Tree of Savior Forum

Circle reset NEEDED for game to survive!

Why can’t we have this:

A paid circle reset with a fair cost1, time restrictions2, class limits3 and diminishing returns4.

They could implement an item that could only be dropped by, or distributed to, players that haven’t used the reset system in the time interval. This item could be tradable and marketable, making the people that are not using the reset system able to receive some type of award for being competent at planning.

Edit: Also this item should probably only be given after a ceirtain Rank anyway, and the Class reset might also only be avaiable after said Rank.

1 (Implying fair means that it can’t be too low as to be considered trivial money and can’t be too high as to fail to feel worth it)

2 (Imagine that you could only change 3 Circles a month or maybe only one per month, etc. Including the diminishing returns I mention below)

3 (Class limits would mean restriction to change to or from money making classes and other structured specific classes like Templar)

4 (Diminishing returns could be, but not limited to: Loss of exp per Rank Reset, loss of last Rank each reset, loss of Lodge exp exponentially per reset, loss of atributes on whole tree per reset or a combination of the above or other).

I see plenty of people quitting over this issue or feeling major regret in the sub forums and tosbase. Admittedly I thought I had screwed my build after the first 150 hours I clocked, and it was tempting to be like screw it before devoting another 150 hours. I’m just lucky enough that it grew on me and it’s workable.

Plenty of MMOs have straight up class change scrolls, that are usually quite pricey. I played on Wakfu, which in it’s mechanics is pretty different, but they make a killing with the feature. They could make it so you lose all attributes, have to do all the advancement quests, and can’t change your base class (i.e. Swordsman) if they wanted to keep it fairly difficult.

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The game IS out. For almost a month now.

The Exclusive Access period isn’t a beta testing period. It’s a way to make player counts scale in a more linear way so the publisher has more control of how much they should invest in servers.

I guess i’m really late but… DONT PUT RESETS!

Circles are part of the game. This makes the game attractive, to have a set build which is unchangeable. Whats the point of leveling a full support character if someone who goes full dps changes at the lvl cap?

Stat resets and skill resets are okay-ish, as long as they are behind a cost and cd wall. Circle resets are a no-no.

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Circles are part of the game. This makes the game attractive, to have a set build which is unchangeable. Whats the point of leveling a full support character if someone who goes full dps changes at the lvl cap?

Imho the point behind leveling a full support build would be because we want to. In my suggestion I mentioned one way to make people who level on hard leveling build feel even more rewarded even with resets.

No matter what circles you choose, this is a matter of living behind your choice. There are enough classes as to which I know are going to be facing major debuffs eventually based on how it works and/or description. If you regret your decision that badly, you should find a reason of why you must abandon the class. I’ve had my moments of questioning whether my circle choices were bad, but I had to make a decision, and with that decision, comes its consequences. This game has extreme depth, and so you should expect that if you want to consider yourself great, keep in mind that someone will always have your number.

A big problem I found especially on tosbase with people making builds is that they focus too much on damage potential instead of utility. One perfect example is the absurd number of c3 priest -> monk and the common complaint that they do not deal enough DPS. This build is specifically designated for auto attacking/defensive support and not going on the offense as a monk for burst dps. People that regret doing this build should sit down and think about their build onwards. This simple sit down and contemplating about your build will carry you much further into planning for a class that you can live despite its quirks.

You missed the point of what kind of reset people want. It’s not that instant switch from one build from another, but simply a singular reset coupled with large cooldowns on usage so that people can only change one circle at a given time.

If a person would be dedicated to change his support build into a DPS build, he’ll have to wait through the cooldowns. And most here suggested that the cooldown to reset each circle would be around a month, the same amount of time that it would take to build another character to a decent or high level. That way this will discourage people on completely resetting characters, but instead promote them to create new ones should they want a completely different build than they previously made.

Having stat resets and skill resets is useless when you can’t even get a circle reset. And even then, stat resets would be unavailable once Founder’s Packs are removed from the store. So a full con/spr support build will not be able to change to a DPS build at all as you might suggest people could, except for the few who have saved their stat reset potion from the founder’s packs, but really, it’s just a few people anyway.

You’re sort of missing the point here.

Nobody wants a complete circle reset.

People want a partial circle reset with multiple restrictions. Something that helps fix small mistakes along the way while completely making sure that builds stay diverse and individual.

Partial circle reset will even promote class experimentation. That way people have something to fall back into when they regret a single circle decision that may make or break a build. Sometimes things may sound good on paper but the experience would be extremely different; I’m sure as you played the game you just begin to learn new stuff over the course of your playthrough, and you find playstyles that you adore or figure out that so and so simply do not work well together.


The only way I can see this circle reset being viable is that it’ll roll back your character’s class levels and you will need to complete the respective class quest to advance. To keep the points would still encourage someone to quickly swap into the next cookie monster and not worry so much about ‘waiting’ for their next reset.

Viable, but would carry heavy consequences. Right now, it would be too much to accommodate for considering that we have yet to see the last ranks, let alone class balance.

They should just offer circle reset (same starting class as original), when they completely release all the jobs.

leveling cleric is a nightmare until you get to bokor… but im sure full support clerics have even more trouble i know cuz i went to cirlce 2 cleric it was a paiiinn

Which still doesn’t factor in that IMC can kick the cow and ruin/nerf to hell good build because they deem them too easy, leaving you to start a new character, leveling from scratch because of it…

I think they should allow a Circle reset ONLY when new classes are released.


i will only think that it will be fair if it’s only 1 circle per 3 months. 3 circles a month or even 1 per month are still too much. That way ppl can’t play with their build and only reset for certain reason.

I wouldn’t think 3 per month is too much having other diminishing returns like losing the whole last class rank.

Still not saying 3 class per month is the best solution since i think time is relative and they should study the impact of the class reset before implementing anything. Heck they may find out that even 3 months per class is too little, it’s early to know if they don’t consider.

3 circles per month is too much what ever it is since u can just pick 3 classes for lvling and reset it later. Diminishing return is just to minimize the advantage but won’t be enough.
It’s either 1 circle for few months or not at all. It’s not just about “they” in this case the developer but also “we” as players. Most players don’t agree, me too. But if they want to implement this, it should be really at minimum which is only a circle for few months.
The only acceptable purpose for this circle reset isn’t for those who want to change their build but for those who want to fix their build because of “certain” reason(s). Reset 3 circles means they want to change their build.

As you can see from the reddit thread above, we get a clear picture on how long it would take to create characters. And that’s hours played, not hours of real time before they achieved those levels. But so far in a month that’s the average of what any person can attain in that span of time.

You really underestimate how difficult it would be to grind class levels. If you rollback class levels, and even levels, all of the exp cards you have used to achieve class level 15 will be wasted. The game is very sensitive as to how you use exp cards especially at level 100+ so having to reset that is just bad.

Now all you have left is to grind fields and even then it takes AGES to get a class level, compared to a normal level. By the time you finish grinding those class levels back you would’ve been better off just re-rolling an entirely different character altogether.

A 1 month cooldown per use of a single circle reset is enough. It warrants people to test other classes out while having a fallback on the worst case scenario, and also allows new players to fix single mistakes they’ve made along the way while not completely abandoning all their progress from a single character.

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Okay if you say so, clearly you seem to know better.

Well it’s not about who knows better or stuff but as u can see, most players don’t agree on this. Having minimum output is a must if u want to take the best possible way without ignoring both sides.
1 circle reset with x month CD together with the condition and limitation should be fine IF the dev decide to take this, but 3 circles reset at once will be against most of the players here.

20 words…

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