Tree of Savior Forum

Circle reset NEEDED for game to survive!


Do you guys copy it? This game supposed to be like this. We dont need a reset, we need to all player undestand what is a good mmorpg, like old times. This is how things worked in the golden age of mmo, so if u didnt like it, go play lol, or something that u dont need to “build” (you actually need to build in lol too, but i think u got it). Mess up in your character? BUILD ANOTHER, BE A MAN. This is not an excuse, there are plenty of threts and calculators. While you open a ■■■■ topic like that and got a lot coments, the real stuff get 3 or 5 coments… patetic.

As a veteran Ro player and an adult I’m disgusted by what I see in this thread. No one thought the guy that rolled his Max Level knight and redid it the correct way was cool. Min maxing bs like that happened because there was nothing else to do. The game was… good and nostalgia helps but people Ragnarok had major frickin problems with the no reroll thing but anyways…

A reset should be possible simply because major changes are going to happen inevitably. This will break some people’s characters to the point of being unplayable through no fault of their own or the Developers. It will be an unforeseen consequence of a changing system. Offering Circle resets as a cash item (which I’m not even going to bother suggesting because you guys are fooling yourselves if you think they won’t milk that cow) is a reasonable compromise as long as steps are taken to ensure it isn’t abused. That simple.

The specifics don’t matter, let the developers decide what’s abuse and what isn’t but just put the damn item in the game and work around it. Who cares if it’s meta to wait until rank 5 to reset that one circle of Ranger? If the option was available to everyone then fair game



I don’t think it’s never gonna happen. And besides, when there’s a circle reset, anyone can change their jobs in an instant, which will ruin the whole point of grinding and making the game more challenging.


You should learn how to plan your build before you do anything else lol

It will make the game unbalanced

Every comparison to RO it’s totally useless and out of contest. The Jobs were a lot, but you had a preconstructed pact once you took a decision; you were not free to screw up everything.

Copying/pasting it here for people that maybe forgot it:

Once a character has chosen their second class job, they will not be able to choose another job path even after transcending. E.g., after a Swordman chooses the Knight path, and the Knight transcends, they must become a Lord Knight and cannot become a Paladin or any other class.

And we are forgetting another simple fact: powerlevelling.

Powerlevelling is not something that ToS allows. You just can’t. Rerolling a character means doing again and again the same quests. And probably you will be doing that ALONE. Because some of your friends are super happy with their builds and, well, you are not. Alone in a MMORPG. Legit.

Comparing the reroll in ToS to the reroll in RO it’s simply out of contest. I could just ask a Creator friend to take me to a map and go both afk, since the homunculus would farm exp for us.

Circle resets are needed. They should not be easy to obtain maybe, but they are needed because the game is structured in this way.

Rerolling in RO isn’t an accurate comparison, I agree.

I would probably be less inclined to support a circle reset if grinding was anywhere near comparable to questing as a leveling method the entire way to 280. Going through the zones and doing the quests is enjoyable the first, second, or third times, but it gets mind numbing after you’ve done the same exact quests over and over.

A good variety of grinding locations, so I can choose where to go instead of having to go through each map to amass all the cards, with an increase in grinding exp would make me instantly more willing to just level up additional characters rather than lobby for a circle reset. In fact I think this is the right way to go rather than implementing a circle reset. However, I don’t think a circle reset is a bad option either. I don’t see a problem with using a leveling build while leveling up and then switching to whatever other build, honestly. Who cares? I have money and I would rather just level up with and enjoy the build I plan on using–it doesn’t bother me if someone else wants to use a different build to level a little faster.

Personally, I would suggest something like 25-40 TP to reset ONE circle, with a 14 day cooldown period on that specific circle after it has been selected initially or reset. I don’t even have a problem with allowing crafting classes or Templar as long as there’s a cooldown, though I think Templar should have more going for it so you’d want to keep it in your build anyway.

