Tree of Savior Forum

[Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)

When I think about Diev this is what goes in mind:

or this

I could just keep going…
Total nightmare heh

Another observation about this build is PD choice for Dps.
It’s a huge deal that you share incenerarion with other players.
You loose a rank of Dps and it’s the most comum R7 atm.
I would suggest you go Druid2 like some already mentioned.

Also, you are Cleric. If you are doing best Dps something is wrong. They will either nerf you or buff other pure Dps class.

Hey Brokonaut,

Do you think this DPS Diev Doctor build will not be as good later on as more class ranks come? Because on stream I recall that you are losing to Fletchers and Warlock in terms of DPS. And this game is still at an early stage but I’d like your prediction on theorycraft for rank 10 :P. (I’m guessing rank 10 might be the last class rank just from rumors I heard ingame.) But do you think this build will still reach top dps later when theres rank 10 compared to other classes that actually focus more on DPS?

btw i want to ask and i am newbie here, when that best timming to use all exp card ? at level? thanks btw

I talked about it a lot on stream and mentioned it frequently that I feel this build will fall off in a few weeks time as a world boss DPS due to the way status override works. The more Plague Doctors that enter the fight the more difficult it is to get Incineration damage towards your total contribution.

I think that Druid C2 will best Druid C1 + PD C1 with enough time. Both builds are very viable for Earth Tower and I prefer my build for PvP still.

think druid 2 could reliably hit top 6 damage numbers?

kinda torn where to head with the character, don’t really want to end up not having the support capability for pve content and earth tower or not having enough dps to farm effectively group or world boss.

is the PD build wanted for pve content such as grind parties and dungeons? I know they do fine in earth tower but i’m wondering if thats kind of just a gimmick because of the aoe caps.

Just worried to put in all that effort and have a char be excluded from content because of current game balance :confused:

thanks for your insight, i appreciate that you give honest opinion. And of course, its still an early stage so its hard to tell what lies ahead as more content comes out.

So someone could explain me how this build is stronger than c>k>k>c>k>d>d?!
Can’t see owls doing much damage compared to Zaibas… Will this change after getting druid and Chortasmata?
Not to mention that will lose all DPS if boss move from statues or knock them down…

Is it worth getting the Tree attribute Maintain?
Decreases radius range but increases duration.

why not? get it and then turn it on for bosses and off otherwise

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doesnt affect bosses anyway, I use the attribute almost all the time - I turn it off when there are too many long-ranged enemies - archers, pawnd, casters - they’re too annoying to position.

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Thanks for the input guys!

Carve Owl + Carve > Zaibas in single target, assuming owl lands a few ticks.
Carnivory Lv. 5 + Incineration Lv. 5 > Carnivory Lv. 10 in single target.

However in a little bit of time once more Plague Doctor players participate in PvP, Incineration damage is negligible and Druid C2 will become more powerful and reliable.

Both Druid C2 and Plague Doctor C1 are viable for Earth Tower, Druid C2 becomes the better world boss damage contributor, and Plague Doctor C1 remains as powerful in PvP despite Battle League changes.

why negligible ? is it because incineration dmg is not stacked n more n more ppl are playing plague doctor ? i am interested in your build and still thinking abt my future class. i am soon will be rank 5 and still confused whether shud i go for druid c2 or druid pd c1 or monk c3 regardless my stat distribution coz i have stat reset potion.

Regarding your concern, would it be that critical if more ppl are getting plague doctor ? coz even if i decide to go forget monk, i will still be confused with druid c2 or druid pd c1 lol…

Can you help me calculate that? For 1 target.
This is what I’m considering for now, but I’m sure it’s wrong.
I have no idea if that’s how their damage actually work or how they scale.
All skills have +1 Level of Divine Might.


Carve Attack
CD = 17s -20% = 13.6s
DMG Lv16 = 471 + 100 Plant x 5 hits x 3 charges
DPS = (471+100) x 5 x 3 / 13.6 = 630 dps

Carve Owl
CD = 105s -20% = 84s +2s for making it = 86s
DMG Lv11 = 966 x 25 (?) hits x 2 charges
DPS = 966 x 25 x 2 / 86 = 562 dps

Total = 1192 dps

**(?)**Does Owl hits gets elementary attack addition like Arde Dagger?

  • 5 x 3 x Additional elementary damage.


CD = 30s
DMG Lv16 = 375 x 20 hits x 2 charges
DPS = 375 x 20 x 2 / 30 = 500 dps

Total = 500 dps

  • 20 x 2 x Additional elementary damage.

D1/PD + 20% CDR
CD = 30s -20% = 24s
DMG Lv6 = 1310 x 32 hits
DPS = 1310 x 32 / 24 = 1747 dps

CD = 20s -20% = 16s
DMG Lv6 = 1176 x 12 (?)
DPS = 1176 x 12 / 16 = 882 dps

Total = 2629 dps

  • (32 + 12) x Additional elementary damage.

D2 + 20% CDR
CD = 30s -20% = 24s
DMG Lv11 = 1975 x 42 hits
DPS = 1975 x 42 / 24 = 3456 dps

Total 3456 dps

  • 42 x Additional elementary damage.

CD = 30s
DMG Lv6 = 1310 x 32 hits
DPS = 1310 x 32 / 30 = 1397 dps

CD = 20s
DMG Lv6 = 1176 x 12?
DPS = 1176 x 12 / 20 = 706 dps

Total = 2103 dps

  • (32 + 12) x Additional elementary damage.

CD = 30s
DMG Lv11 = 1975 x 42 hits
DPS = 1975 x 42 / 30 = 2765 dps

Total = 2765 dps

  • 42 x Additional elementary damage.

Note to myself: 20% CDR is OP.

Carve do more damage than Zaibas?? This is a surprise.

Laima -20% CD is really useful.

About Carve Attack:

  • I’m not sure it’s 4x hits.
  • I counted +100 plant because of Druid skill.
  • Every skill here is with 0 stats or gear.

Krivis will hit absurdly higher than Carve Attack [Physical] because it scales with Int.
But so will Carve Owl [Magic].

So I don’t know if Krivis will ever scale better and surpass Carve Owl + Carve Attack.
Need other’s inputs.

Btw additional elementary damage is huge.
For Krivis It would add 40 x 153 (Arde dagger) into Dps calculation.
Carve Attack only 12 x 153?
I don’t know which skills benefits from it so I didn’t include as for now.

It’s 5.

Fixed, thanks.

Really need more input though.
Carve Owl is the biggest mystery to me.

  • Is it 25 hits? I counted in a video but not sure.
  • Does Arde dagger add damage to it?
  • Scales as much as Zaibas?

Carve + Owls + -20% CD vs Zaibas (Dierv vs Krives). For me Dierv have an advantage because the -20% CD for the entire party, but the Owls need some effort to work properly and Zaiba seems more easy to use, just spam it. Im playing with a 105 Dierv and the Owls moving around is so annoying.

BTW, Krivis + Paladin + Animus Necklace can be an option for burst the Krivis damage.

No the small range can’t cover all ranged mobs even melee mob still need Pel or Cryo3 to make them stay in that tiny spot.