Tree of Savior Forum

Circle resets may reduce low level population

Thinking about it for the long term, circle resets from cash shops may decrease the low level population (making it worse than it is now). People would only need a certain amount of characters at max level since they would not be incentivised to make new characters. If their character becomes out of the meta, they could just reset the circles to match it.

This may deter new players from joining since they may be soloing for up until end game (longer lower level dungeon queues and mission queues). Certain players may enjoy the solo climb but I feel the majority would feel turned off by it.

WoW tried to pad a similar issues by giving new players access to characters already at level 100 (not a huge fan of this since it takes away from the initial experience of questing and exploration).

While I understand the perks of class resets, I’m only down for class resets only being for events. Would prefer it not be a cash shop item.


good one op I’m glad you have a sense of humor in these dark times of MMORPGs

Not sure what you mean lol.

i don’t think they will ever give us circle/class resets
i believe they can give us something like "Level 200 EXP Card"
so we make our new char and pof, lvl 200.

thats probably what would happen (maybe day 20 of the event o.o )

He’s just making another snarky tree-of-solo comment. Ignore it. If you show weakness and feed them then you fill the thread up with more people that know you’ll respond to it.

This actually makes sense.

If IMC allowed resets, they’d just make the “buy char slots with TP” option useless (since people can just roll 1 for each of the 4 base classes) unless they plan to just keep adding more companions moving forward.

A one-time reset per char may not be so bad though. Perhaps some sort of rebirth feature with perks for faster leveling after rebirth but nothing that makes a char stronger - simply a reset you still need to work hard for.

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Ah I see. Alrighty. I’ll refrain from commenting to those people.

I’m sorry but there’s really not much of a low-level population to lose.

I just leveled up a mage to 56 and I just leveled up of Archer to 100.

And taking that into account I have talked to 2 people that actually responded to me when I said stuff. MyQ times for the level 50 dungeon or anywhere from 10 minutes to 15 minutes on average with a couple less than 5 minutes.

The level 90 dungeon was a little easier to get parties for probably because people searching for that dagger. ( and no I didn’t get it either at least not yet)

Unless you mean low levels as in like 100 - 200 in which case I can’t comment on.

But as I see it there really isn’t much of a low-level population to begin with. Which if you do look at the way having a class reset would probably kill it the rest of the way. I haven’t ever leveled up the character enough to actually worry about resetting anything. I mean my highest character is level 100 so you can’t really take anything I say with much weight anyway.

That’s just the observation from one super low level casual player. That incidentally started playing as soon as the game came out completely messed up his hoplite build and then promptly quit. But that’s neither here nor there.

But I gotta say from what I saw opening weeks this game is very dead in terms of population.

i have already lose a few guildmate due to R8 screw up their build
i have guildmate so afraid to reroll and got screw at R8/R9
we are losing new player, and old player afraid to create new character
without a way to fix new rank screwing over, iTOS wont survive till R8

You just need a system that would make circle reset a time-consuming thing. Like a rebirth system in RO. That was not just the system to get stronger, but also an option to fix your mistakes.

And hey, it’s not about rerolling a char, it’s about dumping hundreds of millions into attributes. Just shows how much people who demand no resets invested into the game so far. You know boy, I’ve played 1300 hrs as my main and it has all attribs around 80 while not being any kind of PvE char at all, I SUFFERED for the ■■■■ I got atm, and I’m destroying stuff with well-deserved pleasure.

Also, the whole notion of any population drop because of a feature, that has a positive impact on population generally, is beyond ridiculous.

Finally, it’s C8 for my char. I’m about to pick one of the C7 or even earlier professions at C8, because all C8 options are unacceptable for me due to build mechanics. There are a lot of options and all of them are bad. There is a very high possibility that I will trash my char by choosing wrong rank 8, so it’s either reset or don’t take c8 at all untill c9 is released (thing is - my build will be sht ANYWAYfor the whole duration of c8). Which is simply ridiculous, as I don’t want to play other char, I want to progress with this one.

So please, allow me to have my emergency button? Because if I fail my main, I fail my game. I don’t have another 1300 spare hours.

