Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread


KToS feather skills changed into Poison element.
Buff to linker-featherfoot (joint penalty with increased poison damage attribute).
Buff vs most rank 8 mobs. A lot of mobs are earth element. Poison deals bonus damage vs earth.

oooh thts it =/

so blood suc is only 8sec T.T

and hi grey ! nice seeing u again :smiley:

u cant leave at 1 if u have thauma and the decay will be decreas hp% twice faster

so is it a something with higher level the hp decrease debuff more/faster or something ? cuz afaik the skill increases debuff total duration only , doesnt rly say any specific statement abt decay debuff and all

Cuz if it only decrease hp last 3 second of the total duration of the skill

I dont realy find this skill worthy :S

Yes, you can do that with Thaum.
Taking Thaum isnā€™t for everyone nowadays though.
Not trying to be snarky, so if you like the Transpose combo, more power to you.

Decay reduces max HP by around 3.8% (just an estimate) per second.
Lv6 allows it to last long enough to bring the targetā€™s HP down to 1.
If you do damage faster than the Decay rate, then the skill is useless.

You donā€™t need to get it if youā€™re confident in your sustained output.
You just have to keep upgrading your weapon to keep up with the mob mdef at 300+, and youā€™ll be fine.
Having the option to skip burning through 500k HP manually is useful though, even if you have to wait a bit.

hey guys after a lot of reading through this thread (reall yinformative one btw), Iā€™ve decided to go on a full CON Cryo 3 - FF2.

Iā€™m still just not too sure about taking linker 2. Right now Iā€™ve noticed higher content getting more and more link resistant, and higher ranking skills having few hits (so not burnign JP that fast). Given the recent Cryo buff, Iā€™m just left wondering whether taking linker 1 - runecaster woul be a better overall idea than taking linker 2 instead. Something like this:

So what do you guys think? Any advice is welcome!

If your reason for going RC is to use Rune of Ice, you need to shuffle around your Cryo skills.
Read up on the Cryo changes in ktos patch notes if you havenā€™t already.
Maxing Ice Blast is probably a good idea since itā€™s getting a big buff.
If youā€™re not planning to PvP much, you can drop Subzero Shield entirely.

Bone Pointing 3 is already 100% uptime with the attribute, max out Blood Sucking with that point.

I donā€™t really know much about Runecasters and their skills, so I canā€™t help you there.
All I know is thereā€™s a bugged interaction between Levitation and Rune of Giants, so I would put some points there just for kicks, but thatā€™s just me.

Thanks for replying.

I just feel like Ice Blast scaling isnā€™t all that helpful compared to what we can currently achieve in terms of magic attack. And since skill damage and magic attack pretty much go together in the damage formula, I thought it could be skipped.

Thanks for poiting out about bone pointing, missed that atribute when planning.

My main doubt still remaisn though, is linker 2 still really relevant compared to linker 1 (dandel gem for extra link) and another rank of anything else (I thought of runecaster here for 50% chance permanent debuff resistence buff and extra ice damage for cryo skills)?

Iā€™m worried investing too much into linker ranks might prove out a lost circle at endgame content.

Ice Blast (with ktos changes) is probably your best Ice skill though, short of Ice Wall + PP.
It has 796 skill damage at lv15, more than double of lv15 Fireball, and everyoneā€™s hopping on the Pyro Agni train.
Since youā€™re getting an entire circle to boost your Ice skills, it seems like a waste not to get it.
If you donā€™t like the skill though, canā€™t be helped.

You have valid concerns about Linker2.
I like it because I want to use it in GvG and there are always Owls/Walls/etc in the way, those extra links are useful.
Even then, Iā€™m thinking if I can replace a circle in Linker with anything more useful, since weā€™ll be getting the rank reset.
I havenā€™t made a decision yet, but itā€™s definitely worth considering.
Sharing Cloaking vie Spiritual Chain is great in GvG though.

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Does attacking mob under blood curse heal suppose to be super low ?

I just hit khamadon mob and it heal me 23 only after i used blood curse on them lol ā€¦

Yeah, I have no idea what makes the BC debuff heal scale.
I get 26-28 HP per damage tick myself.
So you really need that max Blood sucking to heal up.

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Ye =S

And omg

Levitation is a total scam T.T

I feel so offended

DT / stop / ground spells affect me even when im flying unfairrrrrrrrrrr :S

But no joke tho

Im really annoyed with how levitation still stuck in traps / affected by ground spell

YET we cant even get heal during levitation but everything else gets thrown at us wth ā€¦

@Pinky hi whats with the iw/link blood curse sync deal ? :o

been hearing ppl saying its op or something

is it more link target blood curse is stronger or something ?

Use Ice Wall, link targets/boss to Ice Walls, use BC.
It just multiplies your BC damage by the number of links, 8x in my case for Linker2.
Itā€™s basically the same as if you linked 8 mobs together, but you can use it on solo bosses.
Linked Ice Walls tend to break fast (the lower the skill level, the faster) before you can cast BC if the boss is under heavy fire though, so you have to time/explain it in pubs.

Iā€™m currently leaning towards resetting my build, as a PvP build I feel like Cryo3Linker2 is underperforming.
Frost Pillar is just too weak/inconsistent in pulling/CCing people to setup for BC.
So Iā€™m looking to reset to CryoLinkerKino3FF2 at the moment.
Better consistency, especially against clerics.

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Ahh i see thanks so much for ur explanation guiding my ff journey :3

Im resetting my Wiz2 Link Thau3 FF2 to Cyro instead Wiz2 for iw/link

Surespell is useless as i levitation to blood sucking lol and i dont get hit there :x

Hi, so youā€™re saying the damage with ice wall can be multiplied, so if I link the boss to the ice wall, then blood curse it, it will damage a lot? Supposing I have Quick Cast (+50% damage)

Targets linked to IW will take full damage for each link, even if the walls themselves take 1 damage.
Boss linked to 7 walls = 7x more damage.
Keep in mind that linked IWs will be destroyed very fast if the target is taking hits, especially if you have low leveled Ice Wall.
Anything less than Cryo3 will have a hard time making linked IW last long enough to cast BC in a party situation, unless you explain it beforehand and have them stop hitting the target while you do the combo.

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Blood Bath

  • This skill is now of the Poison property.

Blood Curse

  • This skill is now of the Poison property.

Blood Sucking

  • This skill is now of the Poison property.

Bone Pointing

  • This skill is now of the Poison property.

Kundela Slash

  • This skill is now of the Poison property.


  • This skill is now of the Poison property.



also, no idea what to use my reset on >_<