Tree of Savior Forum

Changes regarding trading restrictions, bot policy

You can use them to enhance other cards and gems. Also there is no waste of storage space, as they have 0 weight.

the funny thing is that once they reach lvl 90 with their bots, they can make money virtually without any risk, just doing the dungeon and farming arde daggers, they wont get cought at all

Thank you for hearing the community IMC. Look forward to seeing how this plays out. :slight_smile:

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Pretty sure they’re the ones buying the daggers… The day those priests bots starting showing up with arde daggers is the day the price of the daggers shot up from 500k to 1mil.

that’s really a shame, i’m not ahead of the pack, right now i’m lvl 130 and i think i can afford one, but when i saw the prices lol… no way xD, it really piss me off that the price goes up because of some freaking cheaters ._.

meh… if imc fix the team storage issue i might delete my char and transfer my items and silver to my alt if that’s the case

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Item/equipment can have an entire attribute of their own due to nature of being an object, thus you can track it linearly. Silver don’t, and can be separated.

That don’t change the fact its not hard to be done. Tracking linearly is never a good way in finding the gold seller anyway.

All I see in your post is that you are implying its too hard to be done for imc because they are incompetent, kek.

Now answer me, why do you think IMC can’t track the silver transaction to the gold seller if they have every record in the game (every investigator’s dream)?

Edit: Yes you can argue that the amount of transaction is too many to be kept tracked due to the lack of ability, you can solve this easily by just adding a silver transfer delay time just like the market system to significantly reduce the amount of micro-transaction. Even a delay of half hour can slows thing down by at least 99%.

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Good idea… But it be more of an RO-ish game… But that stat reset pots is a good idea. And also I want to know where can I buy TP from… Bought the Founder’s 1 & 3 just to get Token, Stat Potions & Extra TP.

Technically you can track a silver transaction, but not the silver itself. Silver is not an item and it is not tracable like “Oh look, this bunch of silver has been on another account before”. It is NOT possible that way.

Technically here is what happens (or would happen, if silver could be traded):

Player A buys a Kepa Doll from Player B for 10,000 silver. In the process the Kepa Doll, which has a specific and unique Item-ID is transferred from Account B to Account A. at the same time Player A’s silver is reduced by 10,000 and Player B’s silver is increased by 10,000. NO SILVER IS GOING FROM ONE ACCOUNT TO ANOTHER. Your only chance to track or find a silver transaction is to look for a silver increase and a coresponding decrease with the same amount und the same timestamp. There you have your silver transaction.

If player B now takes the silver and spends it on attributes, there is NO WAY you can tell where that specific silver came from.

Silver is just an amount. There is no such thing as a “silver coin” or “single silver unit”. The value behind the term “Silver” in your character’s database entry just gets bigger or smaller. Nothing tells you “17% of this player’s silver comes from questing, 21% from grinding, 10% from the market…”


I do understand that, and while it’s slightly complex, if we link up these logs, we will get a web like silver transfer map. Apply some algorithm (which shouldn’t be known to the gold seller), we can filter out the suspect easily.

Its not that intuitive, but its not that hard as a programming case.

The case in real world is hard to solve because you don’t have a log for every money transfer, but technically you can find the trader easily if you have the log of every silver transaction.

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but we are talking about purchases of hundreds of thousands of coins. You can build schedules and watch the peaks of changes in exchange rates.
50 bots gave all his money to the owner - the owner got 1kk 5 minutes. it is unlikely that he sold loot to NPC .
player bought 1kk - sharp income, there is no activity at the auction or committed exchanges - “1kk kapa doll” it apparent fraud.

Yes, using first or second derivative is a good way to find the weird transaction too.

The reason why glysquare bug happened for a few days without being noticed in ktos proved that the dev can’t make use of all these high school level math.

I would like to make a suggestion, how about restricting in game chat messages that contain url link or email address, that way chats would be less flooded with “buy silver for USD” messages…

I do not agree with this, please never do this IMC unless you’re willing to do changes to the game itself.

As a person who plays an extremely large cast of characters themself, even I understand how large of an advantage this would give players over those who don’t.

It takes about 2 hours to get 100k on a fresh character around level 40ish easily, the game offers ample Silver bonuses such as Adventuere’s Journal (also keep in mind a player could create a character, cash out Collections, transfer silver, delete, repeat), one time quests, and one time bosses. All of this silver is supposed to be one time, but allowing the transferring of Silver turns those one time things into multiple time things, thus making those with access to more and more one time events in power.

The only reason I’d support the transferring of silver is for Shop Alts, in which case I say that have a little section in Storage where all Silver goes from Shop Sales.

This money can be withdrawn by either the shop owner or an alt of their choice, however obviously you can never deposit into said feature… Just a suggestion

Or you know, a player could just play the game and make millions on a higher level character rather than boring themselves leveling from 1 to 40 over and over just for 100k.

Your suggestion is ridiculous.

I mean, that’s just the problem. I’m only talking about the ease of level 40, aka beginner stuff. It’d be the norm for players to have hundreds of silver at no higher then 40, obviously this means more at a higher level.

I’ve seen so many games get ruined economies due to having too much of the currency in the system, I simply wasn’t looking forward to see this one suffer the same fate

The game has a lot of money sinks already, attributes get especially expensive over time. A Rank 5 skill’s Damage increase by 1% starts at 5k for example. I’m pretty sure my Oblique Shot started at 1k and went up to 3k+ by level 20. If its like that for a Rank 5 skill, it should be 15k each level up for the attribute at level 20, and these have up to 100 level ups, so it adds up.

People open additional boxes in dungeon using silvers. Refining equipment requires lots of silver to get very high. There’s high taxes on using the market currently as well.

There’s quite a few money sinks at the moment.

Eh, I can agree with that.

Call it overcautious for the game? I still would like some changes if possible, like maybe a small tax and a time delay on collections…

If their database is well-made then they should have silver trade/transfer logs that are auditable. Simplest columns could be source/sender, recipient, amount and date/time.