Tree of Savior Forum

Change the [Magic Scrolls] ( RNG Stats in the Cash Shop )

If you were to adjust the rate in which players could buy the scroll with their free TP that would only empower paying players and revert the effectiveness of a solution in the first place though. Because free players would be able to re-roll only once a week in your example (at 19 weeks and simulate a faux “100% chance by 19 rolls” it will have taken a free user 1 year and 4 months worth of free TP for 3 pieces) but paying players could re-roll to their perfect stat nearly immediately at very little cost.

I hate RNG too. Never been a fan. Particularly because I have the absolute worst luck of anyone I know.

If we were even to add RNG stats back into the equation though to your 1 stat limit what we would see is the harder to find stats that aren’t always native to gear (AOE Ratio, AOE Defense, Move Speed) still would only have a 1:19 chance of being rolled since they have no variance and will only ever have a value of 1 once they are rolled. Sure, if you want to get Crit Damage at max +66 it would still be difficult at 1:646… but since everyone would likely want AOE or Move Speed it’s almost a moot point as these are very difficult to find elsewhere in the game. I wouldn’t sacrifice those stats that I can’t find anywhere else just for a little extra damage when I could instead +1 my weapon for more effect in most cases.

They could remove those OP weird stats from the equation then. I’m terrible at math but then there should be a solution where you can get it often enough at f2p without it being so easy that you don’t want to buy it.

Maybe make the actual enchantment scroll tradable (paid one only) along with a free one once a week is another idea. It gives access to f2p again for more rolls without it being blocked away from them. Paying players can make a bit of silver off of leftover small amounts of TP.

I think it boils down to a lot of people, you and myself included, who feel its current implementation is just wrong. It’s not something I like and not something I want to support and see mutate into some twisted gacha gacha in future additions.

The part that sucks is everyone has their idea of what is a best solution. There are faults with all solutions at some point.

IMC has playtime in Tera and from what I recall they did some work there. They should just take a note from them and implement it more closely like the enigmatic scrolls + soulbind mechanic.

In Tera, you take your base item that can have up to 3 different bonuses. You use your Enigmatic Scrolls to shuffle those bonuses. Once you find one you like you click the “lock” button beside the stat, use another enigmatic, and it uses X soulbinds to lock that value so instead of randomizing all 3 it just randomizes the remaining two. Lock another stat, soulbind cost goes up since you’re locking two stats now, enigmatic again.

It really is a simple process that would allow us greater control. But the big difference is that in Tera these items aren’t at a .0001% chance. You get them fairly often to help combat the RNGness of it. ToS would have to increase the drop rate, add a soulbind item, code a lock mechanic… just doesn’t seem like an option at this point. Even if they made it just so the lock function was there without a soulbind type item cost at all. So while the option would be great, I likely have to kiss it goodbye because the only solution that will ever be picked is the one with the least amount of work involved it seems lol

Yeah I hear ya. I rather have another system with it involved as well. I don’t really care for the p2win items, but I do like customizing my gear. I’m not sure how much IMC is willing to change as well. We’ll have to see. I do hope they try to keep it more cosmetic without random boxes and such.

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i know from experience playing other games that i spend a lot less money when everything is random. after a few fails i loose all interest in the cash shops. at the very least i’d want to see a separate scroll for p.atk, m.atk, defensive and aux stats; so it’s random within reason.

Just for giggles… in their current Magic Scroll system… because I want to see the odds.

Let’s say I want HP, SP, and Crit Damage, since these three stats have the highest possible variances. What are the odds of rolling perfect stats on all 3 of those on a single piece?

Getting all 3 of those stat types is 1:2907, getting all 3 stat types with perfect HP is 1:1220940, with SP would be 1:215118, with Crit Damage 1:98838… add those 3 since each is already its own perfect roll, so…


Huehuehue. That’s 1/15 the chance of winning the lottery for countless millions of dollars. You’re more likely to be struck by lightning this year at 1:960,000,


Well, I guess the P2W aspect of it is out the window. Because even with a low variant stat combo like my MATK 42+ AOE + Move Speed at 1:61047, I doubt we’d see many players running around with perfect stats. Hell with some of these odds we’ll be lucky to see players with 3 stats they even remotely want lol


lol wtf. See no one is going to be buying these scrolls with chances like that. And even if someone threw $200 at it, they’re going to be very likely pissed off. Maybe we’d see people try and cheat to duplicate the items or have some other ways to hack it with guaranteed results. This whole scroll thing is just causing a huge mess.

