Tree of Savior Forum

Circle resets may reduce low level population

@Lenny @Lostac I hope it’s not a Tree Root Crystal costume. :smiley:

Seriously, any of those are good but I’ve always liked free TP best. Stat reset, second.

Not when it undermines the profits of other TP products. We have to weigh the pros and cons of every decision.

For what reason IMC start introducing x4 and x8 exp tomes?
What make you think that introducing a reset for TP will not cut into the profits generated by selling exp tomes and will make up for the loss with lesser tomes sold?

IMC is a business too, they need to think which option gives them more yield.

Do you really think circle resets are more likely to lead players to spend less time on ToS as opposed to the hours and hours a player would need to put in to constantly re-roll in order to fit the meta? Cmon, its absurd. Population is likely to rise, not drop.

@scarethemonkeys was talking about a Testing Room. Good idea though.

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Circle/Full resets if implemented in a way which needs the player to put in time and effort to get back to where they are before without losing achievements/attributes etc, yes I will agree it is beneficial to the game and more players are likely to play and come back.

If it is an instant “one click” and change immediately TP item, then yes it will lead to lesser time spent in ToS ultimately, as players wun feel the need to keep making new characters and to what OP said, lead to even lower population in the lower levels. Just like the AAA game WoW, which in the end they introduce instant level to help out.

I just don’t want to see the time when ToS gets to 600, all the level 1-550 maps are empty.

But, isn’t that better than the large portion of players who don’t spend ANY times in ToS because they are not willing to spend 250+ hours to each character?

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And again you’re diving into assumptions against a deliberate fact. This is exactly why it’s difficult to argue with you, always assuming things out of your ass.

“For what reason IMC starts introducing x4 and x8 exp tomes?”

Let me guess, your answer to this is that you “assume” that it’s for rerolling of alts. Now I’m going to give you more assumptions:

They were released to curb the oversupply of items from events/compensations.
They were released as IMC realized because of certain exp modifiers its boost was too low to consider purchasing frequently in the long run, hence the creation of said tomes.

Now I’ve actually got two assumptions with clear deductive reasoning. How about yours?

Now tell me something, have you had any justification on purchasing said tomes from the TP shop prior to the release of the new x4 and x8 exp tomes? I’m pretty sure you didn’t, and so did most other people, especially when it’s long known through threads here in the forums that it wasn’t worth said TP.

In the end though, funnily enough correlating the usage of x4 and x8 exp tomes to actual purchase of circle resets is extremely unrelated to each other when both provide varying use. One obvious case is that exp tomes won’t give you back attributes, or untradable gear, or achievements. Which technically means the purpose for purchasing said item is vastly different from the purpose of buying circle resets, thus making your argument fall apart altogether.

And for sure you’re going to release an assumption again along with an opinion with zero basis, feel free to do so. But it’s rather boring to debate with someone who doesn’t even know how to correlate well.


Well, we can only hope that IMC implement the reset in the form which helps these players without making ToS become WoW-like, where lower ranks maps are totally empty. There are many good suggestions put forth by our other players here that gives players the reset they want, enable them to retain their hard-earned attributes levels, achievements, untradable items that aren’t "one click clutch’. I find these are really great and worth considering.


Wow, what an assumption that I say things without any reasoning.

Players buy exp tomes for all sorts of reasons, with rerolling alts as part of it. In my post to you you assumed that I said it is for rerolling of alts. Do enlighten me which part of the post makes you think I said that.

Who is making the assumptions now?

Now you know why it is difficult to get things to you? Cause you take other players comments, read too deep into them, assume what you think it is and put it out rebutting others. Sometimes I really do wonder whether the things I put forth is difficult to understand or is it just you who find me difficult to understand. This we will probably have to ask the others.

Again with your assumptions. Even when is is a 5-9% increase in exp it is still an increase. There are still players who are willing to buy exp tomes just for it, myself included. Anyway even when I tell you that I spent over $500 just buying TP and packages for this game you would also not believe, anything else said is kind of moot at this point. And yes exp tomes cater to a good portion of the TP spent fyi, and that is not an assumption.

Even more assumptions and even an anecdote to boot. It’s absolutely funny how I predicted how your argument will go about.

I suppose this is your tactic to sway me out of my initial argument that is backed up by basic principles of entrepreneurship.

Again let me tell you, how in any way would IMC not gain any profit from selling a virtual item in the item shop that is well in-demand? Hm?

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I am skeptical, with the game’s current status, circle resets can make it worse. Too many issues done wrong, not done right, not done immediately resulting in fed-up players leaving and not coming back…

well chill dude… no one knows what happen if they release it.

Disclaimer: Assumption in quote below

The said TP reset item (itemA) resets classes fully and reimburses all skill points. The player may then choose their new classes and skills without need for re-levelling as prior to reset. Like how other reset item works.

I didn’t say IMC would not generate any profit from selling virtual item (the said TP reset itemA), I said it will definitely affect sales of the exp tome. If there is proof that IMC would generate more profit when TP reset is introduced along with exp tomes I would like to see it.

