Tree of Savior Forum

Circle reset NEEDED for game to survive!

The problem there is that is screws over every single person who’s put the time and effort in to level a crafting class while having all their kills ganked by pure combat oriented characters. There has to be some sort of effort mechanism to account for that for circle resets to be fair.

As an additional idea, while I am somewhat in favor of circle resets, one has to wonder if that doesn’t hurt the potential character diversity one sees in the game, rather than everyone always speccing into the optimal cookie cutter builds.

Perhaps more focus should be put on adding more to the skills, interactions and attributes of the current class circles we have already, to help ensure a wider variety of builds are viable and fun, rather than encouraging min/max optimization builds.

I’m not following? Are you thinking that the player will have to relevel all of their circles back up again? That is too much. The whole point is that people who put in so many hours (300 hours for me and more) and then they want something else or perhaps they totally screwed up their tree should have a chance to reset their circles back to their first one, then they can choose one circle at a time all the way back up to - for example - rank 7 and pick up where they left off on their Class Exp. You know?

This isn’t going to happen. Adding job resets would ruin the whole point of the devs. obvious highlighting featuring of multiple paths of progression. You add job resets and everyone will pick the one type of progression for hitting max level. Also, anyone who is suggesting we need job resets because the game isn’t balanced how you think it should be balanced is avoiding the problem. (Let’s be honest here no one thinks this is a true reason to add job change, it’s just an excuse to change a great game to a way that you think the game should be played, which is a dumb way fyi).

The game will always have some sort of balance issue, and then it will be adjusted by the devs. to a point where they believe it is balanced. You don’t fix the balance issue by just giving the player the option to ignore the games major feature, you fix the class balance issue by fixing the calss balance issue.

ToS clearly is not about obtaining the end level and doing this nonsense “end game” content, it’s about the leveling progression and build crafting. This is a big simple DUH.

Time to wake up stop dreaming up another WoW hack and slash clone, you tools. No reason to ruin another game. Be prepared to think ahead on what you want to make in the game and live with the consequences, because that’s what ToS is.

i never understood we don’t have at least one circle reset , the game have 4 base classes with “INFINITES” paths to follow and you can’t reset your circle at least once? i already did some minor mistakes with my characters and i felt bad. Imagine those guys who picked up C1>C1>C1>C1.


I said this before a while ago, but im going to say it again…

The biggest problem with this game is the modern day community. For some reason they have this idea that their first character MUST BE ‘‘perfect’’, ‘‘flawless’’, ‘‘future proof’’ etc… Why? Why can’t you LEARN the game with your first character, why can’t you EXPLORE different characters to see what kinda gameplay you enjoy and what kinda gameplay works for you?

The problem is people have this mindset of 1 month, because that’s all you’ll get out of the game if your first character is perfect… 1 month of gameplay… then you are max level, with the ‘‘strongest’’ character possible… and then what? Right.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not against SOME form of circle rerolling provided that it isn’t too easy and as long as it’s limited to a few circles per character (2 or 3; max, ever), but the idea that ''what will you do if you realize you ■■■■■■ up your character?! the world will end!"… no… You take all the experience you’ve gained as a player, and put that into a more refined/developed character. You learn what class combinations and skills might work better, and you also learned to play more efficiently.

My second character compared to my first, got up to lvl 100 almost 3x faster, and up to 150 5x faster than my first character… (not just because now I had silver for a token, but also team exp levels, more passives from gear & collections, and just knowing where to go for quick exp, when to use cards etc). ((And before people cry ‘‘lawl only 150 you know nothing’’, both my characters are class rank 7 now, and new main is working it’s way up to 250))

You do NOT have to get everything right your first play. Make a character you ENJOY, that way starting over isn’t some form of punishment; it’s just part of the gameplay and development of your skills as a player.

“Build Reset NEEDED for game to survive!” aka My build sucks and I don’t want to level up another character.

It’s not about a “perfect” “flawless” character, it’s about a decent, playable character. Some classes combos are just perfect all the game long , some are just “Uhhh”. Like i said i feel bad for the people who don’t know anything in the game and level to level 100+ with a C1>C1>C1>C1 character. Further with more experience this guy/girl will realize that this class is awful and unplayable in the end game and he/she can loss the will to continue playing the game when realize that.

By the way why would pick up a random ass group with a bunch of " Random Classes combination" and take 30-40 minutes doing something when u can do this in 10 minutes with the “right ones” ?

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This game takes like no time to get max level. I don’t even see the point of a reset, especially when it just supports the ability of people to create the most popular cookie cutter build when one of their classes gets nerfed. IMC has told us that the plan is to make all classes viable no matter which path you choose, and as class balance is added over the course of the year(s), this will be seen. Seriously, you can get to lvl 100 in half a day, I don’t see why you people complain so much.