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You’re actually dead on. I have 14 Alts from 150-200. I enjoy building characters, but yeah for sure If I can easily just reset my class then I am going to get bored quickly. IMC would owe me a lot of TP because I only would need 2 Slots since I only play Wizards and Clerics, well; then 2 more for my Pets.

I was thinking this earlier, but theres no point argue’ing about it. I honestly don’t see IMC doing full resets anyways, maybe the last rank and have a 24 hour window as well as cost like 25$. Now that I’d be okay with.

In a game like this; where literally the only thing really to do, is build characters, grind and do a minor bit of PvP you don’t have a lot of things keeping people here. I’m only interested in Character Building, take that away, or make my experience cheap’nd IMC just lost someone who has probably spent more money in game then most as well as time. 2500 hours so far and counting.

I know most of my friends who left, didn’t leave because of something like Resets. They left because of FPS issues and very little content. Class Resets won’t increase the population, but indeed it will cut it’s longevity in half.

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A way to reset the last rank whenever a new rank is released (like reset rank 7 upon rank 8 release) would be nice. It should go up at 2 ranks (like both rank 6 and rank 7) though, so you can reset after seeing the R2 or R3 of your class. Any more is a bit too much.

Sorry but this is Bullocks
I have 3 mages and would never just play 1 and change it all the time

  • first it would be expensive as it most likely would be way higher than a token once
  • second they still would need classes like Alchemist and so on in their teamup therefore at least 2 wizzards (with enchanter coming probably 3) along with the other Moneymaker classes.
    They would never switch to a Moneymaker for the night only to change back to a regular build when they play… it’s just not worth it

Classcircle resets might make some ppl to decide to not level any more smurfs
but it will result in more Players coming back in General that got pissed for leveling Ages for their perfect R4-R6 class only the see it gotten useless with R7 (same with R8 soon maybe)… they can just drop 10-20$ and get a reset [Besides: they said in a Q&A they think about quests… that wouldn’t even cost you anything but a lot of time if they choose not to paywall the resets]
Resulting in them telling their friends about it and therefore a bigger Population that will fill the lowelvl bracets.
Those old ones then might want to play with their friends resulting in another alt

It’s all theorydrafting and the doomsday theories never go well



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What are you even talking about? Honestly. Why would you assume that the possibility of re-rolling a character necessarily implies that no one would want to maintain multiple archer characters, or mage characters? Why is there this automatic assumption by you, and some other forum-goers, that players would not like to simultaneously have a chronomancer-support-mage alongside an elementalist-warlock-DPS-mage without having to reset any time they wanted the alternative playstyle? The assumption is asinine and I can’t fathome how I’ve had to read such an absurd and baseless assertion more than a couple times.

Basically, what @geisterflamme said.

The thing is, no one is cheapening or ruining your character-building experience by making it possible for others to adjust their builds if they messed up somewhere by accident, or if IMC patches in huge changes to a class/build, or if someone was confused by the wording of a skill (has happened to me so many times) or any number of issues pops up that can cause a player to want to try again.

If you enjoy character building, then the option to reset does not mean you only need 2 characters; even if all you play are wizards and clerics, there are still a bunch of ways to play those two characters based on the classes you choose, and the ability to reset in no way deters people from taking different directions with their characters. If YOU personally feel like a reset cheapens the experience, then you must not be as into the character-building that you say you enjoy as you think you are, since no one is preventing you from continuing to do things exactly the way you are doing them now. If you want to reset, you can; if you don’t, you don’t have to. That’s the beauty of having it be a possibility!

In other words: [quote=“sttr413, post:12, topic:327141”]
Also, the whole notion of any population drop because of a feature, that has a positive impact on population generally, is beyond ridiculous.


Isn’t the opposite of what I said also an assumption? Until something like that is implemented, everyone’s just making assumptions at this point, whether they’re pro or anti.



The opposite of what you said WOULD be an assumption, you’re right. But I’m not asserting that every player would want to host multiples of a class, either. My point was simply that assumtions like yours imply that no players would choose to want multiple characters of the same base-class, which is not an assumption: it’s objectively true.

as an ice lover, i already plan to make dozens of cryo builds. CryoSorc, CryoEle, CryoChrono, etc. resets don’t change the fact that u can potentially have dozens of characters with different class builds of the same class tree.

resets are better used for more recent circles in order to fine-tune an already solid foundation.