Tree of Savior Forum

Circle resets may reduce low level population

For those still staunchly against any form of class resets UNTIL C10 IS OUT.

Do you honestly think there will be enough players left by then to matter? It’s been what 6 months? Pop right now is around 5-6k. Across all servers.

Btw I’m on Orsha so I get to see the lowest populated server.(at least that’s what everyone is claiming) I’m definitely not one of those long-term players that the game really needs. Because I skip around games way too much. But something’s gotta change.

Class resets may not fix the problems with the game. But we shouldn’t be so afraid that it will kill the game that we don’t give it a shot at this point. Because as someone else has said there’s really not much of a population to lose anymore.

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On a sidenote: