Tree of Savior Forum

Circle reset NEEDED for game to survive!

Lol so he spends a long time planning his build and makes one different than everyone else that works. So hes playing the game like its supposed to be played.

You just sound jealous lol. I dont know any other word to put it. You feel like you should be able to reset and copy his build. Because you dont want anyone to be different? I dont know why really. You could always level another character and make it exactly the same if you really wanted.

So the guy you made the statement to is an exception to the statement…

This is almost the worst reasoning i ever heard.

If they want everything to be easy and lower the learning curve, they should just go to another game. There are plenty of games like that. With resets all you desire and characters with no identity. Just like you want.

Skills were only visible when you were that class, at first.
In fact, the game didnt even tell you where you had to go to change classes. And your class quests didnt tell you where to get the items needed either.

All of that information that was available, was made available through the effort of players like you and me.

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I still think you should reroll…

From the start of MMOs people had ALTS for a reason… to try something different, or to fix mistakes they made on there first character. Some people are good at making first character. Alot people suck at it and make a alt…

Heck i did it within first week… my alt became my main… i leveled my Wizard to 100 didnt like the game style…

got to 100 on my Archer in under 2 days… and still loving my class/build. Started to have more fun.

This is reason i kinda wish they dont have reroll class scrolls cause… it forces people to try something new. Also put some muscle memory into it without just copying the top 3-5 builds in each catagory and everyone calls you crappy player cause u dont have that build.

Everyone will be a Pyro3. Ranger3. Krivis3 until Rank7.

I actually really like this idea.

Restrictions would be made to prevent this kind of abuse you’re mentioning.

Players wouldn’t be able to change circles like they change their clothes.

While I agree with you some combinations of skills/classes are completely impossible to find. Show me a C3 QS/C3 Wugushi video prior to ITos or even now. Can I use running shot while mounted? I’ve seen conflicting information on that topic 3 times today alone.

There is nothing wrong with a balanced, one more time, “BALANCED” circle reset option. Maybe 1 circle at a time and it resets to lvl 1 or only 3 per character. For the people whining “No Senpai,he’ll rerolll OP Dragoon!” let him spend the $45 or whatever or 3 circle reset scrolls because he is impatient. That is basically the same as complaining about xp scrolls (not touching that one)

Balanced (figure it out) circle reset plz since actual gameplay experiences may vary.

Or… y’know, people can grow a brain and do research before plunging head first into water. Plus this game is catered to us, the original RO players, so there’s a level of understanding of not to fool around with your build, unless you intend to reroll. Just like Dark Souls is catered to those hardcore players that played titles like Demon Souls and Monster Hunter.

Research? hahah you gotta be joking dude. You know ■■■■ about what you’re saying. This game is aimed at 600 levels. You gotta be a hell of a researcher, researching things that doesn’t even exist, wow. Good luck.


You literally couldn’t have done a better job proving just how uneducated and closed minded you are.

Yep, cause saying “people can grow a brain” is more polite. Keep up the good work mate.


First thing, dont know if I sound jealous,maybe I just can’t see how I sound to other…
Copying is already in the game, rerolling is some kind of copy, if u want it to be, I (and a lot of other people) defend a reset system that is actually even harder than to reroll, since it would demand more exp than the original circle, and you don’t have quests anymore, it would only be useful to correct some circles, not the entire build.

Second, I made an statement based on the general opinion that I’m seeing around, he turned exception in his reply, Unfortunately I can’t see the future, or read mind, so I couldn’t know what he would say in his reply.

Third, I don’t see how the need to carefully create an build before play, in a game that give zero information, as bad reasoning. Also when you copied my sentence you forgot something important:
“and sometimes make a mistake anyway, even more for a game that has a lot of bots with less than one month released.”
this part makes my sentence sound kind of different to me.


Well, I played ragnarok ten years ago, maybe my memory fails me, but I remember looking for the build in the site, it had the place you should go to change class, description of the class, and an description of each skill, plus the info which skill it unlocks, but ok, it was too much time so I can’t really be sure of it.

