I said about mdef problems? BC doesn’t give a ■■■■. This applies to PvP too, there are players that have 3-4k mdef, and most magic will deal 1s to them. Once we get the poison element changes Rhevisan will stop being a concern. Also allows you to get full CON since you can use #1 for most mobs and #2 (with JP) for the rest.

FF is horrible for sustained DPS like ET’s DPS checks, but it has unique tools and good burst.

Five Hammer is fine, you can use pretty much anything since FF doesn’t care much for matk (though a good one helps your Blood Sucking a lot).
Audra is a good investment since you can swap to it if you need to lay down Ice Walls/Frost Pillars, I use Audra for my daily runs to give my walls some extra HP to help them survive long enough for the combo.

As for gems, def/mdef (yellows/blues) for PvP, all HP (reds/yellows) for PvE.

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Guys question !!!

Blood Sucking: HP Supply Enhance

Increases the amount to absorb HP by 1 per attribute level.

Max 100

Does this mean if the amount of hp i suck from a mob is 200

With lv1 this attribute i suck 201 ?

Is this attribute worth anyhow?

Yes. No, it’s way too expensive for such little benefit.

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lmao thts the most retarded attribute ever then , how is it not percentage ugh T.T rip

Btw another question , is ngadhundi worth past lv1 ? I read somewhere the decay buff only works last 3 second or something ?

I tried link friends and ngadhundi them but the decay debuff was there BUT the hp didnt reduce or something :o

And also bone pointing , shud i put 1 point ?

Right now my planned build is

Blood Bath 1
Blood Suck 10
Bone Pointing 1
Ngadhundi 1
Kurdaitcha 0
Kundela Slash 5
Levitation 5
Blood Curse 5

Im rethinking levitation level when i hit ff2 , ff atm since i know i cant be healed when im flying and blood suc has ridiculous 40 sec amount of cd with 8sec of channelling

Is blood suck chanelling increased in ktos or its also 8 sec?

Ngadhundi Decay duration increases with skill level, lv6 makes it last long enough to lower mob HP to 1.
Definitely required, in my opinion.
Bone Pointing 1 is needed to curse targets for Kundela.
Max Levitation isnt required, nor is a point in Bloodbath, so up to you where to take the points for Ngadhundi.

No idea about Blood Sucking in ktos, but usually you won’t need to channel the full duration to heal up.

But that would mean ngadhundi lv6 with 28 second duration , only the last 3 second will lower the mob hp to 1 right ?

If its that way , i can only see the duration being good for r8 maps mob with high hp but then im also a linker … Il kill the mob before the decay buff happens lol

It’s for CON builds that can’t punch through mob mdef in the lategame.
If you’re an INT build with good output, you don’t really need it.

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ahh ok tyvm for ur input rly appreciate it so much <3

Hey I was just wondering if theres any use at all to level up bone pointing. Seems like only duration increases and that’s pretty useless honestly.

The reason I ask is because I’m not looking to focus my build on blood sucking because I have a lot of damage already and don’t have surespell so I have a bunch of leftover points.

With the duration attribute, there’s not much point in leveling it past 3, since it’ll already have 100% uptime.
Leaving it at 1 is usually enough too, the damage is too weak (we don’t know the formula but it scales with matk).

I don’t have Surespell myself but I depend on Blood Sucking to heal back up after BC.
I don’t get interrupted much since Levitation avoids a lot of things, and I can use CC to stop stuff like ranged attacks.
Unless you’re fine with being totally dependent on clerics, I recommend maxing Blood Sucking.

Any1 know if theres any buff to FF in ktos but not applied to here yet ?

( primary hoping blood sucking duration is longer lol )