Tree of Savior Forum

Change the [Magic Scrolls] ( RNG Stats in the Cash Shop )

Again, as has been argued way earlier. THE AMOUNT OF STATS THEY GIVE IS NOT THE ISSUE.

I don’t want to copy and paste the same posts I made on the subject but I’m not the only one who made arguments why its a bad system regardless of whether or not it gives you 1 attack, 5billion attack, or takes thousands of dollars to use effectively.

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I did read up until 120 Posts and haven’t seen anyone mention it before.
I wasn’t aware that you cannot generate more than 5.

edit: Stopped reading past 120 posts because people kept repeating what’s already been said.

I think the issue here is they want to make a tiny bit of money here. Maybe to balance it further the enchanted hats shouldn’t be tradable, so you’d have to have the scrolls yourself in order to do it.

So final suggestions idea would be:
1 Slot, costs 5TP, Headgear becomes untradable, stats reduced to the lowest possible outcome (or their average) for less rng frustration and balance.

Does anyone like this idea? This should be fair to both players and IMC.

EDIT: Have the enchantments be override-able so it give players more incentive to use/buy more than one scroll as well since they can’t trade it.

@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_J @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines


Im sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. xD

If you could read post 139, i put a lot of feeling and effort into writing! hehehe.

@Raven I totally agree with your final idea. This is essentially what it should have been in ktos in my opinion.

Edit: But regardless I believe that any form of statting via cash shop will encourage a casual mindset and would be bad for the overall community.

This is a good approach that enables free players to experience the effect of scrolls and see how much of an impact a stat enhancement has.

If they like the outcome they might be more inclined to actually purchase for better enhancements.

Seems pretty reasonable for both sides, and hopefully IMC will consider doing this.

I can’t believe this is still going in the same direction it was roughly 100 posts ago. Instead of unifying one solution together and pushing it towards a Staff whenever they log on, we’re just playing musical chairs where the same thing is repeated over and over from all sides.

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I think that it’s fine to have this item in the cash shop, but the ones that drop from PvE have a much higher stat limit than the cash version. People who cash can pay to throw it on their gear with no actual work, but they will never be stronger than a hard-working player. They will be able to conveniently play through the game on most content before they start hitting the limits of their cashed gear.

Once they get their foothold in the game, they will have to start farming for stronger versions of the scroll like everyone else. Non-paying players can buy the scrolls with in-game currency from other players, and would have no real excuse for not being able to keep up with the rest of the community. Allow one of the economy-based classes to increase the chance of getting a higher-roll, so they are still useful to the economy(would need to be balanced which is a seperate topic).

Instead of letting cashers get AHEAD of non-cashers with no effort because they have money in real life, give them a layer of CONVENIENCE but let people who genuinely play the game still be able to farm out-performing versions of the scrolls so they have a justified reason to grind for them.

I honestly support @Raven solution, seems the best deal for F2P players.

Yup, @raven’s idea would certainly help a lot. No real accessibility to non-paying players and RNG are the biggest problems, and this solves both.


Maybe you can solve the thread with my post or direct users there somehow. Maybe if it gets enough likes IMC might consider it?

Hm, alright. I’ll move this to suggestions then since it’s no longer a discussion but a proposal, and edit the OP.

Ah, something in suggestions can’t have an answer marked. I’ll just link your post in the OP.

Well to give a WoW or FFXIV example:

In WoW trading card mounts/pets were tradable, and said cards were bought with RL currency.

Having a lot of currency doesnt directly give you the ability to do the highest level raids in the game.
…But you can use that currency to buy runs of the highest level raids in the game. So indirectly it does.

I never raided in FFXIV myself, since I was a crafter there. But if I wanted to I could buy entry and loot for any raid. xD
Atleast there tho, they didnt make the RL currency stuff tradable (at all), so if you wanted to buy endgame clears you’d have to earn it ingame.

In my experience any game with tradable cash shop items makes the game atleast partial P2W because the advantage it gives in earning ingame currency.

Mind you, im not against it myself, since in return it also means you can earn cash shop items with ingame currency.

Hey I just thought of one more thing, since I’m not entirly sure how enchantment works. Can you add in making the enchantment override-able? Since they aren’t tradable anymore it’s going to make the hat useless, so instead if it’s override-able it’d give players more incentive to buy/use multiple scrolls on a single hat. Thanks man!

Well, currently using a scroll on a headgear that is already enchanted removes the old enchantment before applying the new one. So no change needed there :smiley:

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Perfect! That all works out then.

At first glance this looks like an ideal solution, so, kudos for that. I salute the thought that went into it.

But… sadly, let’s look a little further. 1 slot… 5 TP… so, everyone can get them very often. That’s good. And 1 slot only means you need less scrolls. That’s good too. And you limit how effective they are. That can be good too; nobody can complain about OP rolls if you’ve had to pick and choose your 1 stat wisely per piece.

Anddddd… that is where it all unwinds and is suddenly no longer a viable solution in my book.

