Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

Thanks for clarifying.

Thinking about the HKā€™s effect to BB. Is it possible that the first three bullets of magic missile also become small AOE after HK and each enemy hit by the bullet will produce 5 more bullets?

Suppose I link 6 mobs, each of the first three bullet hits 6 mobs. Since each mob is surrounded by other 5 mobs, each mob do produce 5 more bullets. In total, I get extra 65 bullets. So we get 653 extra bullets and each mob receives 65*3/6 = 15 hits from extra bullets in average. Note that the first three bullets are AOE, so each mob receives 18 hits in average.

By this theory, if you link more than 6 enemies at a time, each should be hit by 18 times in average.

I did some test on group of 6 mobs, the damage is very close(Iā€™m not playing in iTOS so Iā€™m not experiencing the JP bug).

I think this theory can also explain the data from above posts.

I think that is what it does. Some weird interactions happen when targets drop to 0 aoe def ratio.

Not sure what this is for but it seems that our versionā€™s Blood Sucking is working perfectly fine. This change is almost for every channeling skill in the game.

Do note that a bunch of the patch notes are either repeated or where things that only happened in KToS to being with.
A bit sad that it happens, but this update does in fact brings up up to date along KToS (At least until their next patch, as R8 is coming out there while we save ourselves the shitshot that is the glitchfest of a new Rankk) so thatā€™s cool.

As known, Intathurta Gloves will be introduced tonight. Anyone has any idea where it dropped in ktos?

I wonder how much will the Intathurta Gloves bring to a FF. Itā€™s just one additional race that can be affected via Bloodsucking.

Also, correct me if Iā€™m wrong but this only affects Bloodsucking and does nothing to Bloodbath right?

I asked this question in the forum, people say these gloves affect both Mutants and Plants.

It would affect both plant and mutants. The gloves only affects the skill blood sucking.

Just wanted to confirm. There are no damage changes with blood sucking. The double damage bug seem to have already been fixed in our version long time ago.

Ah ok, found a source that has a better translate than Google lol

I remembered reading somewhere that it has been tested in kTOS that theyā€™re still not able to use blood sucking with the gloves in PVP thoughā€¦

Sadly It doesnā€™t affect bloodbathā€¦

New Rank 8 skills!

I just used google translate for it.

Kundela Slash (ģæ¤ėøė¼ ģŠ¬ėž˜ģ‰¬) - Attack enemies using Kundela (Bone Knife). It receives a little extra damage of Curse status.

Damage: 4368.7 + ([Skill Level] - 1) Ɨ 768.4

Levitation - Allows flight. Cannot be hit by melee attacks (I assume this would just be ground spells). Receives extra damage from missile attacks.

Duration: 30 + [Skill Level] x 2
CD: 65s
Notes: Max flight duration should be 40 sec.

Blood Curse - Requires levitation to use. Consumes HP to cast. Grants Blood Curse Status to enemies hit. Attackerā€™s HP is restored when hitting a target with blood curse. (Using this technology, while the lack of physical battles can be disabled.) Canā€™t make sense of this one lol.

Damage: 7106.4 + ([Skill Level] - 1) Ɨ 1122.7

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Now the challenge is to think in the skill points distribution e.e

My plan is to focus on the blood skills. I will perhaps not place points in the kundela related skills (bone knife).

It seems that blood curse scales with HP consumed as well based on the translation I read on tos-kr.neet

After consuming their status from HP Levy presentation, giving a figure proportional to the damage as HP consumption to nearby enemies Grant [Blood Curse] status. [Blood Curse] This is less resilient SP 0 jammed in the state, when its enemies have been the attackerā€™s HP is restored. Using this technology, while the lack of physical battles can be disabled.

Thing I really want to know is if Levitation takes sp per second or as a one-off.

The skill damage formula doesnā€™t say anything about HP scaling though. I might be wrong we may have to wait for someone to translate it calling @Altariel.

The attribute for blood curse increases the HP consumption from 60% -> 80%. But increasing the blood curseā€™s debuff duration. Max debuff duration is 9.5 + 7 = 16.5 s.

Levitation seem to be a one SP consumption skill rather than SP per sec.

I have 1 point on nghadhundi for the feather+thauma combo, this kundela slash looks interesting for the high damage base and overheat, i need to see a video. My initial idea is
7 bloodbath
10 bloodsucking
5 kundela slash
5 blood curse
1 levitation
1 bone pointing
1 nghadhundi

Does anyone discovered where Istamurta Gloves drops?

A good question is, how much HP is restored when you hit the enemies inflicted with blood curse.

Iā€™m planning for
10 blood bath
10 blood sucking
3 kundela slash
5 blood curse
1 levitation
1 bone pointing