Tree of Savior Forum

[Class] Chaplain - Hidden Class Rank 5

That’s not my issue. Altariel says that each hit per wave will count towards the hit count. So 1 wave from a lv 10 [zaibas] (14 hit count) hitting 3 mobs can only call down 11 waves of lightning (14 - 3) instead of 13 waves (14 -1).

Is that how it works?


it will hit 14 times, the splash atribute makes each wave “splash” to other targets based on your aoe ratio


zaibas with splash atribute against ONE target will hit it 14 times
zaibas without splash atribute against ONE target will hit it 14 times

zaibas with splash atribute against TWO targets will hit them both 14 times
zaibas without splash atribute against TWO targets will hit the 1st target 7 times and the second target 7 times.

basically each wave will acquire X targets based on your aoe ratio.
this is what makes the five hammer highly desirable for the early stages of the game for a krivis, since it provides a whopping 5 aoe ratio


made a build like this:

thinking to go full str before getting last rite and Aspergillum; and change to full int build later if possible

im not sure whether to go kabbalist or PD at rank 7…

what do u guys think? i think this build can do enough support so should be no problem in dungeon too…

That’s a standard chaplain build, and they work fine.
Statwise you aren’t supposed to be able to respec anymore, so it’d go full int or full spr right away depending on your preference.

Skill point distribution from priest3 is a bit difficult to recommend atm though, as i don’t know the exact scaling between last rites & sacrament yet.
Revive/mass heal/stone skin are all excellent options to put skill points in. (aspersion a bit less, blessing only up to 10, resurrect should at least be 2 for the revive attribute)
So no matter what you pick, you always lose out on something.

And i wouldn’t put so much points into cure and safety zone, the latter gets +20 blocks from a circle 2 attribute anyway (so lvl 5 is fine). And enemies don’t stay long enough in range of cure to make it worth tossing all your points in.

Put 5 in divine might and 1 in fade at least imo.

forgot to mention that i planned to make an auto attack dps build with some ability to support
so i think maxing out blessing is a must (?)
aspersion and sacrement should max out if i want to get the most dps bonus…but well revive looks important too
maybe i should drop mass heal to lv1…and…other things r difficult to decide
thanks for advice!

I’ll explain it in a bit more detail:

Aspersion is a nice percentage based buff, but defense doesn’t scale well at the moment in pve since most mobs deal raw dmg without multipliers. In pvp it fairs a lot better but none the less 15 points is quite expensive. Aspergillum is also strong enough with a mere lvl 1 aspersion.

  • Any level is fine, higher would be better but you will need to abandon some other skill point benefits for it.

Monstrance is the odd duckling out that gets a longer cast animation per skill level, as well as more debuff circles that tend to overlap to much. It’s buff (+30% dex) stays the same regardless of lvl.

  • 0-1 points recommended for non spr builds, 5 points recommended for spr builds that plan to debuff occasionally.

Blessing’s damage scales off later in the game, though it remains very potent for auto attack builds. The main issue is that only 70 of the 170 max damage comes from skill levels, which quite frankly can be spent elsewhere a lot better.

  • 5-10 points recommended so you at least get a good hit amount.

Resurrect you want at least lvl 2 for the revive duration attribute. lvl 5 is decent on a full con pvp build, but it’s very difficult to pull off. For pve a simple safety zone + resurrect should suffice in majority of situations.

  • 2-5 points recommended.

Sacrament i can’t advice on yet because i’ve yet to see how exactly it scales with last rites. Vids suggest it may add close to 800 dmg.

  • Dunno, ask again later.

Revive is one of the best defensive buffs in the game, it prevents a death every 2 minutes 15 seconds for every party member after which it gives them a invuln for x seconds and heals them back up to x times 5% health.
A 1 second invuln and 5% heal is not very noticeable, but a 50% heal and 10s invuln is quite insane. (rumored to have a 3s invuln cap in pvp though.)

  • 3-10 points recommended.

