Tree of Savior Forum

[Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)

Hi I am interested in this path (C2-DDB3-DR1-PD1) and your guide is great!! But I am curious, why a lot of people don’t take PD skill “Pandemic”, is that skill only spread the debuff that ‘we’ cause? I just think it’s another great skill for PD

It doesn’t work on most of our debuffs, sadly. Only notable general purpose ones are Freeze, Bleed, Sleep, and Petrify.

I use Pandemic in ET frequently. I will use it in GvG as well.

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Ah I see, then I want to ask about some thing that I don’t understand about PD skills again,

  1. In Fumigate and Pandemic description there is “Applies a Maximum of [x] times”, what does it means?
  2. Is it worth to pour some Skill Points to Fumigate or Pandemic more than 1?

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^ This will be how I will go with my build.

@Veritas, I respec recently to a Diev build, I got just now the Diev C2, but I’m having a hard time in leveling, grinding, etc, since the high cooldown of Carve Owl, do you have any tips about it? Or just hard to farm?


@alittlelover96 -

  1. The maximum number of targets it can affect before the effect no longer applies. If you have Pandemic Lv. 5 and use it on a large group of enemies. Debuffs will spread to no more than 13 of those enemies.
  2. Pandemic is worth a few points if taken at all. Fumigate, always only one.

@raphaelcmacedo - It will always be a tough time, due to our cooldowns. The reality of Dievdirbys is that it’s a class that becomes more and more powerful depending on the difficulty of the encounter. On the easy grind to 280, you will find that you’re nearly useless outside of CDR and the occasional owl clear. In ET and PvP, truly difficult encounters, you’ll find Dievdirbys to shine above other classes.

I leveled with others. Questing should not demand you to kill too frequently. Proper questing rotations along with missions and dungeons liberally allow you to quest to 212+ without having to stop and grind.

thanks man, and just to confirm… you said priest c1 would be better than druid c1 to general purposes right?
To the r7, PD is a most or Kabba could be effective just as PD?

thanks again

Okay you have opened my mind. . . Thanks for your answer! I see now how I will build my Plague Doctor!

@raphaelcmacedo - All answered in the guide!

To all, with the incoming card system, I’ll be pretty quaint with what you should be looking for. Seven Chapparition Cards. This card grants you bonus magic attack for 10 seconds upon using an SP potion, scaling off of card level and stackable. This means, seven of these equipped with max stars will grant upwards of 70% magic attack for 10 seconds after using an SP potion.

It sounds nice on paper, but the far more important reason this is useful to us is because our owls snapshot our stats upon creation, and therefore if you create your owls right after using an SP potion with these cards equipped, they will retain your magic attack +70% for the entire duration of the owls. It takes a little less than 400 cards total to create seven level 10 cards, for reference.

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%increase cards are non stackable AFAIK.

They stack, unless it was changed between when I posted that last message and now. It has been tested.

Oh my gawd, those numbers will be insane

Hi, i’m currently following your build and i’m wondering about the skills priorities for rank 5/diev3. Which skill did you max out first? was it owl > laima > ausrine > world tree?
and if im not mistaken, there are 9 or 10 skill points left at diev2, is it okay if i want to give some of those points to world tree? the skill seems so cool and i cant wait to try it at diev2 haha

A confirmation that Carve World Tree is now working once more. Rejoice!

@ridodiki - Owl and Carve World Tree should take priority. They have the most application in general PvE. Ausrine is bottom priority, and Laima is eh while leveling.

Why loses a lot of pvp ability… Please enlight with this…
By doing krivis c3 u have lv 15 zaibas + max damage attribute…
1vs1 scenario: put zaibas + carnivore, telepath and walk the enemy over it. Boom insta death
2Vs2/group scenario: hide behind your team mate…aim one enemy that is your threat… Cast SZ, carnivore/strea throft(depend on if ur opponent mate is agresive on you) put 2 zaibas lv 15… Telepath and walk him to zaibas, boom (I Believe) insta death…

Rather than druid:
Druid only has 2 damaging skill: Carve and Owl
You cant carve enemy while telep…and that leaves you with only owl… Owl has pause between attack… And u cant predict (only count by second) the attack
And that is so hard to combo with telepath

What do u think??

And last questions about druid pvp:

  • telepath ambiguity: some said it change enemy “alligiance” means, my magic cant hurt the target, but his ally can hurt the target… But in video which is uploaded around apr/ may 2016 it shows the opposite… Enemy targetted with telepath can be hurt by druid zaibas… Which one is true???
  • Carnivore damage at pvp: how’s the damage of this skill at pvp? (Considering same class level, stat, and equipment with enemy and considering this skill maxed + max attribute)
    Does this skill categorized High Damage, Decent Damage or low Damage…
    (Im kinda dissapointed with some forums said OoB sadhu attack max attribute is high damage but in reality it does decent damage, thats why i wanna know Carnivore damage from an experienced player)

Thank u

Because no one walks into Zaibas willingly, and it ultimately serves as another zoning tool. Yes, you can walk an enemy into it, but they’ll die just as fast in front of an owl or inside Cure or walked over Heal tiles.

We take Dievdirbys because it gives us zoning tools, which this build is ultimately all about. There is no class superior at zoning than the Dievdirbys with their wide array of statues, almost all of which serve a practical purpose (slow, silence, damage, defense, invincibility).

While it might be safer to kill an enemy inside Zaibas, is it worth giving up all those other tools in the mess that is Battle League? Definitively not. You’ll win more overall games with good zoning tools that support potentially lesser skilled teammates than taking Zaibas, which in reality cannot carry a team through victories. I promise you and everyone else here, at the end of the day it will not be your skill that defeats you in PvP. It will be the skill of your teammates. Giving them the tools to win is what will rank you the highest using this build.