But then we can’t, cuz the information isn’t made available to us. No matter what we both say, all are speculations and assumptions based on our own experiences and information we had. There are no facts and statistics to support our claims. We both don’t work for IMC, we have limited knowledge.

This is the problem we have, on communication. On my side I’m putting forth my opinions on the basis that it can be refuted and such but on your side it is just “Mine is the fact and only truth while others are assumptions”.

i like how it’s a big issue after the hook64 method was removed because people were getting banned.
it’s too bad imc can’t remove other hook64 cheats.
it’s also too bad they’re resorting to resets instead of balancing the game.

Problem is, some stuff just cannot be balanced. There will always be a few builds that are just better. For example, as a Wizard there is almost no viable builds unless you have either Wizard 3 or Linker. If you don’t have these then you’re either a CryoChrono or you are completely trash and nothing will fix it. And if those classes are nerfed, you just ruined the entire Wizard class and there is very little you could do to buff other classes to be on par with Wizard 3 or Linker because people will just pick the newly buffed class and then Wizard 3 or Linker to be even stronger.

Anyway, class resets need to happen, but in a limited way. A 1 time offer when a new rank is added is perfectly acceptable. No way we could know what rank 8 was going to add when we made our character, and once rank 9 and 10 hits we again will have no idea and cannot plan for it.
Making alts isn’t fun either. Almost no one plays the game anymore because the entire levelling process just sucks.


You know you can’t trick me, right? You absolutely just reiterated what you’ve said in your previous post, despite the fact that it has absolutely no relation at all to the absolute fact that circle resets will yield a profit.

You’re like the conspiracy nut that argues about flat earth always reiterating the same statements despite it being disproven already. It’s quite sad really.

But of course you’re just looking forward to play the last word card don’t ya? It’s your favorite picture, I’m guessing that’s your ideology when it comes to debates you lose in. You have done absolutely nothing to break down my statement so far besides correlating two extremely different items.

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the population is low enough, we have nothing to lose, i spend 90% of my time queuing, waiting for party, how are we going to lose more players when there are not many left
i m more keen to reset will draw back some of those leave to come back
and attract some new face
when a new Rank come out, or some big skill balance but not a TP shop item

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At this point IMC needs to change SOMETHING to save the game. It’s already proven that, whether or not circle resets will kill the game, the lack of circle resets certainly isn’t saving it, so they really might as well try at this point.

Theretically. In actual practice I’m marginally sure IMC is incapable of programming in such a thing in the first place.

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Where are the players right now? We are down to 6k peak for six servers total. That’s averaging 1k per server. And we know Orsha and Fedi has less than 1k, while the bulk is at SEA servers.

It is already like that right now. The vast majority will not repeat the same dull quests over and over to get their build they want. In fact with resets it will encourage more people to make alts, because it ensures their builds will not be permanently screwed by some future patch. Resets can protect all those time invested into multiple alts.

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IMC do need to do more marketing and with more exposure of the game, more new blood will be injected into the game. There is hardly any marketing done for iToS as compared to the other regional ToSs where they have publishers to do the marketing for them.

If is it already like that currently, wun having resets make it worse?

Actually it depends on what kind of reset you are talking about. I myself am ok with reset as like what you say, as it protects those who invested time into the character. I have rolled and rerolled 5x archers just to find the build which I like, I know how freaking boring the quests are after like running through everything for like 9 times. The only gripe which I have is the way the reset is implemented.

I would really love it when IMC implement a class reset when the reset is a non-TP based, quest triggered repeatable reset which resets the job level of the character back to the base level 1 of the rank the player chooses to reset to. From then the player will gain a job exp buff which accelerates the pace in which he or she can earn job experience to gain back the job levels lost during reset.

The above suggestion solves so many things:

For IMC side

  • It fits into the grindy nature of the game
  • It allows sales of TP grind boosters such as EXP tomes (which IMC would certainly like)
  • Reset can be crafted like a job quest changer which fits the lore and mood of the game rather than a hastily added “convenience” item.

For Pro-resetters

  • Solves the “oh shiat I chose a wrong build problem”
  • Allows the player to keep all achievements, collections, map completion, monster kills, untradable items, titles gained.
  • Able to switch builds if they want to (although will need some time to gain back)
  • Accessibility. It is available to both free and paying players of ToS. It doesn’t discriminate between income groups based on TP buying power. It doesn’t filter out players who can’t be online at a certain time/date to fulfil an event requirement to get the reset.

For Anti-resetters

  • Time and effort comment cleared. A number of anti-resetters don’t really mind as long as they don’t get to feel that they are “short-changed” due to leveling a hard to level build without resetting.
  • Lack of diversity comment cleared. To reset like this and having to grind back the job levels, there will be more different types of builds all around as players reset and party more to get to their favorite builds.

What this suggestion doesn’t solve/provide

  • Clutch TP item where players can buy and reset immediately with no consequence on use.

This is the kind of reset I’m trying to put across, something which can satisfy all sides and provide win-win for all.

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Circle resets would be great!!! Class information/translations are too limited. Many of my friends quit due to this.