Mass heal got nerfed a while ago, so sadly it’s now really poor at lower skill levels. But the 28% heal at lvl 10 is decent enough to help a team out.

  • Either ignore it or try to max it.

Stone skin scales really well with spr and with skill level, though i didn’t find it as good as i was hoping last icbt. Still it’s one of the better dmg prevention skills that isn’t a outright invulnerability skill, and with chaplain it can be kept up indefinitely (as long as your supplies last technically).

  • Max it if you’re not a str build, but spr builds can ignore the skill lvl bonus in favor of their far higher stat bonus.

But yeah, it’s a annoying choice one way or another. But keep in mind you can reset skill points, so try out a few different variations when you can.


Hi, i was wondering if it is more viable to go for chaplain first after priest c3 or monk 1 and 2 first then chaplain?:grin:

Monk and Chaplain is not a great combination because Monk is skill based and Chaplain is auto attack based…so I’m not sure what could you do with it…


Fade lvl 1 and Divine Might lvl 4-5 pls X)

I don’t understand the Mass Heal lvl 2… xD Mass heal scales quite slowly so that 1 extra lvl… but lvl 1 is quite okay because it already gives 10%… I wouldn’t miss that out. At least put that 1 point on Resurrection.

You are also a solo build planning full INT later…but even with full STR that lvl 1 Monstrance is useless for you…Monstrance buff is better if you have DEX and the debuff if you have SPR… and you will have the buff from Capella anyway. ( unless it is a bug that it provides it X) )

Also if you won’t have any SPR lvl 1 Stone Skin is bad too and you will have that from Capella too I think… ( unless it is a bug that it provides it again X) )

You need to have Resurrection level 2 in order to get the Revive attribute that extends the duration of Revive? If that’s true, where do you find this?

he might mean Revive Lv 2 and not the resurrection skill

T’was the case in icbt2. Found out the hard way when i tried to train it. should back me up on it, assuming google translate isn’t getting it wrong.

No it was rly Resurrection lvl 2 in both icbts… It was weird… X) I didn’t see any other attribute like this.

My Google translate did not show anything about the Revive duration attribute requiring Resurrection level 2. I believe you, but I also hate to waste a skill point.

Can anyone else confirm this?

프리스트 2서클 리저렉션 2레벨

Learning conditions Priest Resurrection 2 Level 2 Circle

(just putting that part in google translate could translate it to resurrection)

리저렉션 Resurrection (somehow alone it’s still “Collection reservoir” in google translate…XD )

리바이브 Revive

( Other than this and that it was like this in icbts for sure… I can’t confirm it…but I think this is enough X) )

ah, i never brought c2 priest i didn’t know it did such a thing. :frowning:

theorically, chaplain could make monk less reliable on double punch, and then he would be more free to distribute points on the other spells

i’d choose double punch over basic attacks at any time though XD

the only reason to not get double punch, is to get the defensive spells from monk, golden bell and iron skin max level

or if you’ll have a friend playing pyro-chronomancer, that would give you another hit on enchant fire and a lot of extra atk speed

something like…

i don’t think it’s the best build ever, but could work if it pleases whoever wants to follow that path

note: i haven’t used a lot of points, just did the dmg part
note²: iron skin on iCBT2 was just another version of Golden Bell, immunity to all dmg, including ranged and magic dmg, with the only difference being golden bell attribute that transferred it to the party


Thanks. Just seems so odd to require one skill to get the attribute for another.

He is right it’s in the game, you need resurrection lv 2 to continue the revive attribute

heres some game play of a higher lvl chaplain (258)
against 2 bosses
against 1 boss
preist C3 > Chaplain > Krivis > Plaguedoc

looks insanely tanky to me, mainly because healing factor is op
but i haven’t reached that content yet so i cant really assess lol.

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I saw this video too and I thought about posting it…but then I was lazy… XD anyway I have other plans but it is a nice demonstration of how a Plague Chaplain would look like.

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