It (Telepath) doesn’t change allegiance. You definitively can walk enemies into your attacks and allies can kill players captured by Telepath as well.

Carnivory is strong (stronger than Zaibas) but much like Zaibas, no one will walk into it willingly. It serves as another form of zoning. People will be hesitant to walk over grass.

If you want a job alternative that is far stronger strictly for PvP, then it is Oracle C1 over Druid C1, with Prophecy, Counterspell, and even Forecast in some instances.

Edit: A small point to add. You can be killed by reflect damage using Zaibas. Owl damage cannot be reflected to you, no matter what the reflect is (e.g. Revenged Sevenfold damage is not reflected to you, it is directed to the owl).

Lol im up all night to read this forum and thanks to you @Veritas … For making this forum.

Anyway ive decided to do your build and im a fans of Duel and PVP i dont really care of pve anyway

Here is my thought: (CMIIW)
At duel i only rely on telepath to win the duel (CMIIW)???what do u think as an experienced C2 D3 Dr1?? I know that u focus more on ET, but please share me your experience at duel.
Is there any other attack combo skill besides relying on telepath??

And what is enemy move to prevent your Owl/Carnivore + tele combo??

telepath has 60 sec cd… And while waiting tele to off cd, diev provides me with a lot of defensive skill (im a coward pvp player,my style is hit and run)… While waiting the tele off cd i can zone 2 Lamia and 1 World, i Can stay inside ST, and i can absolutely be invicible by Ausrine…

This defensive combo I cant find at Krivis C3

Ummmm and since i played at ToS Ina, i dont know but i think the update kinda late, can u tell me, will they nerf Telepath skill?? Coz i think this skill very OP at duel, i know noone will willingly walk into Carnivory/Cure/ stand in front of owl… But only by setting Carn + cure + owl then captured enemy by telepath (large AoE, quick casting, auto aiming) then it means sure death for the enemy

Oh another think… What if 2 players stand in front of you? Can I choose which person to get telepath, just by pointing my cursor (just like Pshycokino’s Telekinesis)? Or does the closest player get telepathed?

If its the closest player then i guess i will have a hard time facing Hunter

Lamia nerf??? What di they do to Lamia?? I like to capture enemy inside lamia, and while they confuse why they walk slowly, then i cast cure below them. Does the slow give diev good CC? Or by this nerf i will rely only on Lamia Cd reduction??

I see u giving up on Carve

Ok… As an Ausrine user at Duel and Group PVP… What will you do after u have Ausrine on urself? Heal? Carve more statue? Can you attack? What is the biggest contribution Ausrine gives beside the invicibility??

Share me your experience at group pvp… Can u easily watch a group of enemy from a far… Then cast Owl + cure + carnivore then move forward a little, cast telepath, random pick one enemy (hopefuly it is museketeer) and walk him to ur trap. Wait 60 sec and repeat… Can it be done easily ??

If it can be done easily then Why you said Druid more to PVE while PD more PVP if Druid can easily 1 enemy team each 60 sec??

Wow i cant believe i make a wall of text. But like someone as post said. There a lot of class at ToS and a lot of Trap Class also…thats why i wanna know detail about my future class…

Thank u so much
And please post C2 D3 Dr1 PVP please

Oh oh i forget something:

Owl statue:
When u walk enemy in front of it… Does it directly attack them or u have to wait for owl interval to attack??


I don’t think duels are important, because they play out much differently than Battle League (5v5, 2v2) as well as GvG (15v15). In those settings, your job is just to pressure the enemy team, it’s not as much to kill, but your owls will kill and Telepath can hook. It’s hard to use it though in team fight, because the enemy team can interfere easy. But you can protect yourself before they do (Safety Zone, Ausrine).

Telepath will link with the closest object. This can be a LOT of things. For example the Quarrel Shooter’s Pavise, the Warlock Dark Theurge (dark balls around them), Hunter’s pet. They can block the Telepath, making it harder for you to capture the main target.

Laima was nerfed to reduce 10 move speed instead of 20 move speed in instance PvP (not duels). Players have 30 move speed base, so 66% move speed instead of 33% that you see now.

Ausrine I use to pressure the enemy. Get near them, push them out, push statues deep into their territory, walk into Dark Theurge to remove it it, bait out their strong attacks, get close for Telepath. It’s quite scary for an enemy when you rush at them with Ausrine.

You can watch from afar, but you can also dive in and make statues to debilitate them. Running into enemies and using Carve World Tree and rendering them helpless is brutal, followed up by Carve Owl to restrict where they can go. Remember, Battle League and GvG is a special arena, they cannot run around infinitely like in duels in town.

Druid’s Carnivory is really for PvE. Telepath is strictly for PvP, to give you a win condition (turn 2v1 into 1v1 easily). Plague Doctor gives you anti-CC and strong HP regeneration, and also a very deadly debuff that cannot be removed by anything when used after something like Sleep or Freeze.

60 seconds is a long time mind you for Telepath to run out. It might be a little hard to make sure you have CC protection and damage protection throughout the entire duration of cooldown.

Per the owl, you still need to wait for it to breathe in intervals. Mine at the moment does ~5’000-6’000 x3 every interval, which kills most players in two intervals.

can u change ur picture to something cuter than the scary wakfu monkey

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Woooow thanks for the tips… I get the picture now how to pvp

At duel = absolute instant win by carn and tele combo

At battle or group = what i do is to make a maze for the enemy team, confusing to get their way back to their cleric or even a space to breathe… I like that… Its like “look look the diev is coming, run run… Oh geez he has Ausrine on” and i ate all their hit cap skill…

Thanks @veritas hug and kisses…little cuddle maybe… Lol jokin