Tree of Savior Forum

[Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)

aww why did they nerf diev? it was already a nightmare leveling an int one untill c2 unless you went krivis T^T

I don’t think it was intentional. It’s likely a bug that will be fixed. Other versions of the game do not have this issue. But it’s a major issue for us in our version for now.

PSA to all:



Hi there @Veritas,

Your post has been amazing and made playing ToS a lot more fun then my previous build.

The only thing I tweaked was setting Carve at level 1 and took Zemyna to 9. I find this more to my liking in end game content. (I play with el-cheapo mates who welcome Zemyna :slight_smile: ).

Also (since I’m aiming for pvp) I’m debating wether or not to loose incineration altogether in favor of: 5 Bloodletting, 4 heal factor, 5 Beak Mask, 1 Fumigate. That way it’ll allow low downtime on anti cc and I can get people out of cc whenever Bloodletting is down. Do you feel this trade off is doable? In duels it’s almost impossible to land incineration anyways, so I feel like the same can be said for Battlegrounds/GvG. I will miss incineration in my grind sessions in Storage, but I’m a tad more focussed on our (non-existant) pvp :slight_smile:.

Also to your above post: It will take until next tuesday (next patch) before they implement a fix… Sucks to wait…

for someone who are following this build,
i recommend keep Haubreak quest undone (found at map lv 88), this quest can give you a bit aggro and monster arround will auto attack you

yes, almost like Peltasta but the effect is… very weak
this bug (not sure) help me a lot in lvling, im now lv 180



Thinking of Cler2>Diev3>Druid>Kabbalist, pretty similar to your build tbh, but heavily CON-focused (fuck Musketeers). Will Carve Owl still deal good dmg with significantly lower INT though? Like 100~200. Even with 2:1 CON I only reach 28k base… full CON is 39k base… and I suppose there aren’t too many ways of making it significantly higher with only gear. But Ein Sof with SP attribute turned off is love. Revenged 7x is also love.

Telepath is there to kill Musketeers.

And Sorcerers, because I hear Revenged 7x is easily countered by any aoe summon (the only relevant aoe summon in gvg is from Sorc atm). Carnivory should also net me decent dmg in both pvm and pvp.

Kinda tempted to go Bokor if we don’t get better options at rank 8, for Hexing + Merkabah petrification… and Blinding… but wouldn’t people normally carry Dispeller scrolls in GvG? :frowning:

Edit: and is lv1 Vakarine any good? From my understanding Teleport Scrolls weigh the same as Oak Wood, but I’ve heard good things about it…

@ontherox11 - That’s pretty good for a support PvP spec. Looks fine for the most part. It’s really hard to land Incineration in duels because we have no hard CC that we can capitalize on. Dropping Incineration on frozen or slept enemies is very easy in contrast. The one great thing about Incineration is that there’s nothing in the game that can remove it, so they’re forced to use mitigation to deal with it, once it’s on.

And yes, it sucks to wait. I’m on hold from continuing the upper floors of Earth Tower until it’s resolved.

@phuket_92 - Fantastic tip. My guild leader mentioned this item but I wasn’t sure where it was.

@Naivety - Carve Owl will deal okay damage with that much constitution. The rough guideline of 2:1 CON:INT is what I was planning to switch to in the near future for global purposes. If I had to figure what my stats are now, it’s probably 1:2 of the same thing. Flipping it would give me over 10K additional HP while giving up 300-400 or so magic attack. Significant, but the mitigation is likely worth it.

Kabbalist has been hailed for a long time to be the anti-archer class in Battle League. It’s a very good PvP character. The likelihood is you’ll end up partied with a Plague Doctor anyways.

Level one Vakarine is for people like me too cheap to buy 2 TP warp scrolls.

Thanks for your reply. I think it’s a trade off; Do you want to do more damage in battlegrounds, or hold your party up (during bloodletting downtime).

That’s what’s so good about your build; You can tweak things to your playstyle while still remaining viable.

I previously went 3:2 INT:CON which brought me at:
HP: 30k (200 CON + gears)
MATK: 985 (285 INT + gears)

I noticed a lot of burst classes difficult to fight against (dueling a lot in preperation for battlegrounds :slight_smile:), since your only killwindow really is telepath into owls.

Now I’m trying 1:3 INT:CON
HP: 40K (320 CON + gears)
MATK: 865 (100 INT + gears and switched con bracelets for wizard)

So far the drop in damage isn’t that awefull (Although still noticable), but my survivability has skyrocketed. Of cource stats are pure preference, but for me this works really well.

I’m at level 244 at the moment, so I think my hp will end up at 45k at 280. As you can tell by my skill choices it’s meant more as a defensive zoning player.

