Tree of Savior Forum

Changes in order to save and improve this game [UPGRADED]

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Completely agree with OP, especially some form of trade. Does anyone know if they changed this policy for kToS?

Could you explain to me what’s wrong with having only 4 base class characters to play with, if you have to pay to reset class anyway? I am sure the class reset would cost more than the 22 TP that they currently charge for a new character slot anyway, which would make them more money than having people make a bunch of characters. Plus if you put a cool down timer on the class reset like once every 24 hours, what would be the negative impact of class resetting? Please provide a reason for why are you against the idea.

Team storage restriction is the only thing I agree with. I strongly disagree on several.

And this game isn’t P2W… Even with enchant scrolls… Pay to win what? Pay to own that mobs face a little harder than normal? Good for your e-peen I guess???

Trade and market restrictions haven’t caused ANY problems for me. I’m not playing Market Simulator 2016 ffs. And if you REALLY want to play that game instead of this one, pay your sub and support the game. Gold scammer spam will GET WORSE if they change this, AND if they touch the 30% fee on market, LESS MONEY is being taken out of the game when these bull$#!+ RMTs happen. These restrictions are good for the game. Trade is the only reasonable thing I can see them changing in a couple ways, the first is that there is a limit on it if you have a token (a very odd decision). The second would be trading between friends (if they come up with a system that wouldn’t be exploited).

You know what I think the “Must Do” things are?

OH! Things that ACTUALLY FUNDAMENTALLY AFFECT GAMEPLAY! Imagine that! Things like…

-Party exp share and item looting seems to be messed up
-Spells will sometimes not fire, but go on cooldown anyway
-When the database server is under lag, half of the functions in the game don’t work which could mean loss of time/gems
-People not being able to get items they paid for
-Dungeons not being as fun as they could be

I’m gonna continue playing this game. And I really… REALLY hope they don’t change it in a drastic way. The ENTIRELY OPTIONAL market and trading does not have me concerned. It’s a non-issue. And you people screaming for changes are on the silver scammers side, or you are the guys who love to control the market instead of playing the game. They are fixing the important problems (like queues and mob spawns), but trade and market are fine. Leave your negative and review and go somewhere else. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out guys.

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IMC still needs to fix mob respawn, they did now but its not even close to the ideal scenario. Really.

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After reading this I must say that I find this fairly well thought out and contains many suggestion I agree with.

Totally agree here; I can’t think of any better changes, honestly.

I still think that 30% is a bit excessive. Perhaps lowering it to 20-25% would make it a lot more palatable for the majority of players. 1/4th of the sale taxed hurts much less than almost 1/3rd.

Totally agree with the Team storage, except maybe a few differences:
Since IMC would probably make a fair amount of money off of players looking for that convenience, I think that they could give Token users (hereby dubbed Token-ers) larger storage space or sell storage upgrades, which a lot of games do.

Although I believe that they shouldn’t lower the available slots in the main storage at all, they could give the team storage a slight downgrade in comparison to Token-ers.

This way IMC stills gets their money and we still get team storage, and we need team storage. 'Cause there are plenty of instances where we may find a great item for, say, our warrior.
But alas! We are actually playing our mage and that super rare drop is going to waste.

Although we could post it up on the auction house - currently the only way to get an item we want from one team member to another for non-Token-ers - within affordable ranges for our other character, there is a fair chance that it’ll be bought by another player. So we wind up not getting to use our hard-earned drop :sob:

@XhiroYui ‘Queues’ is actually how you spell the plural form of ‘queue,’ so he wasn’t really all that far off. I actually spelled it ‘queque’ a couple of times, myself, and the only language I know how to speak is English. Those typos can getcha easily.:fearful:

As far as I can tell it appears to have died down a lot, so I think we’re good here.[quote=“svalinn85, post:1, topic:171996”]

I believe we’re should keep the shout channel, but maybe put a limit on how many shouts an individual can do within a set period of time like, say, a second or two, blocking those who go over said limit temporarily.