By decreasing the allure and effectiveness of the potential stats, while at the same time making them a free re-roll every so often, you’ve basically guaranteed that every single user will have the exact stats they want. The exact opposite of the previous problem of only the very rich (or insanely lucky) having the perfect stat rolls. Except now in the proposed solution everyone can easily get their perfect rolls which means it actually does become a de facto requirement. Because…

At 1 stat only you are going down to a 1:19 chance to roll your perfect stat from 1:2907 to get your perfect 3 stat combo (correct me if I’m wrong but 19 stats available so 191817 for the perfect 3 stat types you want, divide by 6 because order of stats isn’t important, but *3 because your item may also randomly only receive 1 or 2 or 3 stats). And this doesn’t even include the variances per-stat which have varying ranges they could be, likely taking this ratio to the sky at over 1:100k+ (I want MATK + AOE + Move Speed, AOE and Speed are static at 1 each, MATK has a possible 21 different variances, so to get 42 as MATK and the other stats I wanted it’s 1:61047 lol imagine if you want 3 stats that have equal variances instead of just one?) Had to adjust my maths, forgot about order not being important lol

If everyone has easy access to perfect rolls then anyone who does not have rolls on their gear is either incompetent or too casual to even spend their free TP. This solution also takes out all late-game min-max factoring and places it right into the early game where it will stay as everyone can easily get perfect rolls that early with that little RNG.

To confound matters more this takes the need out of the item entirely from being in the cash shop outside of a means to burn players’ free TP. Since it is so easy in that solution to get your perfect roll they won’t likely sell a single scroll and the item will not have earned any currency at all for the company we’re trying to support. Additionally, why, may as well remove the item from the shop entirely, as all it would be doing is guaranteeing that every single player has 3 additional stat bonuses of their choice at no real expense at all.

I can go with your solution if up-to 3 stats remain as the item then regains its value and demand. However I still would not be pleased with those odds at a perfect roll as it would seem that no real amount of farming or even free TP would yield perfect rolls. I still feel we would need a way to lock the stats with an item if we start considering multiple stats which would take that absurd ratio back into manageable odds while still making it something we can min-max in time with free TP and increased drop rates (while still retaining sale value realistically as a convenience item).

league of legends is a billion dollar money printing machine. yet its not p2w at all. do you have any idea how much money they would have maid if you could pay even 50cents a game to get a slight advantage. it would have died out years ago.

fully cosmetic approach has been proven in many f2p titltes it is far and beyond viable. every p2w game I have ever played both the extreme p2w where you can essentially become a walking raid boss god who can 1v10 with very little effort to the lesser p2w games that still give a noticable advantage. the one thing all of these games have in common is that:

  1. they all have very small player base.
  2. they do not last very long.

I think you are operating out of the false thought process that if there is no p2w there is no money. there is a ■■■■ load of stuff you can sell in the cash shop that does not give stats or power.

looking cool for one. and a bunch of other quality of life ■■■■ that does not really effect leveling speeds.

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Hmm well I don’t know about other people but I know a lot of people can’t stand rng. What’s the point to bother buying the scrolls at all if there’s such a slim chance you’d get what you want? I’d just wait for whatever stats I wanted to be on a hat in the auction house. If other players think like this as well it’s going to create a demand for silver (rather than wait for more TP or just buying it), which can cause people to seek out goldsellers since it would be such an incredibly rare item and therefore very expensive.

Instead of making it rare yeah it will be something that people will want to do just like how people seek out to add gems to their equipment. With making it only do 1 stat and lowering their potency, then it should feel less like a requirement.

Will people buy the scrolls? Well I would never buy it, with the state it’s in now because I’m very likely to be dissatisfied with the results. If you make an object very frustrating to buy it just puts the player in a bad mood and unlikely to buy not only that item but be afraid of other rng items in the future. This way you can feel good about your purchase.

Yes you can wait to refill your TP or maybe you got your perfect stats and a new fancy hat is in the store you want to buy, so you just buy new scrolls to get the stats on them right away.

If it’s the TP comes too often, perhaps we can devise a way to put our TP into a “bank” for certain low cost items. So you’d have to stack up on a week’s worth of TP in order to receive the scroll, or something similar. The access is still there just not as easy.

On another note they should really make a separate currency for cash and the regenerating one. It gets confusing and would be a lot easier to balance.

Getting a little disappointed with this community, it seems like half of it are completely ignoring how much bigger the player base would be and how many more new players would stay without promoting unfair advantages everywhere. P2W games just don’t do better long term these days, 100 million players could join over 3 years and under 1 million would stay. If we go the route we’re on it will just be a smaller playerbase supporting the game being awfully P2W, it would have to be awfully P2W cause not enough players spending money (micro-transactions). I just don’t want ToS to be another game forcing me to spend $1,000s on to get the best out of it, I would rather the game be B2P+P2P than that, it would probably be much more successful to and maybe the developers could start focusing on adding more content and polishing the game.