The only ownside is; Although I’m really trying to like Zemyna at level9, I almost never use it during grinding parties or duels. When does it shine?

It’s decent at the world boss Rexipher (relevant endgame world boss) and during Earth Tower when combined with a Krivis C3 (and even then it’s unnecessary).

It’s not very good. I never really liked it. It’s situational. If it reduced SP cost by a percentage, it would be considerably better.

I choose this build for PvP/Battle League because as a Cleric, one does not win matches on their own. You’ll learn with time that you’ll queue in with a wide assortment of players with odd builds or meta, amazing players or new and inexperienced. The best way to rank up, is to have a good build that facilitates others around you to fight better, which is precisely what Dievdirbys and Plague Doctor do. You can be confident in your ability, but you can’t always be confident in the ability of others.

You nailed it! If it were percentage based Zemyna might actually be benneficial. Now I just use it at odd times, like really large pulls etc and even then I don’t really notice it’s effect.

Yeah it’s definately all about group play and synergies between them. How often do you use carnivory in a pvp setup? I find setting the skill up takes too long. I guess you can only make it work in battlegrounds/GVG. We usually try 2v2 (by requesting 2 players), but even then it’s hard to pull off. Who in their right mind will walk into carnivory :slight_smile: .

Do you have any duel vids up or care to make any? Would love to watch your tactics play out. (since we don’t have other pvp methods atm.)

I haven’t done much PvP lately. My experiences are limited to kTOS 5v5 Battle League, kTOS 2v2 Battle League, and iTOS open world GvG. I’ve done occasional duels, but those don’t matter too much to me anymore.

People don’t walk into Carnivory, but Chortasmata is enough to make someone too afraid to walk through where you put it. This build is a zoning build. You make places for your teammates to fight, and take away movement space from the enemy team. Laima lost a lot of strength when it was nerfed to half movement speed reduction, but it’s still worthwhile to cut someone to 66% movement speed from their base. Owls prevent someone from moving in any area in front of them, or force them to deal with the owls from a range. Carve World Tree shuts down the ability to act dangerously in an area, and limits people to auto-attacks which are largely harmless. Shut down parts of the map to give them limited places to move considering the confines of the Battle League arena.

I’ll make a lot of videos when Battle League opens up. Mostly highlights from stream.


You make a good point there. The idea of this build is being supportive in pvp modes more so then being able to kill people.

I guess we gotta make due with our own little 2V2 setups until they implement battlegrounds :slight_smile:

Let us know how you experience your new stat build with the turn around in CON:INT. I think it’s a good middleground.

@veritas i like so much your guidance for this diev, is there any new update for your build, im curently followed yur build. is this build focusing on gvg or pve? im a newbie can u give me a guidance more for this build

@veritas this build curently played by you until now or any updates? for the atrib is still the same?

alrighto, will go 2:1 CON:INT then.

I suppose it isn’t worthwhile damage with no INT though? I mean, you can roll a high-matk rod and switch it off after carving the Owl, but that still sounds like it’d scale badly.

[quote=“Veritas, post:448, topic:190345”]
Kabbalist has been hailed for a long time to be the anti-archer class in Battle League. It’s a very good PvP character. The likelihood is you’ll end up partied with a Plague Doctor anyways.

Level one Vakarine is for people like me too cheap to buy 2 TP warp scrolls.
And oh, that’s just perfect for me then. I’d much rather save the TP for megaphones…

Hey Mango i saw your stream the other day when you are doing ET, how do you make motto message pop up when you use ur skill? like safety wall or healing factor?

@ibrahiim.dicky - No updates. The build I wrote is still the one I follow, with slight deviations here and there that I’ve outlined throughout the guide.

@Naivety - It’s fine with no intelligence for PvP. Technically it should be fine for all other situations too, but being able to contribute more and more damage is always welcome. In the end, it’s mostly skill tooltip and attributes that push your damage.

@Dubnation - Custom macro add-on, created by a friend from kTOS.

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@Veritas thanks for the reply, can i ask again?, wondering for r6 and r7, i still confused, better to choose c1 pries for R6 then followed by PD on R7? im curently think for focusing on ET, But again, we talked about DPS, is it druid not good on ET? how bout R6 paladin C1 and R7 is Priest C1?

Can you give any idea master :). thanks a lot for kindly answer for the question i ask before.
and sorry for my bad eng

composing like this Cleric>Cleric>Diev>Diev>Diev>Pr 1>PD/Pr2 or Cleric>Cleric>Diev>Diev>Diev>Druid>PD which’s most benefit for late game, nor only ET but for pvp or anything else, or that u can give an advice ? thanks before

Priest C1 into PD C1. :slight_smile:

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