It appears that most spams are done rapidly in succession so that may help, although it won’t stop it.[quote=“svalinn85, post:1, topic:171996”]

I don’t feel that the enchant scrolls are really that overbearing. The few we got in the apology didn’t give me diddly squat.:persevere:
So as another poster mentioned (I can’t seem to find the post again at the moment, sorry) chances are that someone will have shelled out a ton of money on hat enchants and still wound up with crap enchants in the end.

As far as everything else goes I’m with you 100%.

I would like to add though, in case no one mentioned it already:

Raise the dungeon limit or dispose of it!

The low limit seems to have pissed quite a few people off judging from some of the reviews I’ve read on Steam.
I can still say that Token-ers could get a larger boost in dungeon visits, or no limits at all, but at least allow players to enter a dungeon at least 5 times or more if you’re going to put a cap on them, IMC.
If you’re going to keep it at least make the dungeons even more worth having limit.
I haven’t personally gone on any dungeon runs yet, so I don’t know exactly what kind of rewards player earn by completing them, but maybe give us a guaranteed rare or a bunch of exp cards for our efforts, if you don’t already.

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Related to token, market and etc:

Allow Class reset will actually increase the replay value of the game. Since the quest are exactly the same no matter what character, if you done it once, it’s just grinding the 2nd time around, which this game provides plenty of grinding if you like. In addition, have you ever wondered why people get on forum and ask “What is the best build? How to distribute stats?” It’s because the game doesn’t allow them to reset, so once they choose a build they are stuck with it. And so what happens in the long run is that, EVERYONE ended up with exactly the same build, because it’s the best build at farming/pvp etc. So do you want to play a game where everyone all choose the the one or two same build, when there are 80+ different classes to choose from?

Now I know I am not speaking for everyone, but if I have the option to reset, I for sure will be trying all the different builds. And let’s face it, getting one character to LV200 is no small feat, so getting 4 character to LV200 is gonna be plenty of play value and money for IMC to make, and keep in mind that there are money making classes that people make just to setup shop because they are not good at farming/pvp, so replay value is the least of people’s worry at this point.

IMO, I wouldnt play this game without a token, they only reason why I normally play MMOs is to play with friends, my friends are normally Free-player who pays for good games without restricted features.
In the game currents situation its impossible to have an enjoyable time playing with friends, since your main reason to play with them is to help each other, how can you do that if you can’t trade with them? How is our sup with a “GF build kappa” is supposed to get any money, if he/she can’t make an alt to make money with?.

I really think that silver transfer between your own characters won’t effect the RMTs, you can say that they can trade the silver from their alt to their main, but IMC can ban their accounts directly.
Trading with only items no silver at all, or put something like a “Friendship system” where trading with friends is unlockable by playing “X” amount of time with that friend, and maybe a dice system in parties.

I will w8 until the “official launch” and then write my final review, but if I write it right now it would be negative, love the game, RO was my sh*t but, if you are a Free-player who wants to play a MMO and not a self-found game, then you will hit the pay wall pretty hard,
This game is a subscription based game with a self-found sometimes party to dung F2P option.

Well… i agree. At the moment i made a positive review because i really want to support this game… same reason why i bought a founder pack.

But if i see that as time passes these restrictions are not deleted from the game and they keep leaving it as it is now gameplay choices whise… i’ll change my review to negative and gladly go back playing ESO and stop any kind of support to ToS even if i’ve been waiting for it many years…

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If it stays as it is right know i won’t pay for more tokens, instead, I would rather go back to FFXIV xD

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I’m “reviving” this topic because today while i was playing i had an idea about this… it’s simple really… just make it so that any item becomes “account bound” as soon as it is traded 1-2 times.

So what does it mean?

