Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

ths build need to be thau1 full int if you want to deal damage with the BC. but idk if maybe is better have linker 2 for you because it helps a lot to deal damge with the pyro.


full pvp
full con
its just a gimmick build, planned around things like, ngadhundi and telekinesis for maximum rage
or Raise and BC

better than kinolock? probably not

i get ff 2 yesterday and today i was testing the blood curse damage and i notice that the HP consumed may be multiplies the damage? i deal over 40k of damage with 50k of hp and when i have and almost 200k with 130k of hp

so i think when more hp was consumed more damage will do exponentially

does any1 even have intasurta glove telsiai server for sale yet btw lol

i wanna make ff2 T.T

Is linker absolutely mandatory for FF? I want to make one, but I hate linker.

Yes. Unless you want to PvP only with like wiz3-psy3-ff2 but Im not sure this build is actually ok.

Hey, guys.

I’m wiz3, linker2 at the moment and already wondering what’s gonna be my next rank.

I’m thinking about rune caster, for RoG mostly (AND THAT GORGEOUS OUTFIT), but I also thought about cryo since there’s that cool synergy between IW and BC and links. Thauma isn’t in my mind because I’m already full con. So, all of these are ok or do u guys like one better than other? I’d like to read some thoughts.

Also, I’ve read a couple of pages here and something hasn’t become quite clear to me: the damage difference between full con and full int with transpose is that huge? The setup needed in the full int FF bothers me a little, but I wouldn’t wanna lose a lot of damage because of that :frowning:

This thread is really helpfull, thank you all!

The difference between full CON and full INT is around 30k HP, so that’s 30k more damage that can be amplified.
However, once the poison element changes come, full CON can reach cap damage (200k) with QC + JP, so full INT Transpose is overkill, unless they remove that cap.

I wouldn’t recommend Cryo1 unless you’re prepared to explain to your partymates to stop attacking the boss if you’re going for your combo.
I use Cryo3 with Audra and my walls still get nuked down if I don’t time it right (I usually don’t bother explaining each and everytime, it gets old fast).

Which is better Thauma 2 or Link2?

Thank you for your reply! I’ll consider what you said.

Do you have any idea if the possibility to cast spells while flying buffed with Rune of Giants is a bug or is it enabled purposely?

You can only cast spells once you manually cancel/let expire the Levitation buff, so you’ll have to wait for its cd before you can fly again and Blood Curse.
You still have to heal up your new HP pool like Transpose, I believe.

Definitely a bug in my opinion, only time will tell if they’ll fix it.

Guys I’m approaching rank 6. I am currently Wiz3Link1Thauma1 in a pure int build

Which is a good option to go rank 6? Rune caster, Thauma 2 or Linker 2?

Better is to reroll and not take Thauma at all, just leave this char for better times. It has been said many times, your extra ~30k damage dont worth going full int-transpose-blood bath(trying not to die doing that), and your damage will be capped still at 200k. Instead you can go either linker3(+3 links, better support) or link2-necro1 for Dirty Pole which is immortal and you can always link a boss to it, receiving +50% poison damage(soon all ff skills become poison as on ktos) and 2x damage because of link. You also get an extra decay which stacks with ff decay and makes target become 1 hp within like 13 seconds instead of 25. And you get Flesh Cannon which is good damage dealer if you set DP, use link and use FC on DP and all linked targets will get damage.
Thauma in your case might only help some silver farming, but for that purpose - there are much better classes like warlock2 and scout. Thauma may help with -75% damage Shrink Body, but you normally wont need it and dont have enough skill points.
Rune Caster is just bad.

I have a next build in my mind that involves necro (wiz1 Pyro3 Sorc Necro 3) for ET, right now my build is following the current meta of FF
 I’m just in a dillemma whether going +3 more linked targets or going for more buffs (Thauma).

I have a 225 pyro1 link 1 sorc 1 thauma necro 2 for afk farming, which is in a state of Limbo right now.

You should link that message to one of the “Macros” tos offers so you don’t have to write it every time

Thauma Buffs are useless, specially in endgame. They only take buff slots. For now, the whole Thauma rank has only 1 usefull skill at all - Reversi. And it is only for PvP.
Link2 is not just +3 links, but they are stronger 100 hits vs 50, and you can have Spiritual Chain, which helps a lot if there is a Quarrel Shooter 3 in you party for PvE. And if there is Scout1 for PvP.

As someone who didn’t pick wiz 3 and is a pyro 3 that is going to be pretty strong when agny comes out, am I better off not maxing blood sucking? Seems like I have more than enough skills and channeling might be a pain.