Well, I can’t really blame people, since most games nowadays make 90% of content only available at endgame, also it’s kinda boring to remake the same quests all over again, old games had huge maps with non-linear grinding (talking about lineage and ragnarok), most games nowadays don’t, played ragnarok for 2~3 years, and haven’t been to every map, lineage was simply impossible to explore entirely.

Talking about lineage, it had raid bosses even at level 20, when most games those bosses only start to appear after you level 80% of the cap.

I say ‘no’ this is just a way to make lazy people to have the “flavor of the month” build every month. They will reset for Guild Wars reset to sell stuff reset to pvp reset to PvE. This destroys parties on the world. Destroy Queues for low lv. And is pretty much an excuse for being lazy. Just go and level up an alt.

Make circle reset for 1000$ cost and 50% chance of deleting character :wink: (admin drop coin, if eagle then reset)

Exactly what i’m saying though… Realizing you build your first character completely wrong is just part of the learning process… Nothing stops you from taking what you’ve learned, and asking other players for input, to then make a new, better character… That is how you learn and improve as a player.

I do not see that as a bad thing; and judging by the comments in this thread, plenty of others agree with that sentiment. I think it’s a … laziness that is instilled in players these days, because gaming has been simplified, quickened and dumbed down to sh1t in the past decade or so.

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what about just disabling stuff like Templar/Squire/Alchemist/Pardoner from the reset list? like iv heard of people saying what’s to stop people just making a Templar then swapping out Templar for something else? all your chars become guild leaders so I can see that causing problems (sure you would lack in some areas over a Templar but I imagine people would do it and then want more power on non Templars) , Squire/Alchemist and Pardoner I feel people could just reset go and make all the money they need and then reset back into their previous class ext. these are the only exceptions I can think off that should not be in the reset category . sure people will say but what about DPS going to Tanks with the easy life unlike tanks? well this is why if its added it needs to be added just right. its gotta be appealing for someone who just made a mistake on a circle (srly people you are not gonna start rerolling characters when R8-R9 classes come out lets be honest here) or if a giant nerf happens to a class (again people say oh this is your fault for choosing something OP but what about those who picked it because they like the style of the class?) I mean im happy with the class I made and still progressing on but im thinking for those who may of made a error in building their build or what not. if I had made a mistake I would not go back to making this character again re rolling it going though everything again. I would re make a character who plays differently or has different classes but not the same classes as I would get bored of doing that. (got lots of character slots ready for when I go make my alts :slight_smile: )

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Well circle reset is Needed, look at other games WoW, GW2, Wildstar and SWTOR, Where you can reset your specialization to whatever you want with in-game money.

eg: Today I am playing a feral druid, a few weeks later I wanna try a restoration druid, I pay xG and I can reset my skills, this should be avaliable to ToS too, sometimes players make a huge mistake in choosing the wrong circles, you can’t say “hey do some research or reroll” as the game isn’t fully released nor it is fun to reroll a level 280 character (worse next time when the level cap is upped).

Although this should not apply to stats reset, just circles to keep it fairer to players.

We don’t need a circle progress reset, simple as that…
My vote for that will be NO, until the end of the days!

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The “problem” you put on the table with this changes or unwanted results on the build, aren’t problems but part of the game, if you got it wrong or the game change (this last one is something i do not like nor agree), well the first one is your problem, the second something every game have and you adapt.

Now, the solution you give for “the problem” is like curing sickness with a head shot. Everyone would make build 1, lvl it up, then make build 2. No, please just don’t.

Yep, looking at them is why i say IS NOT NEEDED. Those are the worst games. American casual style. This is something different for real old school gamers.

U know that WoW isn’t that casual in the past?

Like in Vanilla/TBC, yet the respec system is already there since Vanilla. It’s not casual, It’s needed. Can’t be like asking a person to play 2 characters both which are warriors, 1 for tanking and 1 for dps.

Also isn’t it sensible to make circle resets? I have seen players shouting for healers at dungeon queues for days, well no healer for them as leveling up a FS priest is hard as hell, I have a SPR/INT build priest and it’s not fun auto attacking every single thing looking like an bot. (Maybe I even got reported as an bot, who knows? lol)

Time isn’t…

Seems to me you are missing the point of all this. Using TP Potion to reset your circle - TP costs real money - IMC is making money. Then you restrict that character for a month, two or three in which they cannot do another circle reset for that period.

Because you know … IMC can seriously break a class(s) in your character and then what? You’re going to roll a whole new character and throw away your old one - the one you invested so much silver in skills, gear and especially … especially time - real life time - you cannot purchase real life time.

Does that make any sense to you - and everyone else?

You cannot purchase real life time. So Circle Reset needs to happen.