It means that:

  • the token will keep having value due to the fact that premium players won’t lose potential on receiving items on trading or marketplace.
  • at the same tiime you completely shut off the chance of said items destroying the economy like you were suggesting in this discussion.
  • and you also have a “safe ground” for enabling 1:1 trades AND get rid of goldsellers at the same time, well at least of some ways they have to give fold.

Let me explain the last one:

In another post wrote by a said “ex-goldseller” is explained how one of the ways for goldsellers give silver to players is by giving them an item that they can sell on the market for a lot of silver later on.

Implementing this “account bound on trade item system” so, you’re not ony giving token users benefits while preventing market destruction… but you’re even making it impossible for gold sellers to sell siler using items.

stupid idea

why would people suffer because of bot ?

stop this nonsense already , there’s ton of game that manage to deal very good with all sort of bot/rmt ( i.e : phantasy star online II ) without hurting player by ANY means

these features are lazy bs , as yours .

Thank you for your constructive and educated reply… now me and everyone else can keep ignoring you and just keep discussing in a social way on how to make this game better even for people like you.

Stop giving bad idea and people will stop to being rude with you.

and whining won’t help you and you won’t get everyone support because you’re the one whining .

trade restriction , bound item when trade ? please quit this game already , and stop arguing because no one care about your tough .

you’re a casual player that play 1 game / 4 years and don’t know how mmo works , it’s obvious , trade system is REALLY IMPORTANT IN HACK N SLASH

no argue .

PS : if you’re rejecting every player that is not OK with you , leave internet and just shut up , kid , anyone comes here to please you.

always funny to see kids like you , thinking everyone will be OK with your tough and support you , lmao .

Right back at you.[quote=“comptewow07, post:113, topic:171996”]
and whining won’t help you and you won’t get everyone support because you’re the one whining .

He’s coming up with ideas and suggestions on improving the game, it’s not just whining.

ToS isn’t a Hack n’ slash

Assuming tough was meant to be thoughts, I care. The game is fun at it’s core, but it need improvements. What better way for IMC to get ideas, other than listen to the community?

Also work on your grammar, it’s incredibly difficult to make out what you’re trying to say.

The absolute most important issue with the game is the density/spawn rate of mobs as well as the scaling of mobs later in the game where unavoidable ranged and magic mobs can chunk off huge amounts of your HP and beefy mobs take a full skill for some classes just to kill one. This really is a grinding game that won’t even let you grind. I’m big on playing the market and trading/crafting in MMOs and the restrictions are an inconvenience but haven’t massively hampered my enjoyment of the game to the degree everyone is saying it does, but what has from beta until today has been the horrible density of mobs in the higher level maps. Most players aren’t there yet, but when they reach these desolate barren wastelands I foresee a lot of them quitting.

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Pretty much agree on everything… Especially bots and gold sellers problems.
People search a solution for those in changing the systems, but changing them is pointless (as we’ve seen with the situation now) they can simply adapt to the new situation… For example if you check high money value trades, they could simply begin to trade a lot of smaller items and so on.
The only solution for those is to create, or use a premade one, anti hack/bot program and monitoring systems in game to check the trades and so on. It might lead to some unnecessary bans, but a quick check by the support team could easily fix the situation.

Still I’m kinda glad that it’s something that they can work on as publishers. If it was other stuff more related to the core of the gameplay and so on, the situation would be much different. As we would have to hope that the Korean devs worked on it. ( it’s OT, but for example I feel bad for BDO players that hope for harder PvE and will never see it, because the creators said that they didn’t want to make it since it won’t cather to the Korean community.)

Also I woud like to see fixed:

  • Game performance optimization
  • Server performance optimization
  • SLI compability
  • Fixed quest objects which impossible to be clicked using mouse controls
  • Fixed Town statues whick could be closed by other characters o pets
  • Fixed pets preventing of clicking objects, monsters, statues
  • Range market NPC to be cicked for character to stay not so close and overlap NPC for others
  • PVP, GVG content (because nothing to do here)
  • Buyable TP