Tree of Savior Forum

Changes regarding trading restrictions, bot policy

Those suggestions would be good

When items circulate indefinitely it devalues rare items such as well upgraded weapons because slowly but surly the market becomes saturated with them. Losing potential in 1:1 trades is good for the long term health of the game. Assuming ToS survives its awful short term.

well - that is so true !!! I have to agree with you

It makes me so happy to see that IMC have listened to us! You have my thanks, IMC, from the bottom of my heart. Or from the left. <3 ba dum tss

Also, please reduce the tax rate for all the crafting classes. 50% is just too much… T.T

This is a good news for 1:1 trade.

Still a gamble tho. So how about 1:1 trade for a day and 1 item only (without losing potential for EQs) for non token users. As for silvers, maximum silver that can be trade is 50k below or you think of how much.

It’s a good thing that you listen to your players, however, it’s bad to pamper them so much.

A gold seller or bot user is hiding from these players, posting in forums and creating thread giving feedback from your actions. People might think “ohh he has a point” but every suggestion is in favor for them. So please please, make a good restriction for this. You can do it! :smiley:

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Well you IMC get a huge “Thank You” from me at that point. I really really like your game but i just couldnt buy it because of those restrictions. I just couldnt get myself to give you Money for such a Failure of a System in a MMORPG( The trading restriction). But now i actually can and will buy it and im SO Happy.
And to everyone else in here:
Just be happy for once.
Dont just complain again about everything here under this announcement and just take in the good news. This is basically what the whole community agreed what needed to be done and they do it.
So again
Big Thank you from me and you won yourself a paying customer with that

No how many times to i have to explain the importance of potential :expressionless:

They wouldn’t have to make so many corrections if they listened when we complained the first time when they made the changes.

Btch it’s my suggestion, it’s not like it’s going to be implemented. * snap snap *

They can’t predict the players behavior my dear. This won’t happened if players aren’t greedy and gold sellers taking advantage from it. What’s good about them is that they listened and willing to change it for the sake of the community. Be happy that you are a part of these changes and new players will not encounter this problem. :wink:

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When the change happened in beta there were no gold sellers yet.

Its defiantly a change for the better, but it still has a long way to go. I have been telling my friends not to bother with this game because if they touched it in its current state they would want nothing to do with it. Hopefully they keep changing things back to how they were in beta so that one day i can tell my friends to come play.

Sounds good, but what about the silver queue in the market or being able to list only ONE item at a time for non-token users? A queue to pickup your silver would only be efficient with very high amounts, but for the 700 silver I have waiting…? Your staff is going to go through ALL those meager transactions? I think not.

And the market listing restriction should be removed altogether. Even for token users I find it way too restricting at 5 items. This makes the attempt to earn money from players look very aggressive and in the end it impacts the the game experience negatively. You cannot have a thriving economy and happy community with such a restriction.

Not to mention the small item limit encourages large under cuts to sell quickly so the slots don’t stay clogged up. Im willing to bet this is why item pricing fluctuates so violently in this game, while in games with completely un restricted markets they vary far less.

Great to know you guys are working on it! I’d love to see it being implemented soon. Cant wait !!! :confounded:

I don’t know how difficult is to farm 400k to buy a token.
In 2 days every lazy boy get this money.

If poor boys wants too much trade, make this:

Enable for players to do a 1:1 trade but equips will loose all your silver value e become untradeble, mats after trade become untradeble and itens crafted by locked itens become locked em with a 0 silver value.

Yes because the community has been complaining for more trade restrictions, not to have them removed. :unamused:

Yes, you are completely right. I thought about selling an item very cheap so I could quickly sell the next one. Prices right now are anything but stable. Actively preventing bots and RMT is good, but this is doing more harm than good.

I partially agree:
About taxing:

  • Token players: 5%
  • Non-token players: 10%

About receiving silver:

  • Under 50k silver: have to wait for 6 hours
  • From 50k to 100k silver: have to wait for 12 hours
  • Above 100k: have to wait 24 hours

But no token player can not give trade and increase from 1 to 3 items in the market and from 5 to 8 or 10 items for players with token.

I agree with you in everything but:[quote=“diemnguyen91, post:41, topic:187017”]
About selling things:

  • No price restriction
  • Token players can sell up to 5 items a day
  • Non-token players can sell up to 3 items a day

About reveiving silver:

  • Under 50k silver: have to wait for 6 hours
  • From 50k silver to 100k: have to wait for 12 hours
  • Above 100k: have to wait 24 hours
    Letting non-token players sell up to 3 items consecutively in the market is ok but I think token users should have more benefits then, maybe up to 10 items?

Even thought I think waiting 48h is painful, if they are indeed using this time to check the transactions, I don’t mind it staying, but for high amount of silver ofc.

I think the silver should be acc shared as a whole, not traded, but this would be ok too.

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Make silver account wide then, like some other games :slight_smile:
It will open the same possibilities, but is more practical

To IMC: Glad you are working on those changes, it’s a great step, again, made by you into turning TOS more and more enjoyable.

If you can’t track silver transaction you have a serious problem with the coding of the server.

I question the Dev’s sanity if that’s true. Even I, who learnt programming not for game development purpose knew how to do it.

Every bank track the money transaction with simple logging. It’s not some rocket science.

This is great news and will address one of the main problems I and many others have had with the game. I’m going to stay skeptical for now until we get an update on how exactly this will work, but optimistic that IMC will find a nice middle ground.

It’s nice to see a company actually listen and respond to player feedback, if this keeps up IMC, you’ll potentially have a very loyal and happy player base.