Tree of Savior Forum

[Build] Saintone's Diev Doctor ○ Support & Offense ○ PvE & PvP (No longer updated.)

Chortasmata changing enemy type to Plant does not count as a debuff.

@Veritas Do you sometimes think Druid 2 would have been preferable to PD 1?

For PD, there seemed to have been so much movement that the zone from healing factor might have been a bit useless at times, and you didnt use incenerate quite as much as i thought since it requires preparation and debuffs for optimal use, or yours got replaced, not sure from what i saw. Couldnt see bloodletting on your bar, but there seemed to have been knockbacks and damage only, so not sure of the usefulness on this specific fight. Only incinerate seemed to have been used from PD from the 10 min i watched.

Basicaly, how is PD overall in your build vs the invincibility/extra hits from druid. And did you have competition from other plague doctors for the incinerate debuff at times on this fight?

Also, for non-world boss (aka dungeons/earth tower), how important are bloodletting and healing factor for support vs the 10 sec invincibility each 30 sec from druid to combine with Ausrine and safety zone? Obviously, in mobbing and solo cleric situations such as dungeons, you wont have competition for incinerate so its better, and i think it can affect all the monsters in the AoE zone you use it in, but i might be wrong since i could only look at the video from Tosbase for insight.

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well this guys is 97 with 100 CON it’s a bit much for his level, his dps is very low here

that guy has 100 con, diev can wreck that boss easily. and cleric can actually do some good dmg, dont h8 us cuz u aint us

@BlueByu @dg_kurpp
Good job both of you!
Commenting 6d old post and totally failing to see my intentions.
I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear so here it goes…

The purpose of those videos was to show how hard it can be to manage statues. Nothing about it’s damage.

I’m sure at higher levels this is less of a problem.
Not Lv130 like in the video but about 200+ you should be fine.

  • People learn to use it better (against the wall = anti-pushback).
  • Party people learn to use them properly staying close to it.

Nonetheless it was worth showing so anyone that comes to try this build learns about it early. Without having to go through the trouble of finding it out themselves. It’s also a lesson to others that party with us (Yes, I have a Diev too).

I f*ing LOVE Diev when it works but if it doesn’t it’s a nightmare for both party and Diev player.

can u explain your new alternatif sir? haha thx btw

Does Chostasmata debuff (change any monster to plant type) works on bosses?

If this is correct you can change the monster to a plant and carve them all the way to death? hahaha!

Yes, Chortasmata works on all instance and field bosses with a 100% chance to turn them into a Plant. You can denote if it’s successful by using Carve on the boss and seeing wood logs fly out everywhere.

If the main appeal of this build is world boss hunter, then my main concern is does this build stand any chance against fletcher?

I am debating on if I should make this or fletcher to be my world boss hunter, since I already got a pve/pvp chrono.

In two kinds of fights:
• Demon Lords (Mirtis, Rexipher, Helgasercle, Marnox)
• Ghost/Devils (Dullahan, Necroventer)

Those are the fights this build can compete against Fletcher. In almost all other fights without a support, the Fletcher will out-DPS this build. This build is still susceptible to overwrite though, and Druid C2 may be a more suitable option pending players present at a fight.

If for example you are on Klaipeda and show up at a fight I’m at, you’d be directly competing with me for Incineration damage.

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@Veritas Thank you very much for the insight. And wow that an amazing 2 hour 30 minutes fight with Mirtis. You are amazing.

@brianliang11184 about Fletcher on Boss fight, in my opinion : Fletcher will win on short time boss fight.
It’s very easy to just aim to the boss and press the hotkey for the Magic Arrow, its a range attack, even with the fps drop, Fletcher can just aim and spam the button, no need to safely locate the character, etc.

Sample of a well equiped Fletcher :


I don’t think Flecther could survive on a long fight, 2 hour fight against Mirtis?
How many arrow you have to craft and how many SP potions needed?

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Yeah the Incineration overwrite on the same enemy is a huge loss to Plague Doctor

Do you think incineration overwriting is an intended mechanic to cap cleric’s DPS versus full DPS classes, or is it a bug that will be fixed in a future patch? @Veritas

It doesn’t seem to be a bug and it is in no way for limiting cleric DPS. Wugushu have same issue with their poison debuffs

Interresting… didn’t know Wugushis had the same issue!

Honestly wonder if this might change though.

I have re-formatted this guide and made it easier to read and look nicer, adding a bit more information here and there, and a minor update of my progress in the introduction segment of the guide.

More to come.

Ohhh this is pretty! Good work~
I’m following this guide for my 2nd char.
I’m now lv104 and is mainly using it to hunt ardes for now x.x
Leveling has been tough and partying with randoms…
I feel like this is less party-idiotproof than my main when dungeoning…
Can only be a healbot when everyone else kite the bosses because they’re scared, and never bother stepping in the safety zone or kite to the owls…

I can agree with that. It’s more compatible with people who know how Dievdirbys operate and how to take advantage of partying with them, as opposed to alternate builds which are buff and forget.

But that’s moreso the class as a whole in the current state of the game. Once your damage options round out a bit more though, you can take a much more aggressive approach at bosses and contribute damage. I mostly only support in general mobbing and grinding parties.