But again, I’d much rather see(circle reset or no) grinding being made a viable alternative to questing at all stages of the game and possibly the lodge exp boost being raised to 2% per level from 1%. That way, you quest a couple characters up to 200+ and then have a significant boost for future alts you may want to grind. Cap the bonus at 50% or 100%.


Plan? Can u plan 8-9-10 ranks with your current build? Exactly no, so stfu O_o if this game have 10 rank now and all the classes, no need in resets, but when the new classes comes u will cry like a child’s, because half of the builds are shitty


All who say “NO” to reset - just a noobs and dont understnd this game.

Great contribution. Very informative. 10/10

All who say “YES” to reset - just a noobs and dont understnd this game.

When you mess up a level 17X character (Rank 6) cause the GMs provide false information on skills then you really wish you could get a reset… I stopped playing since that happened.

Lesson learned: never pick sadhu 3.

“All who say “YES” to reset - just a noobs and dont understnd this game.
fix” wanna see a moment when opens 8 and 9 circles and you come on this forum and will complain and cry, cry like a snotty child and demand “please give me a chance im 320+ lvl i dont wanna do a rerol” dripping slobber and begging to give a chance to do a reset circles. We all see that soon believe me :slight_smile:

This wont get circle resets stop crying over it the whole point of the game is to min/max builds beforehand just like Ragnarok was also healthy for the game if something not desired they have to make a new char which equals alot of new more hours of playing

Again, people don’t get that ragnarok had like 100 different paths to level up, TOS has 1, also you could pass items, in TOS you can’t which means you start from zero with each character(vip doesn’t count it’s f2p game.)

Okay well … how about if a person pays 250 TP? I mean TP costs money, right? You can earn some from Events (no idea how) and get free TP up to 5. So with that you can pay 250 TP for a Circle Reset Pot (or something like that) and that’s the end of the problem.

How about this as possible alterntatives:
You can reset a circle. One circle. With an expensive TP item.

You reset that circle? You’re set back to the last exp reset (Which, tadah, isn’t far from where you last class promoted) in base level, class lvl 1 and you have to grind that circle back up again. Matches rank too. So if you rest a circle you took at rank 3, you can only choose from ranks that were available at rank 3. Reset two circles, go back two exp reset tiers, etc. I’d call this not so much as a circle “reset” so much as a “Rank Delete”. Possibly even restrict it so you can only delete your highest rank, (ie if you are rank 7, you can only “delete” your rank 7 progress. If you wanna reset back to circle 6, you gotta use two of said items and go back two circles.).

Character reincarnation, where your character’s level, job, class, etc. are all reset entirely but you get a large exp bonus, say 25x until you reach the level you were at when you reset. Why so high? Remember, you already expended all your quests at this point.

Sounds good. I like my Circle Reset Potion that costs TP tho. And put a bind on it so like if you Circle Reset you can’t do it again for 30 days, or something.

Huh? f2p players can pass items. Acting like you wont have more than enough for a token by the time you make a second character.

The problem there is that is screws over every single person who’s put the time and effort in to level a crafting class while having all their kills ganked by pure combat oriented characters. There has to be some sort of effort mechanism to account for that for circle resets to be fair.

As an additional idea, while I am somewhat in favor of circle resets, one has to wonder if that doesn’t hurt the potential character diversity one sees in the game, rather than everyone always speccing into the optimal cookie cutter builds.

Perhaps more focus should be put on adding more to the skills, interactions and attributes of the current class circles we have already, to help ensure a wider variety of builds are viable and fun, rather than encouraging min/max optimization builds.

I’m not following? Are you thinking that the player will have to relevel all of their circles back up again? That is too much. The whole point is that people who put in so many hours (300 hours for me and more) and then they want something else or perhaps they totally screwed up their tree should have a chance to reset their circles back to their first one, then they can choose one circle at a time all the way back up to - for example - rank 7 and pick up where they left off on their Class Exp. You know?