So how does one plan a perfect and flawless future proof build for a game that will eventually have 600 levels when the current version is capped at 280 and will likely be a completely different meta than whenever they decide to give us 300* more levels?
Like seriously, what the ■■■■ are some of you ignoramus’s smoking. You make no sense.
Building for early game or late game is a choice tho. If you are expecting else, then a game like WoW where you can rush to endgame without caring about anything before then is a better choice, imo.
I think the issue with many gamers these days is that they expect to do it all ‘‘right’’ the ‘first time around’
Like playing Cross Channel or Rewrite and getting the True Route on first ‘playthrough’. No, that’s not going to happen.
Why even aim to make a perfect and flawless future proof build to begin with? Why not aim to make something you enjoy playing instead?
there must be a circle role or potion. as long as they make changes to classes, they must enter the option, which you can swap them also. Today is the archer build musketeer the best build, tomorrow there’s a change, and musketeer is the last dirt. will you tell me that you then sit you again, and plays a new character to the max lvl? no way
Circle Reset should be Limited to the class u choose from lvl 1 eg Cleric,Swordsman,Wizard,Archer so still have to play that class but can adjust your Circles if need be
Base class is just a name, and a starting point for branching classes. In ToS, characters are not defined by their base class, but their total sum of classes.
So it makes little sense to mention base classes like they are a big deal.
Then they are out of luck, because in the history of MMOs I’m not sure if there’s ever been a single case of this being possible.
How can you build something future proof in a game of a genre that is defined by constant change?
Perhaps you should consider reading your own posts, and taking your own advice? [quote=“Zipzo, post:392, topic:170775”]
Are you really this dense?
TOS have a very complex class system, not other game let you choose more than 1 class (in RO you choose 2 times, but novice to 1º jobs can be obvious), but here you have to choose form 5 to 7 times so you´ll make a lot of mistakes and now you have 2 options:
Make new one, if you have time.
Quit. And people leaving the game is bad.
People who are complainig about reset because you could change your “class” to other in late game, are only shortsighted and affraid of competition. They want to be “the pro” based on reserach or time more than own skill.
Having reset it’s better for the game at the end. With less people quitting and playing at high level you could form a party or a guild faster. Remember this when try to look for a healer, a crafter, cretate a guild and found nobody.
In games Like RO, TOS, LOL, DOTA There are a huge Metagame with the player build. Its needed a place where you can try new things without fear.
All this games have resets and that didn’t ruin them. This allow game like LOL to change the game mecanics every year, allow a RO pj to optmize to that MVP card, and should Allow TOS to try new circle combinations and mobs gems.
And if you think of it, Reroll is a reset, but a paintfull one.
Yeah, and in a huge MAJORITY of all successful MMOs of the current AND past tense, they allows switching builds. In F2P games you may have to pay, and in most triple AAA games it’s an in-game feature you pay for with in-game currency. Maybe even sometimes not even.
In TOS, it’s literally not even an option. There’s a big-ass difference.
You have essentially never presented a good argument for why circle swaps would be bad for the game. All you do is attack the opposing mentality by saying “But WHY do you need it?” and then you sit there and ■■■■■■■ pick apart their reasons why as if you get to decide for them why they should want something.
It’s a desirable thing to have, so people want it. Plain and simple. It’s something COMMONLY available in other successful MMO games, so people expect it. LIKE TRADING.
A circle reset will not help this game. The idea is convenient in nature but it only brings many more problems. The worst of them being; it will bring about a lack of class diversity many play this game to “choose”. What is being suggested is essentially a “free” level up of another character.
If a skill is not powerful enough then deem it so and reset it with the current skill reset scroll and pick another that works. There are times when a class feels completely worthless to later on be the foundation for the next “overpowered” class in the game. Patches in MMO games change everything.
Before someone says something about my “free” character comment.
Yes, you put in the hours. But not the hours it would have taken to get there with the new circles/skill you are now choosing is different. Class advantage is dominate in this game. Some classes level easy early and while others have late game advantage.
I think that having a unique TP-buyable reset per character wouldn’t hurt so much, and they could also make it very expensive so it’s not really worth it to level an easier character and then change it for late game. (At least not frequently).
Class diversity is created by having class balance, it has nothing to do with having the ability to correct build mistakes due to an awful progression system which nearly in and of itself guarantees a large number of people will make mistakes and/or end up with useless builds they can’t save. (How do you think everyone who skipped pelt c1 feels right now? How do you think everyone who TOOK pelt c1 will feel if they move swashbuckling to swordsman c1?).
