Tree of Savior Forum

Server BR + Other Countries server or Server private BR divided Other Countries?

Would like a Brazilian private server or a server that covers all of Latin America and other regions? Explain your opinion .

I particularly think the demand of huge Brazilian players and which could have a private server in Brazil.

I hope intelligent answers and no fight.

This should have been posted under Suggestions and Feedback, not translations.

I think Brazil could have its own server as a Latin American Region Server, but I’ve been told that Brazil has a lot of bad publishers. So its tricky.

Also, there’s this topic already: Brazil/SEA need publishers


private server isnt really the proper word to be used.

not private server, but regional publisher
yes please.
one for BR, one for SEA, one for Taiwan

i dont want to say the reason. u knew it.

One just for Brazil and not the rest of latin america as they dont speak the same language, keeping the brazilians in their own server could be the best idea :wink:

I support this give them their server!! The player base in south america is 2nd only to north america and not by much difference according to imc feedback pie charts (if you were in the beta and filled out your feedback email you know what im talking about).

I support a regional publisher or a localized server in Brazil!!

We have nothing to lose. It’s already proven we have a really large community here and, if the game succeeds, lots of parties with low latency, localized events and no language barrier. We have potential to be the greatest TOS community.

Of course we have tons of nice players together with the toxic ones, like any other place. Due to mutual animosity I don’t want to play the international version. Unless I am forced to the international server, I will play it locally. Avoid this eventual “war”… (lol) No one would win that.