Anyway, it was 10 years ago, now it has information, and only 6 classes, and those classes can only go 2 paths, TOS have 4 classes with 10 diferent paths each, If i go dps in ragnarok I always knew which classes are dpses, maybe i can make an mistake, but it was never too much out of the way, I would never pick a wrong skill, since all skills are at some level useful. But in tos, we have bad barbarians, bad ranger, bad sorcerers, swordmans that NEED peltasta, mages with an entire useless class (sorcerer, since it’s main objective can’t be reached with the AI).

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i see your point here. theres no way to know if you like a class until you actaually play it. and at that point its too late.

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Dark Souls is catered to casual players. All games are.They are the population and the audience that bring in the cash needed to sustain/produce games. Yes.


I would like to make clear, that I really like TOS class system, but it’s not near complete yet, and the ones suffering with this are the players.

I like the idea of no-reset class system too, but then i need a reliable way to craft my build, an official way to know what i putting mysef into, Tosbase is very good, but they are fan base, they aren’t the ones suppose to give us info, I can’t give TOSBASE credit to IMC.
And it’s not 1999, that time, information wasn’t need, for two things. 1- classes worked the way it was meant. 2- grind was obligatory,it was how games was meant to be played, it was the base of the game, even tos isn’t completely grind now. It would take weeks to get out of non-class to first class, and then months to get to second class, that was enough time to get information in game, people are leveling 8 classes in a month in TOS.

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Back in RO there was no official information at all on where to change your class. No information on what stats did anything for blacksmiths or alchemists either. All that information only ever came from players.
It’s true that its not 1999. But this game claims to be a spiritual successor to that game of 1999, RO.

These are some of the core aspects that represented that game: having to discover things on your own/via other players. Grinding monsters.

Someone that would take weeks to get out of Novice would not have leveled 7 ranks in a month. Not even 4 in that time, I would think.
You can’t use different standards when comparing. The same person that got to rank 7 in a month also got to second job in a day or two on RO.

Someone that already has a rank 7 isn’t really in a position to complain about the lack of information. That should be no more then expected if you rush to max level in a game like this.

In WoW, that would be equivalent to getting to max level before anyone else, doing a raid when noone else has entered it before, and complain that there’s no boss tactics for the raid available, no guides that can be used to down the encounters.


Ok, I understand, maybe I was crying too much…

Still, I’m sure the last npc from the training center would say the roles of the classes, and the city you need to go to get that class, and you would even be teleported to that city, near the place where you would meet the npc, that is covered in TOS but the point is some classes aren’t really being useful in their roles.

I know dragoon is a dps swordman class, but it’s weak compared to other(I don’t know for sure, just read it), and it just make all the problems with resets reappear in an different matter, first for now it will be ok, people will just reroll, but in some days, the “feared” everyone will be the same class will happen anyway, if no by resets, by rerolling, it will just take more time to happen, and again IMC is supposed to preserve it’s player from quitting,

I don’t know if how things are nowadays they will stay for the game, or if there will be only bots two months later, if too much people leave they won’t have money to sustain the game,and everyone loses, all the players and IMC

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Dragoon does good dps, I’ve seen it 1 shot people in pvp…

Even so that’s not the point just because you pick a class doesn’t mean it’s going to be the best dps class. The way I’ve seen people allocate stats in iTos makes it look like someone grabbed a couple of maplestory players and threw them into the community.

iTos is filled with Full STR or Full DEX swordsmen coming out of lvl 200 with 12k hp, it doesn’t make any sense. I’m seeing in Ktos players doing 2 man parties with a 15k hp alchemist and a 25k hp 1 handed swordie wrecking havoc on mobs the same mobs we struggle with.

Bad idea. There is enough inforormation about game at this moment to play wisely. One character one build, that is right.

they will lose ton of people if they don’t atleast allow us 1 time reset and fix what we thought was a good idea day 1 and messed up our builds for end game…