This ridiculous notion that class diversity is in any whatsoever way a relevant factor in the argument for disallowing the ability to swap some circles is fallacious.
Because of class imbalance, people simply all pick the same class FROM THE BEGINNING, instead of even bothering to experiment, because you are PUNISHED for experimenting. You can’t save a character if you experimented and it fell flat. Ou just have to “git gud and reroll”.
There’s LESS class diversity without a reset, because nobody is going to experiment when the cost of failing is SO EXTREMELY high.
These people will not reroll. They will quit. That means less diversity because once they quit, all that’s left are the people who went the cookie cutter builds that are tried and true already.
You are arguing against exactly what you want. It’s absolutely mind numbing to watch people like you arguing for the completely wrong side.
Same people that quit because made a “bad” class choice will quit because leveling is “too hard” or because Earth Tower is too restrict, Cash Shop is pay to win, can’t enter the guild he want, didn’t win the World Boss box… those players would exist anywhere and will quit for any reason.
Just look at Class and Rank topics, players only want the best class for PvP or the best class for PvE, and people just give their suggestions about his classes.
We have tons of youtube videos, people on forums telling pros and cons of each combination, skill simulator, etc. I really don’t think the cicle reset would worth the possibility of abuse picking an easy-leveling class than switching for the Meta one.
I’m playing as Hunter 3, every class in this game hits ground bosses harder than me and I don’t have AoE, but I want this class and I’ll keep playing as Hunter.
Competitive players will always read forums, ask guild members, look at youtube while casual players don’t need to be in Meta itself and should accept his choices. No reason for a cicle reset.
Earth Tower being hard or battling for less P2W are completely different entities from “wanting really badly to not waste hundreds of hours of your probably limited game time because you have to reroll to fix one class rank you chose because of bad skill descriptions”.
There are difficult choices you can make to appease the player base, ones that have the potential to hurt the game, and then there are easy ones, ones that hurt nobody, make the game overall better and serve to retain someone who might otherwise quit anyway. Making the single only end game dungeon in the game easier? Quite debateable, it would have a serious effect on the difficulty ceiling of the game, and most casual players probably aren’t interested in earth tower anyway because they will never even get there.
Not being able to fix build mistakes EVER? Even when we are only at lvl 280 cap out of an eventual 600 of which we have no idea how the meta will fluctuate, with a near unpredictable number of class balance changes in the pipeline? And your best solution to how jaded such things will make people feel about their character is “reroll or quit”? Haha, guess what champion, they will quit without a second thought.
that affects everybody. It affects me, you, casuals, hardcores. Everyone. That’s what you call an easy decision. One that appeases a huge number of players with basically zero downside. The downside people argue is nothing but hogwash, rooted in fantasy, as I’ve pointed out above. It affects everyone if people quit too. It affects the community as a whole.
You have literally no sensible argument against a circle reset option (limited or otherwise).
Please. You make it sound like you only have one character period and you cant just make a new character.
All it comes down to is wanting to spend less time playing the game.
I often find myself feeling the same if I’m playing a game. But why would I go and argue to make those games faster, and reduce the enjoyment of those that would like to play a game more?
It’s my own impatience, my own lack of proper enjoyment that’s having me feel this way, not the game’s design.
Will likely go and play a game that they enjoy more in the first place. And this really such a bad thing for them? Or for those that don’t quit?
Is player made. It’s your choice whether to follow the ‘meta’ or not.
No, that’s:
And lastly:
Closing your eyes to all the many arguments used thus far doesnt magically make them go away.
Actually it might not be such a bad idea if:
You can only reset a SINGLE circle out of all the circles and it costs 20$ (per reset)
In order to reset you have to have Class Rank 15
Resetting 1 Circle would make Class Rank 15 -> Class Rank 1
The penalty of losing whole 15 Ranks would be high enough to actually allow such a thing to happen.
e.g Regrinding Circle 7 would take you roughly 50h of grind. Let me remind you that you won’t get your XP cards back…
So to make an example lets assume that this is my current build:
In order to make a simple change like this into my build (look at Circle 2):
I would have to grind another 15 ranks of class XP but the amount of XP corresponds to your current Circle rather than the Circle you are changing. In this case I would have to grind another 550 Million XP rather than 910k it took me when i took Circle 2 the first time.
I know a guy
who almost hit level 99 at old ragnarok(no taekwon then) at x0.6 rate server,
but he made a mistake in his build(wrong stat alocation).
He deleted his characters and created new one. And that was normal
He was leveling this char for like a year or more, constantly playing whenever he has free time.
In ToS you can hit the cap level in less than a month.
In ToS people complain that it is easy to play.