Tree of Savior Forum

[Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)

Not entirely sure about lower lvl carve owl tbh, i mostly noticed it hitting enemies twice. But my lvl 10/11 owls can hit each enemy 3 times with proper placement.

The volley is roughly every 5s, and has no aoe/hit limit that i noticed.

With lvl 11 being 75s duration, means you get 15 attacks. x 3 hits = 45 hits per owl. x2 due to overheat = 90 per twin cast.

Needless to say, owl is rather op. And yes elemental dmg should affect every hit.

A friend’s dad used to say that “numbers lie”. He was a wise man.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you did the math and are sharing it… but it is somewhat misleading when it comes to actual damage in the game.

If you took all those builds and gave them a 10 or 20 second window to do damage in, something that is much more like the dungeon experience, things would look very different.

Lv 136 or close to it, I forget. Its been a breeze since I’ve acquired a Arde Dagger for my Cleric C2 > Diev C3. Can’t wait to be Druid~

I’ve solo’d the Crystal Mines mission, wanted to check other missions than the default “1st mission” everyone does. Was pretty fun. First room has 2 bosses (golem and the shell fish) then it goes to a double Space Whales (2nd spawns after a while) but you dont have to kill either of them ( I killed 1 ), then you do 2 easy ‘destroy this flag while monsters attack you’ to then get to the big bad last boss - Werewolf followed by some fruity thing I forget and then the Shadowgaler I think it was called? (same as the boss in lv 50 dungeon) You can easily separate the last 3 from each other (they come 1 at a time with a certain interval before the next) and kill them separately.

Anyway, having a lotta fun with this build. I did the normal 1st mission runs yesterday before the maintenance and I was doing all 3 roles in 2 of those runs: tanking, healing (only one) and to tank you gotta be doing pretty high damage so yea…

Pretty baller.

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Added a few alternatives from the core of this build near the end of the opening post. I want to re-format this guide but I’ve been dreadfully lazy. Maybe one of these days.

Personally I’ll be going Druid C2 for 3 reasons:

  • Most likely will also want C3 when Rank 8 is available but thats hard to gauge due to Rank 8 classes and Rank 7 C2s for Plague Doctor and Kabbalist

  • My brother’s playing a full support cleric, so he’ll have Plague Doctor anyway.

  • Some of those shapeshifts are pretty fun, its nice to be able to carry your favorite one wherever you go with Transform

What circumstances Krivis is better than Dierv??

Rain + Link for electricity dmg boosts maybe… so requires a Linker and an Ele 3.

  • Krivis has burst damage for when the boss die fast. I suspect this will happen even more when F2P
  • Better against griefers because of the lower CD and faster animation on Zaibas

Krisis also do better

  • In an always on the move kind of party grind
  • Kitting while doing damage

I don’t see how Diev dominates Krivis in PvP.

  • It’s awesome to have unlimited buff. In PvP you can’t use scrolls.
  • In PvP both Zaibas and Owl can be easily dodge but owl takes longer to cast, has slower attack and higher CD

With Diev you can try to isolate yourself better behind the Owls but isn’t the point of the build to be aggressive?
You can try to set Silence CC and all but aren’t you extremely vulnerable doing statues?
I also don’t think you get anywhere standing still, but I don’t PvP much so enlighten me

I do think Diev have much better support and dps for stationary fights, as they do extremely well in Earth Tower. If not the best.
Sadly stationary fights doesn’t happen much while grinding.
I also do see them being better as support for World Boss with 20%CDR and reduced mana

Sure! No problem, again I can talk about it based off of experiences.

• Daino is great, but because of solo queue the dynamic of reaching buff limit does not always happen.
• Aukuras doesn’t do much. Zalciai as well. Same with Stigma.
• Melstis might find some use.
• People typically don’t walk into Zaibas.

• Owls have extremely deceptive range. Because of how chaotic Battle League can be, it is common for people to walk into range of it and get chunked. It can also shoot through the protective barrier.
• Laima is a very effective slow, cutting down the regular movement speed of players to 1/3rd. So long as Laima is in an area, enemy players have a tough time moving through it. Because this build takes Laima to a higher level, we can have two on the field at a time.
• World Tree’s silence is equally as powerful a tool. Enemies inside the silence cannot auto attack nor can they cast at all.
• Ausrine is complete immunity to damage for long enough of a time to make a notable impact. It also prevents stagger, allowing you to complete additional statues.
• Carving time is relatively fast, and you have additional tools such as the ones previously mentioned as well as Safety Zone to create without interference.

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Really good indeed!
Thank you

Hi all, been a while since I gave an update.

I wanted to share a video for you guys from yesterday’s broadcast, where I led a party as the main DPS (and getting loot) vs. one of the four Demon Lord world bosses, Mirtis.

The video is two hours and forty minutes. Mirtis has a little over 200’000’000 HP, or over 10x the HP of Dullahan. This is important because bosses like Mirtis will never be able to be bursted down, and so builds like this will always be relevant.

There is quite a bit of cursing, as a disclaimer. It’s a pretty good example of how to make use of a lot of the build’s assets, from protection (consistent use of Ausrine) to offense (use of Owl near the end of the encounter). We stayed alive for most the battle but did incur several deaths, especially near the middle of the fight when the boss aggro shifted and she was dragged pretty far from the original combat zone. Really a memorable encounter.

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Since chortasmata from druid induces type change de-buff, I would like to know whether we can incinerate those mobs inside the grasses or not?

Chortasmata changing enemy type to Plant does not count as a debuff.

@Veritas Do you sometimes think Druid 2 would have been preferable to PD 1?

For PD, there seemed to have been so much movement that the zone from healing factor might have been a bit useless at times, and you didnt use incenerate quite as much as i thought since it requires preparation and debuffs for optimal use, or yours got replaced, not sure from what i saw. Couldnt see bloodletting on your bar, but there seemed to have been knockbacks and damage only, so not sure of the usefulness on this specific fight. Only incinerate seemed to have been used from PD from the 10 min i watched.

Basicaly, how is PD overall in your build vs the invincibility/extra hits from druid. And did you have competition from other plague doctors for the incinerate debuff at times on this fight?

Also, for non-world boss (aka dungeons/earth tower), how important are bloodletting and healing factor for support vs the 10 sec invincibility each 30 sec from druid to combine with Ausrine and safety zone? Obviously, in mobbing and solo cleric situations such as dungeons, you wont have competition for incinerate so its better, and i think it can affect all the monsters in the AoE zone you use it in, but i might be wrong since i could only look at the video from Tosbase for insight.

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well this guys is 97 with 100 CON it’s a bit much for his level, his dps is very low here

that guy has 100 con, diev can wreck that boss easily. and cleric can actually do some good dmg, dont h8 us cuz u aint us

@BlueByu @dg_kurpp
Good job both of you!
Commenting 6d old post and totally failing to see my intentions.
I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear so here it goes…

The purpose of those videos was to show how hard it can be to manage statues. Nothing about it’s damage.

I’m sure at higher levels this is less of a problem.
Not Lv130 like in the video but about 200+ you should be fine.

  • People learn to use it better (against the wall = anti-pushback).
  • Party people learn to use them properly staying close to it.

Nonetheless it was worth showing so anyone that comes to try this build learns about it early. Without having to go through the trouble of finding it out themselves. It’s also a lesson to others that party with us (Yes, I have a Diev too).

I f*ing LOVE Diev when it works but if it doesn’t it’s a nightmare for both party and Diev player.

can u explain your new alternatif sir? haha thx btw

Does Chostasmata debuff (change any monster to plant type) works on bosses?