Tree of Savior Forum

Changes regarding trading restrictions, bot policy

Wait , what ?

people were asking to remove trade restriction for PREMIUM USER

and you’re saying you’re giving trade to NON-PREMIUM user ?

wtf ?

dark soul comes in few hour , i guess it’s a good-bye IMC , because i won’t come back , i don’t like devs that ignore players .

PS : what abouts other bugs ? game design flaw (i.e. team storage , bad skill animation , etc … ) market stupid restriction that only affect player and never bothered any bot ? card exchange ? item bound after buy to market ? etc … etc … list is HUGE and LONG

seriously , go to owned core , epicnpc , etc … and just talk to some gold seller and you’ll see they don’t give a ■■■■ about your restrictions , they’re just giving gold via market and that’s it .

jeez wtf is wrong with you guys :s you should had let another devs buy this game … and this sentence comes from someone defending you for years now … but i’m fed up now .

get out of here, you heartless bastard.

1:1 trades between non token players would be great.

If you would need a restriction, might I suggest that enable the trade only for those who have been ‘registered as friends’ for a certain amount of time. How much time, that I can’t say. But I think it would be more plausible.

Awesome, I am glad you are seeing it a bit more from the players eyes. We want bots out of the game as much as you, but at the cost of the playability of the game it needed to be done in a different route. I will be supportive with feedback in any path you choose so that we can find a livable system where bots can’t thrive ^^. Good luck IMC.

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I wish there was something about p2w Token bonuses and 1 market item too. But hey, it’s good news!


Really, this is another huge step forward to make Tree of Savior great.

That is a very good news, and I’m truly glad for these changes ;

However there are some others points that need some tweaks, like the team storage, the 2day delay to get the cash from your sales in the market, etc.

But it’s nice to see that you take note of our requests and I hope you’ll continue that way !

That does not = less trade restrictions

That just means everyone can trade while the restrictions remain the same. Good change but im going to keep complaining till the restrictions change.


The only really great thing is … God bless report bot option.

And allowing non-Token users to trade is “probably” gonna help you to keep some of your player base.

(And as many said, silver account shared can be good too …)

And please consider to add function to report player too. i’ve always encounter bad mmo habit they alway do jamming and looting. So i understand this is has to be a normal MMO habit but at least let us put some report for consider to make a penalty to those player or else, it would make a better good MMO experience IMO.

Nice IMC, good work! :smiley:

Actually I 2nd this.
And Make it so that 1:1 trade with a token WILL NOT drop potential at all.
but trading without one WILL drop the potential.

I know some people will be salty about this suggestion but I think it’s a really good!
This way it won’t devalue tokens usage, while also allowing people to trade minor things to eachother.

1:1 trade needs to keep potential loss it is important to remove items from indefinite circulation.

Without a token yes!

But there should be a benefit to using the token in the first place or else why even buy one?

Trading WITH a token should not result in potential loss, while trading WITHOUT one should definitely result in potential loss.

I don’t see the problem with items being circulated multiple times actually, to my knowledge this has not caused a problem on any other game I’ve played…

XP bonus

No it should removing that would ■■■■ the economy hard. Trading needs many changes to be better, this is not one of them.

Token benefits don’t have to be trade related.

That’s all?
Why would I not just spend 8 TP on an exp book?..
Instead of the price of a token… Lol?..

I don’t see how trading items via 1:1 is going to mess up the economy but w/e

So… just move speed then?..
Because the only other benefits it gives can be bought at MUCH cheaper in total via other TP items…

Well, that’s not my role to sell you the token. If you don’t need it, don’t buy it.

Some nice potential additions I already thought about :

  • increase weight limit
  • allow you to open buy-in shops (yeah, it’s a bit trade related :D)
  • no gem dropping when dying in dungeons
  • allow you to flood the global chat
    etc… be imaginative.

If you want to brainstorm, open a new topic.

what about crafters? 50% tax is absurd.

All of those can be bought with other TP items…
It less then 1/16th the cost of a token for some of them…