Should also change so that transferring using team storage WILL NOT decrease potential.
now that trading is getting improve now we just need dungeon to be counted individually and not globally.
game is boring if you have nothing else to do but grind on field after doing all the quest and dungeon run. or lets say that it has limit but once you pass on the limit the drop rate will be incredibly low and the exp rate is only for 50% (300% on queue or 225% for premade party) heck talt is gonna be needed later on once there are templar (public guilds not the competitive type guilds)
Good news to hear, but please make that developments and changes the fast you can.
Trading is not being improved, everyone is just getting access to the system we have.
well thats an improvement for me. a change in the trading where everyone can access is an improvement.
I Agree it is a improvement to the game, but its more a quality of life improvement. Not so much a trade improvement as the trade system remains the same.
well that was what im referring to. you mistook it for another meaning of improvement
well enough about that. hope it comes this tuesday maintenance or balance to the game.
How will the report on which the bot fly around the map and kill monsters with one blow without animation of all activities, and without the ability to allocate or fix any action on its screen. .
You gave them an inch, now they’re going to take it a mile, imc.
Thank you for your reply, yes, I made a mistake talking about the Trading between characters of one team. Items and silver should be shared between team’s members.
About the auction. Your suggestion is good too ^^
Thank you for your reply. Yes, I made a mistake there. It should be sharing between team’s members ^^
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It’s a good start.
I would like to see something about 3rd party software modifying the client to play though. You know, software that teleports you, increases your range, etc…
It’s a huge issue only if you don’t know how to code it (which I expect most gaming dev don’t).
I can code a trade network that can identify a potential gold seller even if every node trade silvers with another 1000 nodes (characters), and goes up to like 10 chain or so.
That isn’t something hard to do. You underestimated the power of coding.
Don’t ask me to actually do it though. That would require consultancy fee which I doubt IMC is willing to/afford to pay.
wanna get rid of bots and stuff? easy make everything untradeable,remove the market and if no1 can trade there is no point on having bots because there is no trade.
In case you are not trolling, no, gold seller will still exist even if trade is removed from the game. They can always provide power levelling service through botting.
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Cards and Gems need to be tradable as well… no point having it wasting storage space
Mer… Not sure how I feel about less trade restrictions… If the bot report system isn’t good enough… And that 10k for 1$… turns into 1mil for 1$… The market that is very friendly right now for players is going to become more difficult to interact with.
If it gets to the point where one player can go blow 10$ bucks to control the toy hammer market… or 20$ for the Arde dagger market… Regular players are going to be screwed.
Hopefully there is some brilliant plan… Or magic bullet to maintain control… But… I doubt it.