First thing, dont know if I sound jealous,maybe I just can’t see how I sound to other…
Copying is already in the game, rerolling is some kind of copy, if u want it to be, I (and a lot of other people) defend a reset system that is actually even harder than to reroll, since it would demand more exp than the original circle, and you don’t have quests anymore, it would only be useful to correct some circles, not the entire build.
Second, I made an statement based on the general opinion that I’m seeing around, he turned exception in his reply, Unfortunately I can’t see the future, or read mind, so I couldn’t know what he would say in his reply.
Third, I don’t see how the need to carefully create an build before play, in a game that give zero information, as bad reasoning. Also when you copied my sentence you forgot something important:
“and sometimes make a mistake anyway, even more for a game that has a lot of bots with less than one month released.”
this part makes my sentence sound kind of different to me.
Well, I played ragnarok ten years ago, maybe my memory fails me, but I remember looking for the build in the site, it had the place you should go to change class, description of the class, and an description of each skill, plus the info which skill it unlocks, but ok, it was too much time so I can’t really be sure of it.
Anyway, it was 10 years ago, now it has information, and only 6 classes, and those classes can only go 2 paths, TOS have 4 classes with 10 diferent paths each, If i go dps in ragnarok I always knew which classes are dpses, maybe i can make an mistake, but it was never too much out of the way, I would never pick a wrong skill, since all skills are at some level useful. But in tos, we have bad barbarians, bad ranger, bad sorcerers, swordmans that NEED peltasta, mages with an entire useless class (sorcerer, since it’s main objective can’t be reached with the AI).