Appreciate any help thanks!

just read through 100+ posts and still not sure how to lead a build into FF2.

from what i understand link2 is mandatory and full con is also advisable since damage can be achieved through gems in weapons and a future poison property change will also boost damage.

so that’s 4 ranks spoken for leaving 3 ranks to choose from. what are some good options based on mostly PVE content?

i always wanted a summoner class(necro3/sorc 3) but i’m guessing that wouldn’t synergize at all with the heavy SP usage of FF.

would cryo 3 be a good idea or maybe even pyro 3 for when they decide to bring over that long-awaited necklace?


If you plan on using Blood Curse at all maxing Blood Sucking is always good for the self heal.
If you feel like you’re ok with depending on clerics for your heals then you can skimp on it.

[quote=“seraphryu, post:970, topic:303318”]from what i understand link2 is mandatory and full con is also advisable since damage can be achieved through gems in weapons and a future poison property change will also boost damage.

so that’s 4 ranks spoken for leaving 3 ranks to choose from. what are some good options based on mostly PVE content?

i always wanted a summoner class(necro3/sorc 3) but i’m guessing that wouldn’t synergize at all with the heavy SP usage of FF.

would cryo 3 be a good idea or maybe even pyro 3 for when they decide to bring over that long-awaited necklace?

Just a clarification, you only can hit damage cap on a CON build only if you have Wiz3 OR you’re prepared to really push your HP pool through armor Transcendence (we’re talking around 140k HP here).
So if you’re going with the Wiz3 route, that’s 7 circles already.

My build is Cryo3Linker2, getting to damage cap someday would be great, but since it’s a PvP build it’s not essential.

Since you want to focus on PvE, let’s try to narrow down your choices.

If you’re going with Wiz3, you only have wiggle room for 1 circle:

  • Thaum used to be the go-to choice for INT builds, but it’s overkill once we get the poison element changes and they dont fix the damage cap

  • Necro1 is ok, FC is always decent with Wiz3 and Dirty Pole is the most reliable link combo for BC, though the least impressive (2x BC damage)

  • Pyro1 gives you 2 balls to link (3x BC damage, more if you build up the balls), but is pretty bad otherwise.

  • Cryo1 is your best choice if you want to go full ham on the link combo, Lv5 Ice Wall is 6 walls, 8 with Audra, but those walls will evaporate instantly once you JP them and your team is hitting the boss.
    A high risk, high reward option (6-8x BC damage) if you can manage to coordinate your team to completely stop all attacks while you do your combo.

  • Honorable mention goes to RC for the Rune of Giants bug. Might be fixed in the future, overkill with QC and needs healing like Transpose, but hilarious all the same.

Now if you’re fine with not going Wiz3 (and not hitting BC damage cap anytime soon):

  • Pyro3 seems like a very strong choice because of Agni. The problem is you NEED a very good Transcended weapon if you’re going full CON to overcome mob mdef with your Pyro skills.
    Which will make hitting damage cap with BC even harder since you’re spending your shards there.

  • Cryo3 is a safer build, with good CC options and a safer 8x link combo. Might be better in the future since Cryos are getting buffs to skills like Ice Blast and CD reductions for Frost Pillar/Snow Rolling.

  • Cryo2Linker3 for absolute ham on the IW combo (10x BC damage! 11x with gem/DM). If you really like Linker and you’re willing to sacrifice the C3 CC skills, this is an option. Keep in mind that your Ice Wall setup is not limited to you, it’s great for other single hit nukes like Dethrone. If you play with a coordinated group this build has good potential for sick damage setups.

It depends on what playstyle you want and if you have a group you regularly play with.
If you mostly just play with randoms, the setup builds are a lot weaker.
Pyro3 is probably the best soloing build there.

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thx for the great insight.

i might go with cryo3(want to avoid splinter ranks as much as possible if that makes sense) since you mentioned some buffs to cryomancer.
i looked it up and:

â–ș (New Attribute!) Ice Wall: Duration has been added.
â–ș Ice Blast:
○ Using Ice Blast conjunction with Icewall will allow you to deal damage to enemies nearby the active Ice Wall.
○ When using Ice Blast on enemies that are within range of Frost Pillar, the enemies will take damage.

this sounds great since i always found it pretty weak that the class itself can’t deal decent damage from ice wall on its own.

the synergy with frost pillar also sounds great.

now class choice is out of the way i guess it’s down to stats and skill build
 from what i gather it’s still more or less full CON but dunno about build.

can you share yours? i’m guessing that ice blast now takes priority over skills like ice bolt/pike in anticipation for the buff but again don’t know about the rest.

thx again!