Tree of Savior Forum

Brazil/SEA need publishers

I believe this would be beneficial for ToS as Brazilian players would be able to more easily play with others from their own country who speak their language and can relate to them culturally. As far as publisher choices I recommend Level Up Games.

The standard “region locking” of ips to prevent them from accessing the international servers that are in place for China, Japan, Indonesia, etc. should also be implemented.

This is beneficial for all parties involved and will improve the game for players both inside and outside of Brazil.

Edit: Due to overwhelming community demand, I am now also advocating for a publisher to be found for the Southeast Asia community as well. Lets work hard and get our friends in the east their own servers too!


original picture
can not believe, I could use it ever again

Edit: I did not want offend anyone, I just I thought OP was trolling.

Old discussion so I will just post the TL;DR version:


As a person that has spent time with Brazilians I totally support this. A server for them would help them learn about the game while in the company of their peers.

There are truly no downsides to this.


Actually I support this idea mostly because I myself am Brazilian and would like to be able to play with my fellow countrymen.

Are you trying to discriminate against me?


As a 100% Genuine Brazilian I support you :banana:

I agree. There is a certain level of action needed in Tree of Savior, especially later on in the game when you are required to dodge many attacks in rapid succession or die. This essentially means a low amount of ping is needed to play the game optimally.

Unfortunately for a lot of regions, high ping will be inevitable due to server locations being far away from them. Players from these regions will not only have to suffer with a sub-optimal experience, but their bad ping will make it difficult for other people to take them in groups as they simply may not be able to constantly dodge attacks (it is something I have experienced in other MMOs).

I want everyone to enjoy this game as much as possible, as such certain regions getting their own publisher is in their best interest.


your profile pic is pretty danm good sir !
Also ! i think every brazillian would suport this idea, but this’ll take a long time to be a reallity.

Well said, Garfy. It really is for the best and I hope IMC takes action soon.


I am in favor of the Brazilian players having their own publisher and server. It is truly a great thing to play with fellow Brazilians I imagine, and I assume most of you would want to have your own server. Maybe even a Philippines server as well in order to be fair to everyone!


Honestly there isn’t much reason to be against this to begin with, it’s not like BRs are notorious for playing with other players. Maybe I’m just speaking from personal experience but BRs just seem to play in a guild with players from the same country other than rare exceptions.

The only real issue I can see with OPs post is the controversy surrounding LUG which alot of them seem opposed to due to their clearly bad track record. While it is a genuine concern, it would still be in their best interest to have a regional publisher, and from what I know they’re the only prominent one.

However, while I myself will obviously not be affected by it due to not being from Brazil, I fail to see what their issue would be beyond that. Suffering from poor practices can certainly be an issue, but it’s bound to be more tolerable than consistently dealing with low ping and difficulties in finding parties due to language barriers.


I have a friend from Brazil who loves MMOs too, sadly we can’t play many because I live on the other side of the world (internet is a great thing if you think about it).
He complained about having high latency, and americans often complaining and insulting him, even though he just wanted to play the game.
I think it can be traumatizing to some people, especially in the recent rise of safe spaces online, and thus having a dedicated place where Brazilians can feel at home is mandatory.

It should also be considered for many big communities with commonly subpar internet connections, I’m sure brozillians (see what I did there?) are not the only ones dealing with discrimination and oppression online.


Discrimination against Brazilians is a very real problem in MMOs. I personally have seen many very hurtful comments made both in-game and out all over the internet, some even in comic form.

I personally have a cousin who played RO and was bullied so harshly for not knowing English and having a very high ping (internet in Brazil isn’t known for being the greatest so you can imagine how it was in the early 2000s) that she tried to end her own life.

This suggestion could potentially save lives so I really hope IMC is paying attention.


huehuehuehue mordekaiser és number #1
no, but seriously ! even brazillians hate brazillians in mmos ! there’s the people that play international servers and say that brs are sh!t and the ones that play on national servers living for the hu3s( the trolls)


well its not only brazillians

Russians are hated in EU servers

Filipinos are hated in SEA servers


I have the feeling you even dont know what discriminate means, I am just saying, that I feel you are trolling, I know the opinion of many other brazil players and I know exactly this publisher is the one they dont like the most :slight_smile: also when brazil players get a local publisher, it could get that they are banned from the international version.

I welcome every country on the international server, but that is only my opinion.

am I really that wrong, to say that I think he is trolling as we had several threads now that no one wants ip block and also think that most people want play on the international server ?!


PT - Pelo amor de Deus, não! A LUG só ferrou com os jogos, demora para atualizá-los e só investe tempo naqueles que trazem lucros pra eles, eles simplesmente esquecem dos outros…

Ragnarok voltou a evoluir depois que Grand Chase ( o querido da LUG) fechou as portas…


EN - i’m a brazilian and dont agree with the idea (thats the idea of i wrote) i like to learn another culture and ppl from other places, internet is made for that, bring ppl together :smiley:


Is that true? This is the first time i heard about that.

Yes, that just silences debate and does not improve the conversation in any way. Especially your first post which was pretty much just one unfunny image.

We just want to talk about this important issue of discrimation against brazilians, something that can be easily fixed by giving them their own publisher and servers and making them be happy an reunited with their own kin.

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the original post is about “brazil needs a publisher” I never talked about something like discrimination. :sunglasses: in the opposite I just could not believe him so easily after I read some other posts about it.

so I extra searched some posts, as I didnt want take that:

looks like I could not find more :confounded:

are you talking about dota/lol/cs ?

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