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Well, interestingly despite how ‘logical’ we can discuss it, in reality it’s rather different.

Humans are weird like that.


dont know if this has been said before

make it trade able

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After all that math I’m ready to give you my vote Raven. Screw that RNG, I thought with enough time and luck I’d still be able to get at the very least the 3 stats I wanted, but after all that… hell no, take me back to something more limited and simple lol


People will leave over not having magic scrolls? Seriously, wot? I guarantee you very few are actually going to care, since this game doesn’t revolve around open world PvP.

It’s going to affect people’s play-styles very little… Besides the OCD who have to have everything, and will complain about it constantly when they can’t get it.

I think asking for flagging should be an instant ban for a week. You don’t help the discussion and you’re just creating hate mongering and community censorship. Many forums have this rule too.

It’s straight up Pay to win, This stats are isane, the most late game weapons and items don’t give the same bonus as the 3 cosmetics combined. Please @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ines adress this as fast as you can it’s and irracional thing that will most like make a lot of people give up. The cash shop shouldn’t have nothing Stats realated, not enchance scrolls,not stats like this one, Nothing that can make you stronger or weaker is irracional.


I just think they are an unnecessary feature — & a slippery slope towards more stat boosts & rng being added to the cash shop. Something I’d very much like them to stay away from…

Not to mention this cash shop feature entirely overshadows the Alchemists “Item Awakening” skill which pales in comparison in usefulness. Pretty sad for those alchemists when the cash shop offers better boosts…

[[ I’m also not really a fan of ravens idea though, at that point the feature just might as well not exist… which is probably for the best. ]]


Hats should be just hats.

Cute and cosmetic.

I hate the Magic Scrolls.

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Lets gather in the streets and burn those Magic Scrolls! Just like the old times! I mean, really, get rid of it already. :confused:

This is just a random idea to fix the issue so give it some thoughts…

How about making those bonus effect on the hats get disabled on maps that currently have a world boss spawned(to avoid having any advantage against other people fighting it) as well as disabled during PvP events(GvG too)

Main problems of Magic Scrolls imo:

  1. RNG bonus “op” (not that op).
  2. Kills the meaning of using cosmetic item for cosmetic purposes.
  3. Common hats are cheap, even if they have stats. There’s no reason on buying a nice hat that doesn’t give bonus when you can have a Kepa Doll that gives +1 AoE Attack Ratio.
  4. Can’t get them without paying. Can keep that but must be adjusted.
  5. There’s no reason, ever, to enchant Untradable hats if you can sell them.

Things to keep in mind:

  1. RNG is ok. But needs to be adjusted a bit.
  2. Well. If you somehow could transfer hat stats to another (too op). Or select what you want to get (AoE Attack Ratio - 1% or less chance of getting 1 / Phys Atk - from 1 to ~40). Dunno how to fix that.
  3. Same as 2. Also lowers the price of really rare hats that are nice cosmetics.
  4. You should decide if they are popular items or special items. Paid items are popular (with restrictions) and so can’t be op/need to be careful. Special items can be kinda op but need effort to get them.
  5. There are better concepts for Magic Scrolls that can handle these things.

Some random ideas:

  1. What if there were 3 types of Magic Scrolls? 1-slot, 2-slots and 3-slots? What if you could get them from dungeon boxes (1%) and from world bosses (5%)?
  2. What if each type of bonuses gave a challenge or mini-game?
  3. What if hats had stars and bonuses were based on the hat level?
  4. What if every time you used a 30-day Token you get a Magic Scroll (single or 3 pack) as a bonus. So you allow everyone to get them each 30 days.
  5. Same as 4. But what if Magic Scrolls were attachable items just like Amulets?

While i’m not supporting this i’ll say it right now, even if you get 3 max roll of the same stat the total stat change is negligible at level 280, you’ll maybe have 10-15% higher stats then a F2P player which by no means grants 100% chance of victory over them in PVP.

The only stat that’s a huge deal in there is the fact you can get 1-2 AoE attack ratio on those awakening which is a pretty big deal even late game.

This is done mostly because in all MMO there is always a few dozen user willing to spent thousands on the cash shop and putting somesort of gambling in it is what gets them to do so.

Just look at the guy who spent 6000$ on grandblue fantasy.

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Unbound hats with insane stats?

Doable at the start.

Just need $$$.

Rush to top 5 in levels during EA with insane hat bonuses & cash shop exp boosts / tokens.

Control the market.

Give hat to an alt.

Boom, instant juggernaught.

Coupled with a free, now level 200 pet.


n-negligible…? w-whaa…