Hey mangooo.
So if you’re gonna pick a PVP-based build would you highly recommend
Cleric2 > Diev3 > Oracle > PD?
Yes. I think that gives you a lot of tools to counterplay a lot of major PvP builds.
Why this telepath change allegiance?? Im sure at this video tele change alligiance coz when enemy in duration of Tele, the enemy dont get the damage from zaibas, but right after the duration of tele ends (10 secs i think) it gets zaibas damage…
Is this bug??
I need some clear info about this skill @Veritas
@veritas hi mango, i curently on Diev 2 and gonna take PR 1 in R6 , i want to ask about monstrance and aspresion skill on pr , is it okay if i go to priest ? When i was lack on spr , from what i know tht tho skill scale w/ SPR ? so is it okay ? Or maybe you hv suggest for tho problem ?
On the older post you said tht replace the druid into priest means you’re aiming for supp. So replace druid into pr 1 decrease a change to be good in pvp/gvg?
No, not a bug. Enemy under the telepathy does not receive damage from your skills. Only after the interruption or telepathy gets damage.
But @Veritas said that i can damage tele target with my skill
Quote by @Veritas :
It (Telepath) doesn’t change allegiance. You definitively can walk enemies into your attacks and allies can kill players captured by Telepath as well.
And if you said that u cant damage tele target, then hows this possible??
Skip to :50 secs… And you will see her carnivore can damage the telepath target…
This skill is awesome… But confusing as hell
druid Lv.184 with Sterea Trofh… wtf?
Sterea Trofh - druid c2 - 210+ Lv.
I believe this is not the official server. Probably very early BT.
@ibrahiim.dicky - Aspersion won’t do much, but there’s no where else to put the points. Monstrance Lv. 1 is fine.
@tsm.wings & @lexiano1802 - Telepath definitely does not change allegiance. Many Druid players have been using it to kill players in duels since launch. It is possible it is a bug, but this is how it has always been. Using it on enemy AI (monsters, not players) does change the allegiance. Please use first-hand knowledge before claiming something, or ask someone to demonstrate for you.

Telepath has been changed only in team battle league. Regular duels and GvG are unaffected afaik.
Edit: Unless of course that was just a bug.
@Veritas hi, this may not be related to the build, but from watching ur stream, u looks like u re very active in world bossing, demon lord and ET. For world bossing & demon lord, aside fletcher, what build do you think is good in terms of : DPS (when not that many ppl around) or Burst (when there’s tons of people in the map when the boss spawn?) thanks a lot
@Altariel - I see. Thanks for the memo. I will double check in kTOS in the next few days when I find time (and aren’t lazy).
@bdarwongso1 - Depends on the boss. For example, Shinobi is excellent at the world boss Violent Kerberos (super high burst, fast dying boss). I strongly believe that there is a point where Fletcher can no longer get stronger since they don’t benefit much from Chronomancer and rely mostly on just Magic Arrow aside from a few scenarios where Barbed Arrow is pretty good.
An example is Warlock, who fully funded is nearly unmatchable in magic damage or in the case of SR, can deal absurdly high damage with the right allies debuffing and with Melstis.
My class excels vs. grounded ghosts, and can out-damage even Fletcher players regularly at a fight like Dullahan. But that’s taking advantage of holy magic, and the only fight where my class is truly still relevant in terms of competitive damage dealing.
Thank you for the great response. I was wondering how about the Qs3 build, sure it falls off due to having no attributes in running shot, but do you think it can get really strong with buff like haste and pass (if he’s going musk/canoon for rank 7 burst). If yes, what do you think is better at dpsing?muskeeter with high burst or canooner which has slightly lower burst but less cooldown?thank you
sry out of topic, i want to ask about world boss, thats world boss is spawn in every channel ? or only 1 channel random every 4 hour? thanks before
I don’t want to be a killjoy, but keep questions unrelated in another topic. Tag me in it, and I’ll come answer there.
For all, new gameplay video. A good demonstration of the build and class back in Earth Tower. Confident that this build can go beyond 10/F now. Gear and stats and whatnot are shown somewhere in the fourth floor, but it’s all in the guide anyways.
Hello there. I have used your build than modified it and now I am cleric c2 - dievc3 druid c1 and soon going to be druid c2.
I advise for the people who read this, do not go druid unless you really like druid concept. Lately everything I do, I do as a party. In a party priest c1 is the most usefull circle you would have. There are enough dps classes already. Druid dps is okay, but is is just okay.
Hi. What stats (Int:Con) would you recommend for PvP (Battle League/GvG)? Would a baseline of 20,000 HP a safe measure for survival?
For PvP, you’ll want more. Maybe 30’000 HP+ would be more ideal. Full constitution isn’t so bad for PvP, and probably even preferred. You won’t really be using Cure to kill anyways since the damage of it and Heal are mitigated by status protection (Bloodletting, Beak Mask, Prophecy). Cure is the biggest hit in damage you take by not going intelligence, since the tooltip damage is directly scaled from that stat.
saintone, i herad druid is capable to world boss, which build is the best for wb?
c2 diev 3 druid 2
c2 krivis3 druid 2
c2 diev3 druid pd?
or any other build?
and what stats should i go?
Nowadays they’re only capable of competing in cubes at Dullahan effectively, as a grounded dark ghost. I only win cubes at other bosses with adequate Chronomancer support from very high boss HP, and my attributes are quite high now. A newcomer Cleric attempting to world boss compete will have a tough time.