Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Featherfoot Thread

Technically anything that ticks works well with enervation. My choice of pyro is plainly to add more skills into my rotation , say for CM. Even w/o joint-knot I can still use enervation+ flame ground to deal damage

Blood curse removes 80% of your HP, and I rely on fireball to heal it up since it’s AOE it’s rather huge

Unless you are wiz 2 I don’t recommending getting very high lvl for blood suck. Damage is around 11k per tick , more than succificient to heal yourself up in 2-3 ticks.

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I agree. I’m a wiz2 and in party I feel guilty when I got no skill to cast lol. My experience from farming 340 and other map, I hardly use bloodsucking even with normal gear and hp can easily restore with just hp pot.

So I would reset to pyro1 if I can and properly sleep’d the target of I really need to bloodsucking.

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how to do that ? blood curse affect to party member?

Enemies hit by blood curse get a debuff. Whenever you or ally hits it, it will heal the attacker’s hp.
Also, blood bath can heal allies too.

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It’s a debuff on the affected mobs. Anything that damages it heals you for a % for your dmg dealt.

Not really an actual life steal aura , but it is enough to sustain your team

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Latest KTest changes.

Huge damage buff to Blood Sucking and Kundela Slash, minor damage boosts elsewhere, and a nice QoL change for Enervation.

Did anyone really think Kundela slash needed even more damage? lol

Notice most wizard damage was buffed, for all classes except cryomancer. It was to compensate thaumathurge nerf.

Gonna hit damage cap with it. :heart_eyes:

MMmmm, that FF love~ L3 is going to make FF so broken in party. With Thaum nerfs, I feel compelled to add more attack spells with my FF3. I wonder if the ktest skill simulator has been updated.

from these attribute below, which are the most to the less useful?

Blood Curse: Drop of Blood:
When losing HP from skill Blood Curse, will always remain with at least 1 of HP.

Blood Sucking: HP Supply Enhance
Increases HP absorbed by 1% per attribute level

Bone Pointing: Repeated Hits
[Bone Pointing] attack applies as repeated hits

Bone Pointing: Summon Time
Increases summon time of [Bone Pointing] by 1 second per attribute level

Kurdaitcha: Blood’s Footprint
Skill [Kurdaitcha] damaged the magic damage on the blood’s footprint

Kurdaitcha: Increased Movement Speed
Movement speed during [Kurdaitcha] increases to match normal walking speed

Personally I’d rank it this way:

  1. Kurdaitcha: Increased Movement Speed
  2. Bone Pointing: Summon Time
  3. Blood Curse: Drop of Blood
  4. Bone Pointing: Repeated Hits
  5. Kurdaitcha: Blood’s Footprint
  6. Blood Sucking: HP Supply Enhance

1 and 2 are pretty obvious.
3, for me, isn’t that much needed if you keep track of your hp. But it’s pretty useful if you always have the additional consumed hp% attribute on blood curse.
4 and 5 are pretty annoying to have if you’re a linker. If you’re not a linker/farmer, then I guess they’d be a higher priority.
6 isn’t even needed since 2-3 ticks of blood sucking even without this attribute is usually enough to fill your hp.

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Get the Kundela slash attribute and Bone pointing: summon time. Get levitation bonus damage attribute if you are using a flying-playstyle. Other attributes are Luxury.

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I got Bone Pointing Time, and I can see Drop of Blood being useful if you like exploding and don’t like having to heal first.

The rest look like a waste of money. I never bought any of them and I’ve never regretted it.

Which Weapon is for a Wiz2Lin2Thau2FF2 the best choice? Lv315 Unique Prac Rod or Lv315 Unique Prac Mace?

I would choose mace. Minor decrease in matk vs rod but a bit higher swell buff values. Plus you’ve got additional sp and sp recov which you can take advantage of so you won’t have to be reliant on sp potions.

you would want staff for future uses. Rod/shield+dagger does not really work anymore because right arm got changed to only increase sub weapon damage and shied def.

RHS staff will give you higher damage when the wizard rework patch comes to itos.

For after wizard patch, take Mace for higher status value, use it to buff, than switch to 350 staff

So the best gears for FF would be the ones that increase. Aoe, Right?

Does gears like Intasurta Gloves became obsolete?

There aren’t gem in ktos for kundela right?

Are bosses affected by bleed ?

Thinking to do this after patch build


It’s up to you. AoE ratio gear means more monsters can be hit by Kundela Slash and Ngadhundi. The small hitbox will be a problem though.

Yes, in terms of damage. You can use it to heal off plants and mutants if no other type of monsters are around. Enervation can do this too, but it’s limited.


Only the bosses that are beast, devil or insect. However, you can bleed them regardless of race if they are under Enervation’s debuff. There’s a hidden effect of interrupting bosses with the skill.

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Substituting Wiz2 for Pyro seems like a fun idea as per the build above, but what about Cryo?

Now that Ice pike freezes with 100% chance, you can use it to CC enemies and bloodsuck from them in relative safety. I’m also curious to see if Enervate and Blood curse can work on Icewall. Does anyone know if this interaction works the way I hope it does?